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How to Use This Presentation

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1 How to Use This Presentation
To View the presentation as a slideshow with effects select “View” on the menu bar and click on “Slide Show.” To advance through the presentation, click the right-arrow key or the space bar. From the resources slide, click on any resource to see a presentation for that resource. From the Chapter menu screen click on any lesson to go directly to that lesson’s presentation. You may exit the slide show at any time by pressing the Esc key.

2 Standardized Test Prep
Resources Chapter Presentation Bellringers Transparencies Standardized Test Prep Math Skills Visual Concepts

3 Chapter 5 Table of Contents Section 1 Compounds and Molecules
The Structure of Matter Table of Contents Section 1 Compounds and Molecules Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds

4 Chapter 5 Objectives Distinguish between compounds and mixtures.
Section 1 Compounds and Molecules Chapter 5 Objectives Distinguish between compounds and mixtures. Relate the chemical formula of a compound to the relative numbers of atoms or ions present in the compound. Use models to visualize a compound’s chemical structure. Describe how the chemical structure of a compound affects its properties.

5 Section 1 Compounds and Molecules
Chapter 5 Bellringer Study the models of the water molecule, H2O, and the carbon dioxide molecule, CO2, and then answer the questions that follow. 1. Name some similarities between the molecules of H2O and CO2. 2. How are the molecules different?

6 Chapter 5 What Are Compounds?
Section 1 Compounds and Molecules Chapter 5 What Are Compounds? Chemical bonds distinguish compounds from mixtures. A compound is held together by chemical bonds. A chemical bond is the attractive force that holds atoms or ions together. A compound always has the same chemical formula.

7 Section 1 Compounds and Molecules
Chapter 5 Compounds

8 Section 1 Compounds and Molecules
Chapter 5 Chemical Bond

9 What Are Compounds? continued
Section 1 Compounds and Molecules Chapter 5 What Are Compounds? continued Chemical structure shows the bonding within a compound. A chemical structure is the arrangement of atoms in a substance. A bond length is the average distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms. A bond angle is the angle formed by two bonds to the same atom.

10 Section 1 Compounds and Molecules
Chapter 5 Bond Length

11 Section 1 Compounds and Molecules
Chapter 5 Bond Angle

12 Chapter 5 Models of Compounds
Section 1 Compounds and Molecules Chapter 5 Models of Compounds Some models give you an idea of bond lengths and angles. The ball-and-stick model of water shown at right represents bond lengths and bond angles. In structural formulas, only chemical symbols are used to represent the atoms. Space-filling models show the space occupied by atoms.

13 How Does Structure Affect Properties?
Section 1 Compounds and Molecules Chapter 5 How Does Structure Affect Properties? Compounds with network structures are strong solids. Example: Quartz is made of silicon and oxygen atoms bonded in a strong, rigid structure:

14 How Does Structure Affect Properties? continued
Section 1 Compounds and Molecules Chapter 5 How Does Structure Affect Properties? continued Compounds made of networks of bonded ions have high melting points and boiling points. Example: Table salt—sodium chloride—is made of a tightly packed repeating network of positive sodium ions and negative chlorine ions.

15 How Does Structure Affect Properties? continued
Section 1 Compounds and Molecules Chapter 5 How Does Structure Affect Properties? continued Some compounds are made of molecules. Some compounds made of molecules are solids, others are liquids, others are gases. The strength of attractions between molecules varies. Attractions between water molecules are called hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonding is depicted on the next slide.

16 Section 1 Compounds and Molecules
Chapter 5 Water Bonding

17 Chapter 5 Objectives Explain why atoms sometimes join to form bonds.
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 Objectives Explain why atoms sometimes join to form bonds. Explain why some atoms transfer their valence electrons to form ionic bonds, while other atoms share valence electrons to form different bonds. Differentiate between ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds. Compare the properties of substances with different types of bonds.

18 Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
Chapter 5 Bellringer You have already learned that atoms are the most stable when their outer energy levels are filled. One way to model atoms is using diagrams, such as the flowers shown below. To represent a stable atom, the flower diagram must have eight petals around the center. Assume that each petal represents an electron with a negative charge and that the centers of the flowers represent positively charged nuclei.

19 Chapter 5 Bellringer, continued Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
1. What had to happen to the flower diagrams so that they could represent stable atoms? 2. What happened to the charge on each of the flower diagrams? 3. What do you think will happen to the oppositely charged ions represented by the flower diagrams?

20 What Holds Bonded Atoms Together?
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 What Holds Bonded Atoms Together? Bonded atoms usually have a stable electron configuration. Example: As shown at right, when two hydrogen atoms bond, their electron clouds overlap. The resulting hydrogen molecule has an electronic structure similar to the noble gas helium.

21 What Holds Bonded Atoms Together? continued
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 What Holds Bonded Atoms Together? continued Bonds can bend and stretch without breaking. Although a “bar” is sometimes used to represent a bond between two atoms, chemical bonds behave more like flexible springs.

22 Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
Chapter 5 Ionic Bonds Ionic bonds are formed between oppositely charged ions. As shown at right, ionic compounds are in the form of networks of formula units, not molecules. When melted or dissolved in water, ionic compounds conduct electricity.

23 Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
Chapter 5 Ionic Bonding

24 Chapter 5 Metallic Bonds
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 Metallic Bonds A metallic bond is a bond formed by the attraction between positively charged metal ions and the electrons around them. Electrons move freely between metal atoms. This model explains why metals: conduct electricity conduct heat are flexible

25 Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
Chapter 5 Metallic Bonding

26 Chapter 5 Covalent Bonds
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 Covalent Bonds A covalent bond is a bond formed when atoms share one or more pairs of electrons. Covalent compounds can be solids, liquids, or gases. Bonds in which atoms share electrons equally are called nonpolar covalent bonds, as shown below.

27 Covalent Bonds, continued
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 Covalent Bonds, continued Atoms do not always share electrons equally. An unequal sharing of electrons forms a polar covalent bond. Atoms may share more than one pair of electrons.

28 Comparing Polar and Nonpolar Covalent Bonds
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 Comparing Polar and Nonpolar Covalent Bonds

29 Chapter 5 Polyatomic Ions
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 Polyatomic Ions A polyatomic ion is an ion made of two or more atoms. There are many common polyatomic ions. Some are shown at right. Parentheses group the atoms of a polyatomic ion. Example: the chemical formula for ammonium sulfate is written as (NH4)2SO4, not N2H8SO4.

30 Polyatomic Ions, continued
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 Polyatomic Ions, continued Some polyatomic anion names relate to their oxygen content. An -ate ending is used to name an ion with more oxygen. Examples: sulfate (SO42–), nitrate (NO3–), chlorate (ClO3–) An -ite ending is used to name an ion with less oxygen. Examples: sulfite (SO32–), nitrite (NO2–), chlorite (ClO2–)

31 Comparing Ionic and Molecular Compounds
Section 2 Ionic and Covalent Bonding Chapter 5 Comparing Ionic and Molecular Compounds

32 Chapter 5 Objectives Name simple ionic and covalent compounds.
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Objectives Name simple ionic and covalent compounds. Predict the charge of a transition metal cation in an ionic compound. Write chemical formulas for simple ionic compounds. Distinguish a covalent compound’s empirical formula from its molecular formula.

33 Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas
Chapter 5 Bellringer Below are models of two imaginary molecules made with construction toys. In the first model, the sticks and balls are simply pushed together. In the second model, in the shaded connection, some clay has been stuck into the holes to hold the sticks more tightly. In a similar way, not all bonds between atoms are the same. Some are tighter than others.

34 Chapter 5 Bellringer, continued
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Bellringer, continued 1. If the first molecule were stressed, where might it break apart? 2. Where would the second model most likely break apart? Why? 3. What would you need more of to pull the shaded balls apart, when compared to the first model?

35 Reading Chemical Formulas
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Reading Chemical Formulas

36 Naming Ionic Compounds
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Naming Ionic Compounds Names of cations include the elements of which they are composed. Example: when an atom of sodium loses an electron, a sodium ion, Na+, forms. Names of anions are altered names of elements. Example: when an atom of fluorine gains an electron, a fluoride ion, F–, forms.

37 Naming Ionic Compounds, continued
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Naming Ionic Compounds, continued Some cation names must show their charge. Iron can form two different cations. Fe2O3 is made of Fe3+ ions, so it is named iron(III)oxide. FeO is made of Fe2+ ions, so it is named iron(II) oxide. To determine the charge of a transition metal cation, look at the total charge of the compound. You can tell that the iron ion in Fe2O3 has a charge of 3+ because the total charge of the compound must be zero, and an oxide ion, O2–, has a a charge of 2–. Fe2O3 → (2 × 3+) + (3 × 2–) = 0

38 Naming Ionic Compounds
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Naming Ionic Compounds

39 Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas
Chapter 5 Math Skills Writing Ionic Formulas What is the chemical formula for aluminum fluoride? 1. List the symbols for each ion. Symbol for an aluminum ion (from Table 4 in your book): Al3+ Symbol for a fluoride ion from (from Table 5 in your book): F– 2. Write the symbols for the ions with the cation first. Al3+ F–

40 Chapter 5 Math Skills, continued
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Math Skills, continued 3. Find the least common multiple of the ions’ charges. The least common multiple of 3 and 1 is 3. To make a neutral compound, you need a total of three positive charges and three negative charges. To get three positive charges: you need only one Al3+ ion because 1 × 3+ = 3+. To get three negative charges: you need three F– ions because 3 × 1– = 3– 4. Write the chemical formula, indicating with subscripts how many of each ion are needed to make a neutral compound. AlF3

41 Naming Covalent Compounds
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Naming Covalent Compounds Numerical prefixes, shown in Table 7 in your book, are used to name covalent compounds of two elements. Examples: There are one boron atom and three fluorine atoms in boron trifluoride, BF3. Dinitrogen tetroxide, N2O4, is made of two nitrogen atoms and four oxygen atoms.

42 Naming Covalently-Bonded Compounds
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Naming Covalently-Bonded Compounds

43 Naming Compounds Using Numerical Prefixes
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Naming Compounds Using Numerical Prefixes

44 Chemical Formulas for Covalent Compounds
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Chemical Formulas for Covalent Compounds A compound’s simplest formula is its empirical formula. An empirical formula tells the composition of a compound in terms of the relative numbers and kinds of atoms in the simplest ratio. Empirical formulas are determined by taking the ratio of masses of elements within a compound and multiplying them by molar masses, as shown at right.

45 Chemical Formulas for Covalent Compounds, continued
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Chemical Formulas for Covalent Compounds, continued Different compounds can have the same empirical formula. Molecular formulas are determined from empirical formulas. A molecular formula is a chemical formula that shows the number and kinds of atoms in a molecule. In some cases, a compound’s molecular formula is the same as its empirical formula.

46 Comparing Molecular and Empirical Formulas
Section 3 Compound Names and Formulas Chapter 5 Comparing Molecular and Empirical Formulas

47 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Objectives Describe how carbon atoms bond covalently to form organic compounds. Identify the names and structures of groups of simple organic compounds and polymers. Identify what makes up the polymers that are essential to life.

48 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Bellringer Below are drawings of several different things. Study them, and consider what elements they contain. Then answer the questions that follow.

49 Chapter 5 Bellringer, continued 1. Which of the items contain carbon?
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Bellringer, continued 1. Which of the items contain carbon? 2. What is the main difference between these items and the others? 3. Would carbon be more likely to form covalent or ionic bonds?

50 Chapter 5 Organic Compounds
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Organic Compounds In chemistry, the word organic is used to describe certain compounds. An organic compound is a covalently bonded compound that contains carbon, excluding carbonates and oxides. Many ingredients of familiar substances contain carbon.

51 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Organic Compound

52 Organic Compounds, continued
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Organic Compounds, continued Carbon atoms form four covalent bonds in organic compounds. When a compound is made of only carbon and hydrogen atoms, it is called a hydrocarbon. Alkanes are hydrocarbons that have only single covalent bonds. Examples:

53 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Hydrocarbon

54 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Alkane

55 Organic Compounds, continued
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Organic Compounds, continued The carbon atoms in any alkane with more than three carbon atoms can have more than one possible arrangement. Carbon atom chains may be branched or unbranched, and they can even form rings. Except for cyclic alkanes, the chemical formulas for alkanes follow a special pattern. The number of hydrogen atoms is always two more than twice the number of carbon atoms.

56 Chapter 5 Six-Carbon Alkanes
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Six-Carbon Alkanes

57 Organic Compounds, continued
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Organic Compounds, continued Alkenes are hydrocarbons that contain double carbon-carbon bonds. Example: ethene, Alcohols have hydroxyl, or –OH, groups. Example: methanol, CH3OH Alcohol molecules behave similarly to water molecules. Alcohols, which have the suffix -ol in their names, are found in many household products.

58 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Alkene

59 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Alcohol

60 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Polymers A polymer is large molecule that is formed by more than five monomers, or small units. Example: polyethene (often known as polyethylene) is a long chain made from many molecules of ethene. Some polymers are natural; others are man-made. Examples: rubber, starch, protein, and DNA are all natural polymers. Plastics and synthetic fibers are man-made polymers.

61 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Polymers

62 Chapter 5 Polymers, continued
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Polymers, continued The elasticity of a polymer is determined by its structure. Examples: A milk jug made of polyethene is not elastic: it can be crushed, but does not return to its original shape. A rubber band is an elastic polymer: when it is stretched and released, it returns to its original shape.

63 Comparing Polymer Structures
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Comparing Polymer Structures

64 Biochemical Compounds
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Biochemical Compounds A carbohydate is any organic compound that is made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and that provides nutrients to the cells of living things. A protein is an organic compound that is a polymer of amino acids, and a principal component of all cells. An amino acid is any one of 20 different organic molecules that contain a carboxyl and an amino group.

65 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Proteins

66 Biochemical Compounds, continued
Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds Chapter 5 Biochemical Compounds, continued Your DNA determines your entire genetic makeup. DNA is a polymer with a complex structure. It is in the form of paired strands, in the shape of a twisted ladder known as a double helix. Each time a new cell is made in your body, a new copy of your DNA is made for the new cell. The two strands in the helix are separated each time your DNA is copied.

67 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 DNA Overview

68 Section 4 Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 5 Concept Mapping

69 Understanding Concepts
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Understanding Concepts 1. What causes atoms to form chemical bonds with other atoms? A. They want to have filled outer orbitals. B. When two atoms get close together, they merge into one. C. The interaction of valence electrons forms a more stable configuration. D. The attraction of the nuclei for one another causes atoms to share electrons.

70 Understanding Concepts
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Understanding Concepts 1. What causes atoms to form chemical bonds with other atoms? A. They want to have filled outer orbitals. B. When two atoms get close together, they merge into one. C. The interaction of valence electrons forms a more stable configuration. D. The attraction of the nuclei for one another causes atoms to share electrons.

71 Understanding Concepts
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Understanding Concepts 2. Which of the following pairs of atoms is most likely to form a covalently bonded compound? F. bromine and helium G. helium and fluorine H. nitrogen and iodine I. nitrogen and copper

72 Understanding Concepts
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Understanding Concepts 2. Which of the following pairs of atoms is most likely to form a covalently bonded compound? F. bromine and helium G. helium and fluorine H. nitrogen and iodine I. nitrogen and copper

73 Understanding Concepts
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Understanding Concepts 3. Which of the following statements about covalent compounds is true? A. Covalent compounds generally exist as molecules. B. Covalent compounds are good electrical conductors in solution. C. The valence electrons are always shared equally by the two atoms in a covalent bond. D. Covalent bonds generally involve two atoms that are very different, such as a metal and a nonmetal.

74 Understanding Concepts
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Understanding Concepts 3. Which of the following statements about covalent compounds is true? A. Covalent compounds generally exist as molecules. B. Covalent compounds are good electrical conductors in solution. C. The valence electrons are always shared equally by the two atoms in a covalent bond. D. Covalent bonds generally involve two atoms that are very different, such as a metal and a nonmetal.

75 Understanding Concepts
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Understanding Concepts 4. The three different types of chemical bonds—covalent, ionic, and metallic—differ in what happens to valence electrons within the chemical bond. Compare the three types of bonds based on valence electrons.

76 Understanding Concepts
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Understanding Concepts 4. The three different types of chemical bonds—covalent, ionic, and metallic—differ in what happens to valence electrons within the chemical bond. Compare the three types of bonds based on valence electrons. Answer: In a covalent bond, the valence electrons are shared by two atoms. In an ionic bond, an electron is transferred from one atom to another. In a metallic bond, electrons move freely from one atom to another.

77 Chapter 5 Reading Skills
Standardized Test Prep Reading Skills Spider silk, a long polymer made of a chain of amino acids, is one of the strongest known fibers. It is strong enough to support the spider and has enough elasticity to absorb the energy of the collision of a flying insect. The strength comes from the covalent bonds between units of the chain and the elasticity is the result of interactions between different parts of the molecule. Coils or folds in the polymer expand on impact. Spiders can make at least seven different kinds of silk for different purposes by varying the amino acids. Scientists studying the silk structure have identified some of the structures that account for its properties but still have more to learn from spiders.

78 Chapter 5 Reading Skills
Standardized Test Prep Reading Skills 5. How is the specific order of amino acids in the polymer related to the characteristics of different kinds of silk?

79 Chapter 5 Reading Skills
Standardized Test Prep Reading Skills 5. How is the specific order of amino acids in the polymer related to the characteristics of different kinds of silk? Answer: Different atoms are located on a particular part of the chain if one amino acid is replaced by another, changing interactions between different parts of the molecule.

80 Interpreting Graphics
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Interpreting Graphics 6. Compare the forces of attraction between the atoms of a water molecule to those between two water molecules.

81 Interpreting Graphics
Chapter 5 Standardized Test Prep Interpreting Graphics 6. Compare the forces of attraction between the atoms of a water molecule to those between two water molecules. The forces of attraction between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms of the molecule are very strong. The forces between atoms on different molecules are weak.

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