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Welcome to the New NAD Language Arts

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the New NAD Language Arts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the New NAD Language Arts
Presented by Atlantic Union Office of Education AU Pathways.06

2 So we can communicate to others the WAY to go.
Journey to Excellence Good Question! So we can communicate to others the WAY to go. WELCOME We are going on a trip! ….A Journey ! It is time to be the leader, not the follower. It is time to excel. It is time to be thinkers and not mere reflectors of other men’s thoughts. It is time to find a new PATH! It is time to follow the WORD home! A new Reading series is needed: 25 years old- Skill Pak Copyright permissions expired Brain research & Learning Current classroom needs Real books-Motivate Why do we learn to write? AU Pathways.06

3 Steps on the Journey Reading Steering Committee
Research into reading philosophies, principles, and practices. Review of reading series Wright Group, Scott Foresman, Harcourt-Brace, SRA, Houghton-Mifflin, Zaner Bloser, Concerned Communications, etc. AU Pathways.06

4 We have a winner! Kendall-Hunt
Developed by teachers & students in Kalispell, Montana Revised by teachers Dr. Carol Santa – author Language Arts Coordinator 1999 International Reading Association President Teacher! AU Pathways.06

5 Features: Books are Heart of the program Award-winning Literature
Children’s literature Launches cross-curricular themes Scope & sequence of integrated language arts skills delivered AU Pathways.06

6 There is more! Phonics –award winning series Chall-Popp
Comprehension Strategies Spelling-from reading materials Guided Reading Guided Writing Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Grammar & Sentence Conventions Variable Learning Levels Authentic Assessment AU Pathways.06

7 And now the good stuff! Authentic Literature and Daily Lesson Guides
Guided Reading Groups Reading Workshop Journal Writing & Writing Workshop AU Pathways.06

8 AU Pathways.06

9 Writer’s Handbook AU Pathways.06

10 AU Pathways.06

11 AU Pathways.06

12 And Coming Next Year! AU Pathways.06

13 Our students are worth it!
What now? Teachers workshops Leveled classroom book libraries Start with Writing Workshops Decide on a school plan of implementation -Options: Small steps? Partial implementation As materials and funds are available 2007 Our students are worth it! AU Pathways.06

14 NAD Website AU Pathways.06

15 Reading level Website Fry’s Reading level: Renaissance Learning
Renaissance Learning AU Pathways.06

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