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Absolutism: The Rise of Monarchies

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1 Absolutism: The Rise of Monarchies

2 Large landlords increase in importance
Fall of Rome Weak Leaders Large landlords increase in importance Farmers cluster around them for protection Exchange system – land for protection More localized trade and self sufficient estates Cities shrank

3 Military Decline Threat from northern European tribes
Low funds for defense Problems recruiting Roman citizens; recruiting of non-Romans Decline of patriotism and loyalty among soldiers Invasion by Germanic tribes Sack of Rome 410 Conquest by invaders 476

4 The Dark Ages- “Early Middle Ages”
Shacks Garbage Wells Barbarian rulers fighting for power Little education- monks Disease

5 The Middle Ages- Feudalism- 800s
Western Europe was not organized into countries rather it was broken into feudal kingdoms Feudalism- a political and economic system based on land- holding and protective alliances

6 King Lords(Barons) /Priests Knights Serfs (Peasants)

7 Catholic Church Most stable Institution of the Middle Ages Brought hope to people Monks were the few people who could read and write Monasteries were very important Pope= Head of Catholic Church

8 Monarchies Form of government in which supreme power resides in an individual (the monarch), who is the head of state

9 The Magna Carta 1215 a group of nobles forced King John of England to sign the MAGNA CARTA Magna Carta- limited the kings power Gave more rights to the nobles Prevented king from collecting taxes without the consent of the Great Council Guaranteed freemen trial by jury

10 Monarchies of the 16th & 17th c
By the 17th c Feudal system had come to an end in western Europe Monarchs gained more power Private armies Tax collection Mercantilism – economic policy- promotion of internal economy; limit imports from other nations Sought colonies – markets and raw materials The kings would MAKE law and enact it by his own authority!

11 Absolutism Absolute Monarch- Ruler with complete authority over the government and lives of the people he or she governs. Divine Right -Belief that a ruler’s authority comes directly from God.

12 Absolute Monarchies in Europe 16th and 17th centuries
Spain France England Austria Russia

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