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To create your vocab slideshow…

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Presentation on theme: "To create your vocab slideshow…"— Presentation transcript:

1 To create your vocab slideshow…
Type your name on Slide 2. Starting with Slide 9, follow the directions to create a slide for each vocabulary word on Slides 3-7. Refer to Slide 8 for a model of the first word.

2 El Vocabulario del Capítulo 8
La salud y el médico [Type your name here]

3 Describing minor health problems
la salud health la fiebre fever los escalofríos chills la gripe flu el catarro a cold la tos cough la energía energy el dolor pain enfermo(a) sick cansado(a) tired estornudar to sneeze estar resfriado(a) to have a cold to cough toser

4 Speaking with the doctor
¿Qué te pasa? What’s the matter? doctor’s office la consulta, el consultorio el/la médico(a) doctor el hospital hospital el síntoma symptom la diagnosis diagnosis la alergia allergy la inyección injection

5 Speaking with the doctor (continued)
Me duele My … hurts Tengo dolor de It hurts creer to believe examinar to examine abrir la boca to open one’s mouth guardar cama to stay in bed recetar to prescribe

6 Describing some emotions
contento(a) happy triste sad de buen humor in a good mood de mal humor in a bad mood nervioso(a) nervous tranquilo(a) calm

7 Speaking with the pharmacist
la farmacia pharmacy el/la farmacéutico(a) pharmacist la receta prescription el medicamento, la medicina medicine la aspirina aspirin el antibiótico antibiotic la pastilla, la píldora, la tableta pill la dosis dose despachar, vender to sell

8 la salud MODEL: health

9 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

10 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

11 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

12 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

13 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

14 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

15 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

16 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

17 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

18 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

19 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

20 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

21 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

22 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

23 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

24 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

25 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

26 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

27 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

28 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

29 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

30 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

31 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

32 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

33 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

34 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

35 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

36 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

37 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

38 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

39 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

40 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

41 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

42 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

43 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

44 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

45 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

46 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

47 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

48 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

49 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

50 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

51 [Copy and paste the word in Spanish here.]
Insert Image Here [Copy and paste the word in English here.]

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