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The Renaissance The introduction of classical humanistic ideas caused people to truly question openly for the first time in history without fear. Rebirth.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance The introduction of classical humanistic ideas caused people to truly question openly for the first time in history without fear. Rebirth."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance The introduction of classical humanistic ideas caused people to truly question openly for the first time in history without fear. Rebirth of antiquity or the Greco-Roman civilization Wrote The Prince which explained how a ruler should govern. Basis of change in Europe’s government.


3 ROUND 1 Catholicism vs. Protestantism Result: Draw –Peace of
Augsburg-- Cuius regio, eius religio Round 2 French war of Religion: Huguenots vs. Catholics Result: Huguenots—Edict of Nantes “Paris is worth a mass. Round 3 Thirty Years War Protestants vs. Catholics Result: Peace of Westphalia and an end to religious wars


5 Commercial Revolution
Europeans rediscovered spices, silks, and other commodities rare in Europe. This development created a new desire for trade. , The Commercial Revolution is marked by an increase in general commerce, and in the growth of financial services such as banking, insurance, and investing. To deal with this new-found wealth, new economic theories and practices were created. Inflation, Static Production, Under population

6 A Space War Bacon, Galileo, Brahe, Kepler, Newton, Copernicus Old ideas New people learn, expand ideas, get rid of church. Scientific Method, Advancement in medicine, Physics, Planetary motion Today's Modern science. They still continue their studies and teachings The Scientists get reprimanded

7 First Phase Third Phase Pre Revolution
Constitution of Year III approved: Establishing Directory 1. Financial Crisis The Directory Failed Ending Revolution 2. Estates General Established by Louis XVI The French Revolution was a pivotal time in European history because it changed their lifestyle. It was an era of chaos and a total 360 degrees of beliefs and systems. 3. Peasant unfairly taxed Napoleon assumes command of French army in Italy. First Phase Robespierre becomes the dictator and is executed. Third Phase National Assembly Formed Abolish Feudalism Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens Abolition of nobility and titles Louis XVI subordinates the Church to the civil government Committee of Public Safety established Jacobin Constitution accepted by the Convention. The Convention elected by the Legislative Assembly abolishes monarchy Second Phase


9 The Baroque The Renaissance Open doors for multi. media Perspective Moves away from religion Architecture Donatello Masaccio Reflects current events Theatre Art Lots of money coming in Still used today Da Vinci Botticelli Back to religion Shows more realism Raphael Step in literature Michelangelo Diff. art styles Shakespeare


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