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Choosing MY Academy and Pathway

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Presentation on theme: "Choosing MY Academy and Pathway"— Presentation transcript:

1 Choosing MY Academy and Pathway
Decision day is on DECEMBER 5th, 2018

2 Have you decided? Why is it so important?
It is now OCTOBER! In two months you will decide which Academy you will follow for the rest of your high school career. Choose wisely! Do NOT go into an Academy just because your friend is. Make this decision based off of your interests and future career goals.

3 But what if I don’t know what I am interested in?
Take an interest assessment at: If you take the assessment, stop by and show Guidance proof! You will be entered in a drawing for lunch from Chic Fil A! Drawing will be held Friday, October 12. Lunch will be provided the following Monday October 15.

4 Business Academy Careers under this Academy: Counselor:
Chief Executives Computer System Managers Operations Managers Network Systems Administrators Data Base Administrator Accountant Auditor Personal Financial Advisors Job Analysis Financial Analyst Market Research Analysts Public relations Specialists Counselor: Valerie Brumbelow Pathways under this Academy: Business and Technology Pathway Financial Pathway Advanced Accounting Programming Information Support and Services Marketing and Management Pathway Computer Science Pathway Business Accounting Pathway

5 Health and Environmental Science Academy
Counselor Keisha Walker Careers: Veterinarian Fish and Game Warden Farm Equipment Manager Registered Nurse Conservation Scientist Dental Hygienist Food Scientist Pathways under this academy: AgriScience Systems Pathway Companion Animal Systems Pathway Emergency Medical Responder Pathway Horticulture and Forest Science Pathway Forestry and Animal Science Pathway Sports Medicine Pathway Patient Care Pathway Plant and Landscape Systems Pathway Nutrition and Food Science

6 Government and Public Service Academy
Careers: Law Enforcement Teachers Court Clerk Recreation Aid Clinical Counselor Military Lawyer Counselor Tara Carter Pathways under this academy: Law Enforcement Services Pathway Application of Law Pathway NJROTC Pathway Early Childhood Care & Ed Pathway French Pathway Spanish Pathway

7 Fine Arts Academy Counselor Dr. Dana Linzy Courses you may take:
Dance I, II, III Drama Fundamentals Acting I & II Chorus I Journalism Culinary Arts I & II Visual Arts Comprehension Pathways under this academy: Dance Arts Band Pathway Acting Pathway Technical Theatre Pathway Painting Pathway Culinary Arts Pottery Pathway Chorus Pathway Drawing Pathway Journalism/Writing Pathway

8 Engineering, Architectural and Industrial Academy
Counselor Robert Fenstermaker Careers Technical Products Transportation Architects Civil Engineers Electricians Construction Manager Plumbers Industrial Engineer Pathways under this Academy Architectural Drawing & Design Pathway Machine Operations Pathway Welding Pathway Carpentry Pathway Masonry Pathway Engineering Pathway Maintenance and Light Repair Pathway Electrical Pathway

9 Registration 2018 Registration for 10th grade will begin in February of 2019. You must choose an Academy by December! Refer to your course guide for more info. You can also find the guide online under the CCHS website under Guidance: pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=

10 Questions? VISIT your counselor before Decision Day December 2018!
Don’t forget to enter the drawing!! Mrs. Scott– Girls Counselor MS. Wallace- Boys Counselor

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