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Kalah Parran & Keegan Pabst Student Social Work Association

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1 Kalah Parran & Keegan Pabst Student Social Work Association
“Colors for HOPE” Kalah Parran & Keegan Pabst Student Social Work Association In conjunction with...

2 What is the HOPE Center? Founded in December of 1975 by Jim Jones (Hope Community Center) Jim noticed the boredom of his cognitively disabled clients and wanted to get and keep them engaged The first HOPE Center was opened in 1976 and volunteer-run on a part-time schedule HOPE moved to different locations over time as they outgrew facilities and eventually ended up in their present facility in 1989 Mission Statement: “HOPE is a nonprofit organization that exists to support Lenawee County adults with disabilities in pursuing an empowered, healthy, and community- enriched life” (Hope Community Center)

3 Did you know?... “In the year 2015, an estimated 12.6 percent of non- institutionalized, male or female, all ages, all races, regardless of ethnicity, with all education levels in the United States reported a disability” (Cornell, 2015). “About 12.7% of Michigan residents 18 to 64 years old reported a disability in 2013” (Tanner, 2015). “About 100 people are served every week with more than 120 programs offered monthly in education, recreation, socialization, and volunteer opportunities” at the HOPE Community Center in Adrian, Michigan (Hope Community Center).

4 Our Project: SHU students and HOPE members will be painting a mural as part of the renovations at the HOPE Center Projected Timeline: Begin project in Fall 2017 Flexible completion date: October 20, 2017 TASKS: Set up dates for mural painting Purchase necessary materials Host a campus event educating students Complete the mural at the HOPE Center Evaluate project

5 Projected Budget Projected Participation-30 people
Supplier-Lowes Area: 14.5x9ft ≈ sq ft ≈ 2 gallons Paint($30 per gallon per 2 cans) $60.00 Primer($30 per gallon per 2 cans) Brushes(large-3 pack- $8.18x10) $81.80 Brushes (small $3.68x5) $18.40 3 piece paint applicator kit (comes with trays-$3.98x10) $39.80 Transportation and Mileage (In kind donation) Total Estimated Budget $260.00

6 The BIG Picture PURPOSE: To increase awareness and education about the stigmas surrounding individuals with disabilities How?: Meeting before and after the event to discuss feelings, perceptions, and assumptions about individuals with disabilities Active participation and collaboration between SHU students and HOPE Center members in painting the mural

7 Why does it matter? Supports the mission statements of both the HOPE Center and SHU HOPE Center members are empowered to take part in the renovations SHU students grow more competent, purposeful, and ethical Respecting the dignity of all

8 Any Questions?


10 References Cornell University. (2015). Disability Statistics. Retrieved from HOPE Community Center. (n.d.). History - Hope Community Center. Retrieved from Tanner, K. (2015, March 7). Michigan disability information by county. Retrieved from

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