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Rechartering for 2018-19.

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Presentation on theme: "Rechartering for 2018-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rechartering for

2 Agenda What’s New Key Dates Steps to a Successful & On-time Recharter
Review of UCRS Recharter Turn-In

3 What’s New? Online Payment to National (e-check available)
LDS units will be automatically re-chartered to 31 December 2019

4 Online Recharter Payments
Payments can be sent directly to National Council with Recharter CC or Electronic Check Pay by Credit Card- 3% charge assessed Pay by Electronic Check – no fee LHC Accident Insurance will be configured and collected by National

5 Summary (EZ) and Full Forms
Units may submit the Summary (EZ) or Full forms if not opting to approve the recharter electronically Only one of the two forms need signed and submitted to LHC Both EZ and Full form require signatures by the Institutional Head and the Unit Leader Applications for new youth and adults must be submitted with FULL paperwork

6 New Member Coordinator
Every unit is encouraged to have a NMC Member of the unit committee Can count as one of the two minimum required committee members NMC welcomes new youth and adults, makes them feel welcome and orients them to unit

7 Key Dates - 2018 YPT Mandatory Before Registration
1 Nov – Unit Charter Renewal System (UCRS) Open Dec/06/2018– Recharter Turn-in Party for Payments and Hard Copy Renewals December 15- Due date- Please

8 Steps for Successful & On-time Recharter
Let LHC enter new members. Ensure all Youth and Adult applications turned in to BSA office before November 15 to have them on your roster. Update your in-house unit roster (include: addresses, Scouting current position, contact info.) ( – Member Manager) Begin collecting recharter & Boys’ Life fees. Keep track of who’s paid, who’s not going to reregister, any position changes for next year.

9 Fees for 2019 Unit Liability Insurance fee $40.00
Individual member fee (youth & adult) $33.00 Accident/Sickness Insurance fee (each member) $2.50 Boy’s Life subscription $12.00

10 Registration Fee Information
100% of the Recharter, Registration and Boys’ Life fees go to the National Council, BSA The Longhorn Council incurs costs to process the fees for the National Council, BSA Only the $2.50 Accident and Sickness Insurance fee for each person stays with the local council

11 Unit Charter Renewal System
Obtain unit access code Note: new code each year. Don’t use last year’s Access Code available by attending training will be sent out with codes to the unit Key 3 the last week in October. Log on to BSA site Or


13 Use Google Chrome or Firefox or Internet Explorer 11
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51 E-Check








59 Step 5 -Submit Follow Instructions carefully
Print out the Summary OR Full form if online submittal to National is not chosen Obtain IH and Unit Leader Signatures Take Signed Documents to the Turn-In Party

60 LDS Units LDS units will be automatically renewed to 31 December 2019
Boys’ Life Magazine – Individuals pay using the renewal notice that they will receive in the mail.

61 Recharter Turn-in DEC/06/2018
What to bring Signed Recharter Papers Adult and Youth Applications listed on page 1 One Blank Check- Signed JTE Unit Award Form Family FOS Presentation Date Checked Check list from Council Web Site

62 Recharter Check List

63 Journey to Excellence (JTE)
To evaluate the unit’s progress toward achieving the Journey to Excellence Performance Unit Recognition To review the unit’s goals, successes, and vision for the coming year, including a succession plan for future key leadership. To identify any areas of improvement—leadership, program, membership, youth and unit retention. To determine any specific actions needing to be taken to assist with unit improvements and determine who will follow up on those actions

64 JTE Unit Award Forms

65 What if We Recharter Electronically?
Alert your Unit Commissioner that you sent your recharter on to National so that they don’t need to track you down Bring the following to the Recharter Party JTE Unit Award Form Family FOS Presentation Date and Unit Champion Name and Contact Information Any Youth and Adult forms with fees that were not included on the Electronic Recharter Fees if Not paying online

66 Best Practices Rechartering often held up by a few individuals who are slow to pay up. Give a deadline for payment and proceed with recharter with those who paid on time. Those who don’t pay may submit a new paper application with fees before 31 Dec without losing their membership. If recharter is for > or < 12 months, Alert your parents and unit leaders early of the fee changes.

67 Best Practices Continued
Alert all leaders that they must have the new YPT certification, effective February 1, 2018, at the time of recharter to be registered. There is no grace period for them to ignore this year. Hit the “Refresh” button before submitting the recharter to ensure online registrations that occurred after you started are captured and included in the recharter process.

68 Questions?

69 Call (817-360-2524) and leave voicemail,
or Remember your Unit Commissioner, like the government, is there for you if you need help. If you need their name or Phone, call or me.

70 Thank you for Coming

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