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The Muscular System Structure & Function

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1 The Muscular System Structure & Function

2 Skeletal Muscle Functions
Produce movement Maintain posture Stabilize joints Generate heat

3 The Muscular System Muscles are responsible for all types of body movement 3 muscle types are found in the body Skeletal muscle Attached to bone & skin, some facial muscles Produce movement, stabilize joints, provide posture & generate heat Cardiac muscle Walls of the heart Protect the heart & produce contractions of the heart walls Smooth muscle Walls of hollow visceral (i.e, stomach) organs (except heart) Protect organs & produce slow contractions

4 Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac & Smooth Muscles

5 Characteristics of Muscles
Skeletal & smooth muscle cells are elongated (muscle cell = muscle fiber) Contraction of muscles is due to the movement of microfilaments All muscles share some terminology myo & mys refer to “muscle” sarco refers to “flesh”

6 Smooth Muscle Characteristics
Lacks striations Spindle-shaped cells Single nucleus Involuntary—no conscious control Contractions happen very slowly Found mainly in the walls of hollow organs Stomach, urinary bladder, respiratory passages

7 Cardiac Muscle Characteristics
Striations Usually has a single nucleus Branching cells Joined to another muscle cell at an intercalated disc Involuntary Contractions happen slowly Found only in the heart

8 Skeletal Muscle Characteristics
Most are attached by tendons to bones Cells are multinucleated Striated—have visible banding Voluntary—subject to conscious control Contractions happen slow to fast Muscles are either contracted or relaxed Contracted the muscle exerts pulling force = muscle shortens Since muscles can only pull (not push), they work in pairs (antagonistic muscles) Example: Biceps & Triceps Muscle that bends joint is called the flexor muscle Muscle that straightens joint is called the extensor muscle Which is the flexor muscle? Extensor muscle?


10 The Muscular System Skeletal Muscle Structure & Contractions

11 Connective Tissue Wrappings & Attachments of Skeletal Muscle
Cells are surrounded & bundled by connective tissue Endomysium—encloses a single muscle fiber Perimysium—wraps around a fascicle (bundle) of muscle fibers Epimysium—covers the entire skeletal muscle Fascia—on the outside of the epimysium Tendons—cord-like structures Mostly collagen fibers Attach muscle to bone Figure 6.1

12 Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
Sarcolemma—specialized plasma membrane Myofibrils—long organelles inside muscle cell

13 Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
Sarcomere—contractile unit of a muscle fiber Organization of the sarcomere Myofilaments Thick filaments = myosin filaments Thin filaments = actin filaments Figure 6.3b

14 Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
Myofibrils are aligned to give distinct bands I band = light band Contains only thin filaments A band = dark band Contains the entire length of the thick filaments Figure 6.3b

15 Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
Thick filaments = myosin filaments Composed of the protein myosin Myosin filaments have heads (extensions, or cross bridges) Myosin & actin overlap somewhat (A-band) Thin filaments = actin filaments Composed of the protein actin Anchored to the Z disc Figure 6.3c

16 The Nerve Stimulus & Action Potential
Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a motor neuron (nerve cell) to contract Motor unit— one motor neuron & all skeletal muscle cells stimulated by that neuron Figure 6.4a

17 The Nerve Stimulus & Action Potential
Neuromuscular junction Association site of axon terminal of motor neuron & muscle Neuromuscular Junction Animation

18 The Nerve Stimulus & Action Potential
Figure 6.5a Action Potentials & Muscle Contraction

19 The Nerve Stimulus & Action Potential
Synaptic cleft Gap between nerve & muscle Do not make contact Filled with interstitial fluid

20 Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle
Neurotransmitter—chemical released by nerve upon arrival of nerve impulse Skeletal muscle – acetylcholine (ACh) ACh attaches to receptors on sarcolemma Sarcolemma becomes permeable to sodium (Na+)

21 Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle
Na+ rushes into cell, generating an AP Once started, muscle contraction cannot be stopped

22 The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
Activation by nerve causes myosin heads (cross bridges) to attach to binding sites on thin filament Myosin heads then bind to next site of thin filament & pull them toward center of sarcomere Continued action causes a sliding of the myosin along actin Result – muscle is shortened (contracted)

23 The Sliding Filament Theory
Myofilament Contraction animation Figure 6.8a

24 The Sliding Filament Theory
Figure 6.8b

25 The Sliding Filament Theory
Sarcomere Contraction animation Figure 6.8c

26 5 Golden Rules of Skeletal Muscle Activity

27 Muscles & Body Movements
Movement is attained due to a muscle moving an attached bone Muscles are attached to at least 2 points Origin Attachment to moveable bone Insertion Attachment to immovable bone

28 Types of Muscle Contractions
Isotonic contractions Myofilaments are able to slide past each other during contractions Muscle shortens & movement occurs Ex: lifting a dumbbell Isometric contractions Tension in muscles increases Muscle is unable to shorten or produce movement Ex: pushing on a wall

29 Effect of Exercise on Muscles
Exercise increases muscle size, strength & endurance Aerobic (endurance) exercise (biking, jogging) results in stronger, more flexible muscles with greater resistance to fatigue Makes body metabolism more efficient Improves digestion, coordination Resistance (isometric) exercise (weight lifting) increases muscle size & strength

30 The Muscular System Skeletal Muscles to Identify

31 Types of Muscles Prime mover—muscle with major responsibility for a certain movement Antagonist—muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover Synergist—muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement & helps prevent rotation Fixator—stabilizes origin of a prime mover

32 Naming Skeletal Muscles
By direction of muscle fibers Examples Rectus (straight) Transverse (horizontal) Oblique (angle) By relative size of the muscle Maximus (largest) Minimus (smallest) Longus (longest) By location of the muscle Examples Temporalis (temporal bone) Occipitalis (occipital bone) By number of origins Triceps (3 heads) Biceps (2 heads) Quadriceps (4 muscles in group)

33 Naming Skeletal Muscles
By location of the muscle’s origin & insertion Example Sternocleidomastoid (on the sternum) By shape of the muscle Examples Deltoid (triangular) Trapezius (trapezoid) By action of the muscle Examples Flexor (flexes a bone) Extensor (extends a bone) Abductor (abducts a limb) Adductor (adducts a limb)

34 Head & Neck Muscles Facial muscles Chewing muscles
Frontalis—raises eyebrows Orbicularis oculi— closes eyes, squints, blinks, winks Orbicularis oris— closes mouth & protrudes lips Buccinator—flattens cheek, chews Zygomaticus—raises corners of mouth Chewing muscles Masseter—closes jaw & elevates mandible Temporalis—synergist of masseter, closes jaw

35 Head & Neck Muscles Neck muscles
Platysma—pulls corners of mouth inferiorly Sternocleidomastoid—flexes neck, rotates head

36 Muscles of Trunk, Shoulder & Arm
Anterior muscles Pectoralis major— adducts & flexes humerus “Pecs” Intercostal muscles External intercostals— raise rib cage during inhalation Internal intercostals— depress rib cage to move air out of lungs when you exhale forcibly

37 Muscles of Trunk, Shoulder & Arm
Posterior muscles Trapezius—elevates, depresses, adducts & stabilizes scapula Latissimus dorsi—extends & adducts humerus Deltoid—arm abduction

38 Muscles of Trunk, Shoulder & Arm
Muscles of the abdominal girdle Rectus abdominis— flexes vertebral column & compresses abdominal contents (defecation, childbirth, forced breathing) External & internal obliques—flex vertebral column; rotate trunk & bend it laterally Transversus abdominis— compresses abdominal contents

39 Muscles of the Upper Limb
Biceps brachii—supinates forearm, flexes elbow Brachialis—elbow flexion Brachioradialis—weak muscle Triceps brachii—elbow extension (antagonist to biceps brachii)

40 Muscles of the Lower Limb (Pelvis, Hip, Thigh)
Gluteus maximus—hip extension Gluteus medius—hip abduction, steadies pelvis when walking Iliopsoas—hip flexion, keeps upper body from falling backward when standing erect Adductor muscles—adduct thighs

41 Muscles of the Lower Limb
Muscles causing movement at the knee joint Hamstring group— thigh extension & knee flexion Biceps femoris Semimembranosus Semitendinosus

42 Muscles of the Lower Limb (Pelvis, Hip, Thigh)
Muscles causing movement at the knee joint Sartorius—flexes thigh Quadriceps group—extends knee Rectus femoris Vastus muscles (3)

43 Muscles of the Lower Limb
Muscles causing movement at ankle & foot Tibialis anterior— dorsiflexion & foot inversion Extensor digitorum longus—toe extension & dorsiflexion of foot Fibularis muscles— plantar flexion, everts foot Soleus—plantar flexion Gastrocnemius— plantar flexion

44 Superficial Muscles: Anterior
You should be able to identify these superficial muscles for your Quiz NEXT WEEK!

45 Superficial Muscles: Posterior
You should be able to identify these superficial muscles for your Quiz NEXT WEEK!

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