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Report on 2017 DPS Workshops

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1 Report on 2017 DPS Workshops
NaNcy Chanover & Lynn neakrase PDS Management council F2F 30 November 2017

2 Logistics “Practical Training for Archiving Data in the PDS”
We held two identical workshops at the 2017 DPS meeting in Provo, UT: Monday October 16, 2:30-4:30 pm Thursday October 19, 2:30-4:30 pm “Practical Training for Archiving Data in the PDS” 11/26/2018

3 Motivation PDS4 is far enough along that we need to educate our data providers There is an increased demand by data providers (“how do I archive in the PDS?”) This will save the nodes time and effort in the long run For DPS, target audience is PDART and other DAP proposers and awardees ”I am proposing for PDART, what do I need to know?” “I just got funded by PDART, now what?” 11/26/2018

4 Rationale and Approach
We didn’t want to talk AT the audience for 2 hours We didn’t want the participants to have to install special software, log into a specific machine, rely on the conference venue internet, etc. We designed a training using these guiding principles: Develop clear learning objectives FIRST, design content around those LOs Provide all materials to participants on USB sticks that they keep Include PPT presentation with more detail than what we will go over in person (to serve as reference material when they go home) Spend the bulk of the time having the participants DOING STUFF 11/26/2018

5 Rough Agenda Time Activity 2:30 2:45 3:00 4:15 4:25
Introductions, distribute materials, review learning objectives for training session 2:45 Introduction to PDS4, review data structures, walk through label structures 3:00 Exercises for generating LIDs, generating sample bundle 4:15 Recap, describe available tools to help with archive preparation, provide POCs for each node 4:25 Exit survey/feedback form! 11/26/2018

6 Exercise – General Plan
Using MSL/EDL Atmospheric Reconstruction data as sample General tasks for building a bundle: Organizing the collection, determining bundle id Determining which collections will be in the bundle Editing the XML template files (starting with bundle files) Filling in context area Document referencing Editing collection files Editing product files 11/26/2018

7 Participation On Monday we had 14 participants and 3 PDS helpers
On Thursday we had 10 participants (8 were PDS personnel!) Most participants were SBN or ATM customers A fair number of people came but did not stay for the activity (but took the training materials with them for future reference) 11/26/2018

8 Feedback (N=12) Familiarity with PDS:
little to no prior experience with PDS: 33% familiar with PDS3 but not PDS4: 33% some familiarity with PDS4: 33% 11/26/2018

9 Not at all Extremely well 11/26/2018

10 Too difficult to follow
Too basic Too difficult to follow 11/26/2018

11 Build-a-Bundle Activity
Totally unclear Totally clear Very easy Very difficult 11/26/2018

12 PDS Presenters/Helpers
PDS presenters and helpers were unanimously deemed to be extremely knowledgeable PDS presenters and helpers were also uniformly considered to be very helpful as the participants worked through the activity 11/26/2018

13 In conjunction with a scientific conference
held the day before or the day after a scientific conference camp”-like PDS4 training workshop 11/26/2018

14 11/26/2018

15 Feedback (1 of 3) This was useful in providing training materials to supplement our existing progress with the PDS Atmospheres node. I was extremely happy that this was offered at DPS this year. I have requested such workshops to NASA Program Officers many times. I am looking forward for a PDS4 Workshop with special emphasis on Geosciences Node. I would suggest a multiple day workshop only an hour/day following a conference Need more of an overall view of the PDS and its applicability, in general. Why is PDS4 what it is today? a 3-minute review/overview of XML could be helpful after the slides and before the exercise starts. Thank you! 11/26/2018

16 Feedback (2 of 3) I would like to practice how to use the PDS archive, which has been built by previous mission, such as the LRO Diviner data. Nobody is going to be hand editing xml files. For a complete novice, understanding a tool (even at the black box level) is important - i.e. the structure and all the data that needs to be collected. These workshops I think would be most beneficial to show folks high level tools, or to be at the "under the hood" level for sophisticated programmers / xml experts. As a concrete example, perhaps have different levels of workshops and tell people what skills they should bring. I wish to get to know the PDS system to prepare a DMP section well for a proposal. I think that one complete example to be filled out by the instructor would be much more helpful to a person who has no background experience or knowledge like me. Or, you can directly describe the breakdowns by taking a full urn from a concrete example on presentation screen. Thanks! 11/26/2018

17 Feedback (3 of 3) I was expecting a "this is how you use PDS4 to get data" and it was a "this is how you use PDS4 to deposit data". So I think a more basic class with scenarios like to retrieve this one for the bundle. As far as the bundle - I got lost a few times-once in the 'bundle collection section" and the other when starting on the "collection file" Also I know each bundle needs a bundle and a collection file, but I'm not sure why because it seems like it is linked in the bundle area. Background: Attempted to get data from PDS and just get files names, click on the files and get incomprehensible characters. I have no idea how to actually get useful data from PDS. I go to the mission pages now to try to get the data. 11/26/2018

18 Lessons Learned Logistics: Workshop Contents: Future Plans:
Need tables for people to sit/work (not straight rows of chairs) Make hard copies of activity so people can write/take notes on them Workshop Contents: Preference for workshops held in conjunction with conferences Received encouraging feedback concerning the activity – best to have participants DO something Very important to conduct ASSESSMENTS rather than rely on anecdotal feedback Future Plans: Would be desirable to have multiple workshop levels(intro/intermediate/advanced) Need more examples to use in future activities 11/26/2018

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