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Health and Medical Sciences Program Update

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1 Health and Medical Sciences Program Update
Virginia Department of Education July 17, 2018

2 Health and Medical Sciences in Virginia
Health and Medical Sciences prepare students for careers in disciplines related to medicine, nursing, dentistry and other health occupations programs through therapeutic, diagnostic, rehabilitative, managerial and supportive services. The preparation for these occupations fall into five (5) pathways in the Health and Medical Science career cluster.

3 Health and Medical Sciences in Virginia
Health & Medical Science Courses: Introduce secondary students to nursing, medical, dental, and other health occupations. Prepare students with entry level skills for employment in nursing homes, clinics, medical and dental offices, hospitals, homes, and certain public health settings. Facilitate entry into advanced health careers that require post secondary education leading to state licensure, certification, registration, or national credentialing. Enable students to become more knowledgeable consumers of health services. Through participation in the HOSA-Future Health Professionals student organization, students have opportunities to apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom.

4 The Health Science Career Cluster prepares you to help keep people healthy and treat those who are not. Work directly with people conducting research on diseases and other important health information. This field allows you to work in diverse environments such as hospitals, medical and dental offices or cruise ships.

5 What are Career Clusters?
Career Clusters are groupings of occupations and industries that are used for: Organizing curriculum design, and Career counseling and guidance. Groupings based on commonalities

6 What Do Career Clusters Do?
Organize academic and technical knowledge and skills into a coherent sequence, and Identify pathways from secondary to postsecondary education

7 Knowledge & Skills (K & S)
The foundational principle of career clusters/ pathways is that a set of knowledge and skills are shared with other occupations in a pathway and other pathways in a cluster: Cluster Level – academic and technical skills and knowledge for all pathways within a cluster Pathway Level – academic and technical skills and knowledge within each pathway Career Specialties - full range of career opportunities within each pathway The cluster level knowledge and skills are correlated with Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth.

8 Pathways: Therapeutic Services Diagnostic Services Health Informatics
Support Services Biotechnology Research & Development

9 Career Clusters http://www. doe. virginia
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Business Management & Administration Education & Training Finance Government & Public Administration Health Science

10 Career Clusters http://www. doe. virginia
Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Manufacturing Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Refer to Nathan’s Handout

11 National Trends Let’s take a look at national trends and the use of career clusters and pathways in the future of Career and Technical Education, including Health and Medical Science.

12 Biomedical Sciences

13 New Skills in Health Professions

14 New Skills in Health Professions
Land used in agriculture dropped from 54% to 51% of total U.S. land area, Farming used 30 percent less hired labor and 40 percent less operator labor. Production continued to grow due to heightened productivity Because, new technologies—often requiring new or advanced management techniques—have been increasingly adopted. 2012. The changing organization of US Farming. USDA Economic Research Service These quotes from page iii. From 1982 to 2007, land used in agriculture dropped from 54 to 51 percent of total U.S. land area, Farming used 30 percent less hired labor and 40 percent less operator labor. but agricultural production continued to grow due to heightened productivity

15 Career Cluster Programs/Plans of Study
The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 requires career cluster/pathway programs of study to expand connections between secondary and postsecondary education through the development and implementation of “programs of study.”

16 Career Cluster Programs/Plans of Study (Continued)
According to the Act, programs of study must: Incorporate secondary education and post- secondary education elements; Include academic and career and technical content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses; Lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or bachelor’s degree; and Include the opportunity for secondary education students to participate in dual or concurrent enrollment programs or other ways to acquire postsecondary education credits. Credentials Handout in Packet Refer to Handout—2008 Supt’s. memo on dual enrollment agreement in VA



19 Career Clusters: VDOE CTE
All CTE courses are aligned with one or more career clusters and career pathways within those clusters based on the skills sets taught in the class. VERSO is now organized by Career Clusters and Pathways. Career cluster and pathway alignments are listed in the Administrative Planning Guide, the Career Planning Guide, and Career and Technical Education Reporting System (CTERS) User’s Manual. Note: Nathan will provide an illustration

20 Career Planning Research shows that students who put a career plan in place during their high school years are 47 percent more likely to complete postsecondary education. Remember: We are helping students plan FOR LIFE, not just for high school graduation!

21 Employers are looking to fill more than 150,000 high-quality jobs across the Commonwealth with 1.5 million to be filled over the next ten years. Virginia Career Works advances economic growth by preparing and connecting individuals with Virginia businesses to build a stronger workforce. Includes a network of state and local partners 62+ One Stop Centers Unified branding means a more cohesive, strategic approach for workforce development to benefit both businesses and job seekers

22 Link to download the video file and logo


24 Governor’s Health Science Academies
Governor's Health Sciences Academies are programs designed to expand options for students’ health science literacy and other critical knowledge, skills, and credentials that will prepare them for high-demand, high-wage, and high-skills careers in Virginia. Each academy is a partnership among school divisions, postsecondary institutions and business and industry

25 Governor’s Health Science Academies

26 Project Lead The Way Project Lead The Way is the nation's leading provider of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs. Through world-class K-12 curriculum, high-quality teacher professional development, and outstanding partnerships, PLTW is helping students develop the skills needed to succeed in the global economy.

27 Why PLTW? Why now? The United States ranks 17th in science achievement; 25th in math ability out of 65 countries.1 By 2018… STEM jobs will grow by 17 percent2 1.2 million STEM jobs will go unfilled3 TODAY’S STEM REALITIES The U.S. became a global leader through the ingenuity of our scientists, engineers, and creative minds. At the heart of these advancements are science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects. However, it’s no secret that the U.S. now lags its global peers. American students score poorly in the STEM subjects in comparison with students in other top industrial countries, and the gap is growing . For example: The 2011 rankings from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) showed American students scored 17th in science achievement and 25th in math ability out of 65 countries. Another struggle continues to be the underrepresentation of women and minorities entering STEM-focused studies and careers. Women constitute 48 percent of the U.S. workforce but hold just 24 percent of the U.S. jobs in STEM (National Math and Science Initiative, or NMSI). One in 10 STEM professionals is a minority woman (Infographic:, 2012). Hispanics and African Americans have, over the past decade, been underrepresented in U.S. STEM jobs in large part because of a lack of equality in educational opportunity, according to a 2011 report released by the Commerce Department’s Economics and Statistics Administration. The United States Department of Commerce estimates that the number of STEM jobs will grow 17 percent by 2018 versus 9.8 percent for all other fields. By 2018, the United States will have more than 1.2 million unfilled STEM jobs. 60 percent of the new jobs that will open this century will require skills possessed by only 20 percent of the current workforce (NMSI). The good news is that the interest in addressing the U.S. STEM crisis has become a priority to the nation’s leaders in the past several years, and the issue continues to gain prominence. Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development rankings 2 According to the U.S. Department of Commerce 3. Reported during the 2013 U.S. News STEM Summit

28 Biomedical Sciences Students play the roles of biomedical professionals as they investigate and study the concepts of human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology, and public health. Biomedical Sciences Program Students play the roles of a biomedical professionals as they investigate and study the concepts of human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology, and public health. In the PLTW Biomedical Sciences (BMS) Program, students engage in activities like investigating the death of a fictional person or dissecting a sheep’s heart, learning content in the context of real-world cases. They examine the structures and interactions of human body systems and explore the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Students work collaboratively to understand and design solutions to the most pressing current  health challenges. The future of the biomedical sciences comes alive in this rigorous and relevant four-course sequence that prepares students to continue their studies through post-secondary education and careers. Schools must offer a minimum of three courses by the end of the third year of implementation. The courses that must be offered include Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles Of Engineering, and any specialization course or the capstone course.

29 Biomedical Sciences Courses: Principles of the Biomedical Sciences
Human Body Systems Medical Interventions Biomedical Innovations

30 Principles of the Biomedical Sciences (PBS)
Units The Mystery Diabetes Sickle Cell Disease Heart Disease Infectious Disease Post Mortem PBS PBS “Case” throughout the year Garcia story Brief Description: In the introductory course of the BMS program, students determine factors that led to the death of a fictional person as they study concepts of biology and medicine. While examining an autopsy report they investigate medical history, lifestyle choices, and medical treatments that might have prolonged the person's life. The activities and projects introduce students to human physiology, basic biology, medicine, and research processes while allowing them to design their own experiments to solve problems. Longer description: This course provides an introduction to the biomedical sciences through exciting hands- on projects and problems. Students investigate the human body systems and various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. They determine the factors that led to the death of a fictional person, and investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments that might have prolonged the person’s life. The activities and projects introduce students to human physiology, medicine, research processes and bioinformatics. Key biological concepts including homeostasis, metabolism, inheritance of traits, and defense against disease are embedded in the curriculum. Engineering principles including the design process, feedback loops, and the relationship of structure to function are also incorporated. This course is designed to provide an overview of all the courses in the Biomedical Sciences program and lay the scientific foundation for subsequent courses. Unit 1 – The Mystery Lesson 1.1 Investigating the Scene Lesson 1.2 DNA Analysis Lesson 1.3 The Findings Unit 2 – Diabetes Lesson 2.1 What is Diabetes Lesson 2.2 The Science of Food Lesson 2.3 Life with Diabetes Unit 3 – Sickle Cell Disease Lesson 3.1 The Disease Lesson 3.2 It’s in the Genes Lesson 3.3 Chromosomes Lesson 3.4 Inheritance Unit 4 – Heart Disease Lesson 4.1 Heart Structure Lesson 4.2 The Heart at Work Lesson 4.3 Heart Dysfunction Lesson 4.4 Heart Intervention Unit 5 – Infectious Disease Lesson 5.1 Infection Unit 6 – Post Mortem Lesson 6.1 Analyzing Anna PBS HBS MI BI

31 Human Body Systems (HBS)
Units Identity Communication Power Movement Protection Homeostasis Students study basic human physiology, especially in relationship to human health. A central theme is how the body systems work together to perform specific functions such as movement and communication. Students use data acquisition software to monitor body functions and use the Anatomy with Clay® Manikens™ to study body structure. The Maniken is a key learning tool as students engage in units rooted in the human body systems and how they interact. For example, in unit one students study identity. Tissues and cells are the focus in unit one. Students learn that tissues are groups of similar cells working together to perform a specific function and are the living fabric that holds together the human design. In this course, students will examine the four main classifications of tissue – epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous – in more detail students examine their specific role in human body systems. This activity will provide an introduction to bone, muscle and fat, all types of tissue that contribute to the framework of the human body. Students give their Maniken® an identity. As students learn to work with the clay and sculpt the cheeks, the eyes and the mouth, the model comes life. Your Maniken® will be given a name and over the course of the year, a unique body of interrelating systems. Before we focus on the common processes of this amazing human machine, let’s focus on what makes us unique- from our appearance, to the structure of our bones and organs, down to the DNA inside of our cells.  Unit One – Identity Unit one engages students in a discussion of what it means to be human. Students investigate the body systems and functions that all humans have in common, and then look at differences in tissues, such as bone and muscle, and in molecules, such as DNA, to pinpoint unique identity. Students play the role of forensic anthropologists as they unlock the clues of identity found in bone and use restriction analysis and gel electrophoresis to analyze differences in DNA. Students begin to study histology and build upon their knowledge of human tissue. The case-based scenarios continue in the HBS course. HBS – Case-based scenarios span each unit. Missing Person Case (Unit 1 – Identity) Students explore aspects of identity, such as ethnicity and height, by observing and measuring differences in human bones. Students then zoom in to pinpoint specific identity using DNA. Students use the tools of molecular biology to create a DNA fingerprint and match DNA from the skeletal remains to that of two potential missing persons (meeting the description they ascertained from the bones). The Mysterious Case of Lincoln Grant (Unit 2 – Communication) Students are presented with the case of a man exhibiting a variety of strange, seemingly unrelated symptoms. Teams research symptoms, brainstorm potential causes of these symptoms, and offer a diagnosis that showcases communication pathways within the human body and with the outside world. How to Train a Champion (Unit 4 – Movement) Students put together everything they have learned thus far in the course to design a training plan for an athlete. Playing the role of a biomedical professional in a combined medical practice that caters to athletes, the students will design a plan that looks at all aspects of training, from diet and exercise to hydration and injury prevention. Events and client profiles are chosen at random and each team is responsible for selling their plan to their particular client. Unit 1 – Identity Lesson 1.1 Identity: Human Lesson 1.2 Identity: Tissues Lesson 1.3 Identity: Molecules and Cells Unit 2 – Communication Lesson 2.1 The Brain Lesson 2.2 Electrical Communication Lesson 2.3 Chemical Communication Lesson 2.4 Communication with the Outside World Unit 3 – Power Lesson 3.1 Introduction to Power Lesson 3.2 Food Lesson 3.3 Oxygen Lesson 3.4 Water Unit 4 – Movement Lesson 4.1 Joints and Motion Lesson 4.2 Muscles Lesson 4.3 Blood flow Lesson 4.4 Energy and Motion: Exercise Physiology Unit 5 – Protection Lesson 5.1 The Skin Lesson 5.2 Bones Lesson 5.3 Lymph and Blood Cells Unit 6 – Homeostasis Lesson 6:1 Health and Wellness PBS HBS MI BI

32 Medical Interventions (MI)
Units How to Fight Infection How to Screen What is in Your Genes How to Conquer Cancer How to Prevail When Organs Fail MI Students study the variety of medical interventions involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease as they follow the lives of a fictitious family. Student projects investigate interventions related to diagnostics, immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices, and lifestyle choices. MI – Case based- scenarios span each unit. Students investigate the variety of interventions involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease as they follow the lives of a fictitious family. Outbreak on a College Campus (Unit 1 – How to Fight Infection) Students investigate a simulated outbreak and explore the diagnostic process used to identify a mystery infection. Students determine the identity of this agent by completing bioinformatics analysis as well as antibody-based wet lab tests. Given the infection is bacterial, students then investigate the classes of antibiotics used to treat disease and explore antibiotic resistance. As an aftermath of her illness, the patient, Sue Smith, is left with hearing impairment. Students investigate the physiology of the ear as well as the variety of innovations available to assist patients with hearing loss. Finally, students discuss the prevention of infectious disease and the action of vaccines. Unit 1 – How to Fight Infection Lesson 1.1 – The Mystery Infection Lesson 1.2 – Antibiotic Treatment Lesson 1.3 – The Aftermath: Hearing Loss Lesson 1.4 – Vaccination Unit 2 – How to Screen What is in Your Genes Lesson 2.1 – Genetic Testing and Screening Lesson 2.2 – Our Genetic Future Unit 3 – How to Conquer Cancer Lesson 3.1 – Detecting Cancer Lesson 3.2 – Reducing Your Risk Lesson 3.3 – Treating Cancer Lesson 3.4 – Building a Better Cancer Treatment Unit 4 – How to Prevail When Organs Fail Lesson 4.1 – Manufacturing Human Proteins Lesson 4.2 – Organ Failure Lesson 4.3 – Transplant Lesson 4.4 – Building a Better Body PBS HBS MI BI

33 Biomedical Innovation (BI) Capstone
Sample problems include Designing an effective ER - 24 days Design of a medical innovation days Combat a public health issue -18 days Forensic Autopsy -12 days Independent project days BI Capstone course Progressively challenging problems Flexible design Apply knowledge and skills learned in all previous courses Opportunity to work with mentor(s) Multiple presentations BI – Case-based scenarios staged in multi-part “missions” – each culminating in an open-ended project. Design of An Effective ER (Problem 1) Students apply their knowledge of emergency medical careers, diagnostic testing and patient evaluation, human body systems, and medical interventions to analyze the workings of an emergency room and discuss inefficiencies that may hinder appropriate clinical care. Student teams will work collaboratively to design a more efficient emergency medicine delivery system Add pictures of student designs/Revit files? Investigating Environmental Health (Problem 4) Students use publicly available databases, as well as personal contacts and visits, to uncover possible sources of environmental contamination in the community and to assess risk and level of exposure to people, wildlife, and environmental resources. Students will use their compiled information to design an action plan to increase awareness, monitor resources or individuals in the community, improve conditions, and ensure a clean and safe environment Design of a Medical Innovation (Problem 3) Students review the diseases and disorders as well as the corresponding medical interventions they have investigated in the previous courses and propose a new or better medical device, pharmaceutical, surgical procedure, or genetic intervention. Students will work with a team to build a prototype, model, or schematic of the intervention as well as develop a marketing plan for the product. PBS HBS MI BI

34 New Cybersecurity Pathways
Cybersecurity Fundamentals (6302) All CTE teachers are eligible to teach this course Cybersecurity affects ALL occupations Cybersecurity has applications in all CTE clusters Cybersecurity pathway courses will be customized for each of the 16 career clusters

35 34


37 36

38 Recommended Concentration Sequences of State-Approved Courses
Career Pathways Recommended Concentration Sequences of State-Approved Courses Middle School Course Grade 8 Year 1 9, 10, 11 Year 2 10, 11, 12 Year 3 Year 4 12 Career Cluster Career Pathway Information Technology Cluster Programming and Software Development Pathway Cybersecurity Fundamentals 6302 Cybersecurity Software Operations 6304 Cybersecurity Software Operations, Advanced 6306 Network Systems Pathway 1 Cybersecurity Fundamentals 6302 Cybersecurity Systems Technology 8628 Cybersecurity Systems Technology, Advanced 8629 Cybersecurity Network Systems 8630 2 3 Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster Food Products and Processing Systems Pathway Cybersecurity in Food and Agriculture NEW Fall 2018 Cybersecurity in Food and Agriculture, Advanced NEW Fall 2019 Health Science Cluster Health Informatics Pathway Health Informatics 8338 Healthcare Information Security Human Services Cluster Family and Community Services Pathway Cybersecurity in Family and Consumer Sciences Cybersecurity in Family and Consumer Sciences, Advanced Marketing Cluster Marketing Management Pathway Cybersecurity in Marketing Cybersecurity in Marketing, Advanced Manufacturing Cluster Manufacturing Production Process Development Pathway Cybersecurity in Manufacturing 8499 Cybersecurity in Manufacturing, Advanced

39 Career and Technical Student Organization
VAHOSA Jane Best, RN, BSN, M.Ed., HOSA Specialist 218 Gallenway Terrace Chesapeake, VA  23322 cell

40 VDOE Update Performance Data Trends
Health and Medical Science Clusters Brochure Curriculum Revisions/Registration Supt. Memo CTEAPS System Curriculum Reviews Opioid Competencies Revive! Training Stop the Bleed Training CTE Resource Center-VERSO Industry Credentialing Career Success Stars Work- Based Learning Guidelines CTE Video Series Creating Excellence Awards Health and Medical Science Webpage New ETC-I Renewal Pharmacy Technician Symposium Instructor Updates Virginia Career Works Virginia Healthcare Workforce Digital Road Maps

41 VDOE Update Health and Medical Listserv Course Listings
Practical Nursing Directors Meeting Allied Health Meeting Forum Lead Teachers/Regional Directors Go 2 Meetings National Board Certifications ANCC Certifications Virginia Health Workforce Development AHEC CTE Newsletter Virginia HOSA VAHAMSEA

42 Curriculum Review Process
Curriculum Review Team Process Teacher Team Business Technical Panel Curriculum Review Leaders Michele R. Green-Wright, Health and Medical Sciences Specialist, Virginia Department of Education Writer-Editor, CTE Resource Center You can discuss the process the teams go through You can ask them to encourage other quality teachers to get involved. You can ask for their help in obtaining business panel participants for remaining teams.

43 Health and Medical Sciences and Related Cluster
CURRICULUM REVIEWS Healthcare Information Security (new course) September 20-October 19, 2018  Physical/Occupational Therapy I/II (8365, 8366) September 25, 2018  Surgical Technologist I/II (8351/8352) October 9, 2018  Radiologic Technology I/II (8375, 8376) October 23-November 13, 2018

44 Health and Medical Sciences and Related Cluster
Respiratory Therapy I/II (8372, October 30-November 20, 2018  Biotechnology Foundations in Health and Medical Sciences (8344)November 5, 2018-January 11, 2019 Emergency Medical Technician I/II/III (8333, 8334, 8335) and Emergency Medical Responder (8336) November 12-13, 2018 Introduction to Health and Medical Sciences (8302) November 16-December 14, 2018

45 Video profiles of former students who are now in their 20s and 30s.
Each profile will feature the16 career clusters, an entrepreneur, active military personnel, and an apprentice or intern.

46 Health and Medical Science and Related Clusters
APG Alert Box - red box on VERSO site Shows regulations and program requirements Nurse Aide Program: School division must: Contact the Board of Nursing prior to starting the program to ensure the teacher satisfies the licensure requirements Allied Health Endorsement The Allied Health Endorsement includes a non-clinical track to teach certain Health and Medical Sciences courses Sports Medicine Credential National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM) for Certified Personal Trainer New Courses: (1) Introduction Mortuary Science, and (2) Health Informatics APG or Red Box is design to prompt school division to call the VDOE prior to starting programs with specific regulatory requirements for the program or instructor. School divisions considering starting a nurse aide program must- contact the Virginia Board of Nursing prior to starting the program to make sure the instructor meets the regulatory requirements. If the instructor resigns or is removed from the program-the VBON must be notified at once. A nurse –that meets the requirements is the only substitute that can be place in the classroom if the instructor resigns or is removed. The Allied Health Endorsement allows a variety of allied health professionals to teach four non clinical track courses: Introduction to Health and Medical Science Introduction to Nutrition for Health and Medical Science Health Exploratory(Middle School ) Medical Terminology

47 Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Biomedical Science Pathway
Project Lead the Way Biomedical Program (PLTW): Students explore human medicine, bioinformatics, cell biology, genetics, disease and other biomedical topics through relevant problem-solving activities. Bio-Medical Science (BMS) courses complement traditional science courses and can serve as the foundation for STEM-centered or specialized academies. The BMS Program is designed to prepare students to pursue a post-secondary education and careers in the biomedical sciences The Biomedical Program courses include: Principles of Biomedical Sciences (8379) Human Body Systems (8380) Medical Interventions (8381) Biomedical Innovations(8382) Capstone Project PLTW Biomedical Science courses are part of the AP + PLTW biomedical science pathway. Professional Development Requirements/Recommendations: Teachers must participate in two-week mandatory training for each course taught. Counselor Conference must be attended by a counselor from each school. Pre-Assessment for teachers provided. Course updates and revisions available online What is the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science Pathway? Project Lead the Way offers a Biomedical Science Pathway, that has four courses in the pathway, and any school division deciding to offer this program must identify the instructor and send them to the Project Lead the Way Instructor training, The Project Lead Way curriculum and equipment list must be utilized in the instruction of the course.

48 Health and Medical Sciences and Related Clusters Regulatory Standards
Virginia Board of Nursing Licensed Practical Nursing Superintendent’s Memos (#308-15, #242-15, #039-17, #319-13, #163-17, and #136-17) NCLEX Exam – with a quarterly report with pass rates for their program (Not 80% or above: 1st time-program improvement report, 2nd time-Board Visit, and 3rd time - jeopardy of program being closed) Background Checks for students Each quarter the Virginia Board of Nursing releases the examination pass rates for practical nursing programs. Programs should maintain an 80% pass rate each. If a program should receive a score under 80% the first time the VBON will request the program to complete a school improvement, when a program receives a score under 80% a second time, the VBON will schedule a survey visit, receiving a score under 80% will result in the possiblity of VBON closing the program. Make sure your program director share your pass rates. VBON now requires all students to have background checks must include a complete finger print check state and federal search.

49 Health and Medical Sciences and Related Clusters Regulatory Standards
Licensed Practical Nursing (Cont.) Survey Visits/Special Grant – Annual $2,200 grant can be used for reimbursement of Survey visits by Board of Nursing Guidance Documents on website – pertains to student conduct (ex. social media, criminal charges) Practical Nursing Annual Update – at every summer VAHAMSEA conference Transcripts Process – must submit transcript OR letter, not both Virginia Board of Nursing has provided VDOE with schedule of survey visits for all practical nursing programs. Programs should complete the survey and then send a letter requesting reimbursement with supporting documentation that they have paid for the survey and letter of completion from the VBON. There are multiple guidance documents related to student conduct. Directors should make sure that they incorporate the conduct topics of the guidance documents in the program handbook. The Virginia Board of Nursing recently changed the format for verifying students are ready to take the NCLEX examination. A program can send either transcripts only or a letter verifying the student candidates for the NCLEX. Programs should send only one source of documentation. Do not send both- it will slow the processing of applications down. The Practical Nursing Annual Update is done every summer as a pre conference event to the VAHAMSEA Summer conference. This done to ensure practical nursing director and instructors received required professional development CEUs and receive the Virginia Board of Nursing update.

50 Health and Medical Sciences and Related Clusters Regulatory Standards
Licensed Practical Nursing (Cont.) Survey Visits/Special Grant – Annual $2,200 grant can be used for reimbursement of Survey visits by Board of Nursing Guidance Documents on website – pertains to student conduct (ex. social media, criminal charges) Practical Nursing Annual Update – at every summer VAHAMSEA conference Transcripts Process – must submit transcript OR letter, not both Virginia Board of Nursing has provided VDOE with schedule of survey visits for all practical nursing programs. Programs should complete the survey and then send a letter requesting reimbursement with supporting documentation that they have paid for the survey and letter of completion from the VBON. There are multiple guidance documents related to student conduct. Directors should make sure that they incorporate the conduct topics of the guidance documents in the program handbook. The Virginia Board of Nursing recently changed the format for verifying students are ready to take the NCLEX examination. A program can send either transcripts only or a letter verifying the student candidates for the NCLEX. Programs should send only one source of documentation. Do not send both- it will slow the processing of applications down. The Practical Nursing Annual Update is done every summer as a pre conference event to the VAHAMSEA Summer conference. This done to ensure practical nursing director and instructors received required professional development CEUs and receive the Virginia Board of Nursing update.

51 Health and Medical Sciences and Related Clusters Regulatory Standards (cont.)
Virginia Board of Pharmacy Pharmacy Technicians Superintendent's Memos (# and #166-17) NEW National Board Exam (National Healthcare Association) - ExCPT Exam Orientation was in July Virginia Pharmacy Exam - National Board Exam until September 2017 Virginia Board of Medicine Surgical Technicians NCCT Tech Surgical Exam - now regulated by the Board of Medicine

52 Health and Medical Sciences and Related Clusters Regulatory Standards (cont.)
Virginia Board of Pharmacy Pharmacy Technicians Superintendent's Memos (# and #166-17) NEW National Board Exam (National Healthcare Association) - ExCPT Exam Orientation was in July Virginia Pharmacy Exam - National Board Exam until September 2017 Virginia Board of Medicine Surgical Technicians NCCT Tech Surgical Exam - now regulated by the Board of Medicine

53 Health and Medical Sciences and Related Clusters Regulatory Standards (cont.)
Virginia Board of Dentistry Dental Assistants Name change to Dental Careers Credential - Dental Assisting National Board Exam National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer Health and Medical Sciences Teachers Physical/Occupational Therapy (8365 and 8366) Sports Medicine I and II (7660 and 7662) Health and Physical Education Teachers Advanced Physical Education (7640 and 7650) Sports Medicine/Athletic Training I and II (7660 and 7662) Testing requirements:

54 Questions and Answers Michele Green- Wright
Specialist for Health and Medical Science and Related Clusters Office of Career and Technical Education Virginia Department of Education P. O. Box 2120 Richmond, Virginia General Questions Regarding Career and Technical Education should be sent to: CTE Web site: CTE Resource Center Web site: Note: The National Association of State Directors for Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) provided slides and input to this presentation

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