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Triage subtitle.

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1 Triage subtitle

Patient Form

3 STEPS Family History Medications Pregnant? Symptoms/Chief Complaints
Children Height and Weight Take Vitals Blood pressure Pulse Temperature (if complaining of fever)

¿Hay un historial clinico de presión alta en su familia, o hay alguna persona con presión alta en su familia? Is there a history of high blood pressure in your family or is there any person with high blood pressure in your family? Replace “presión” with: Diabetes Otras enfermadedes crónicas

5 ¿Esta tomando algunos medicamentos ahora?
MEDICATIONS Questions: ¿Esta tomando algunos medicamentos ahora? Are you currently taking any medications? ¿Hay algún medicamento que le produce alergias? Por ejemplo, penicilina o amoxicilina. Do you have any allergies to any medicaions? For example: penicillin or amoxicillina

6 PREGNANCY Ask for females aged 12-55 years
Questions: ¿Es posible que usted este embarazada ahora? Is it posible that you are pregnant right now? If yes: ¿ Cuantos meses? How many months ¿Esta dando pecho ahora? Are you currently breastfeeding?

7 ¿Cuáles son sus sintomas?
SYMPTOMS Questions: ¿Cuáles son sus sintomas? What are your symptoms? Common Symptoms: Tos – Cough Gripe – Cold Fiebre/Calentura – Fever Dolor de/Me duele mi – Pain of/Pain in my

8 HEIGHT/WEIGHT Children under 12
Necesito pesarlo/a, va conmigo por favor. I need to weigh you, come with me please. With small babies: Stand on scale, get your weight Stand on scale with the baby, get that number and subtract your weight from it. Necesito tomarle su altura, levante derecho por favor. I need to take your height, stand up straight please.

9 TEMPERATURE Only when patient complains of fever
Question Necesito tomarle su temperatura…abra su boca y ponga eso debajo de su lengua. Cíerre su boca por favor. I need to take your temperatura, open your mouth and put this under your tongue. Close your mouth please.

10 Question Procedure PULSE
Necesito tomarle su pulso, déme su muñeca por favor. I need to take your pulse, please give me your wrist. Find their pulse in their wrist Either you or someone else time for 30 seconds Count how many times their heart beats in 30 seconds Multiply that number by 2 Record that number!

Necesito tomarle su pulso, déme su brazo por favor. Relaje su brazo. I need to take your blood pressure, please give me your arm. Relax your arm

12 Now let’s practice! Let’s go through the steps together
Get into groups of 2-3 We’ll come around and show you how to take blood pressure.

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