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Modern America 1920’s World Power New Deal Civil Rights 100 100 100

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1 Modern America 1920’s World Power New Deal Civil Rights 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Row Question Name given to the fear of communist radicals in U.S. after the end of WW I. Many suspected socialists or communists were deported out of this fear.

3 Row Answer Red Scare

4 Row Question Policy of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge to return to the policies of the U.S. before the times of WW I. Laissez-faire business and isolationism.

5 Row Answer Return to Normalcy

6 Row Question Scandal in the Harding Administration where government lands containing oil reserves were leased at a very low price to oil companies for a kickback payment to certain officials. One example of government corruption.

7 Row Answer Teapot Dome Scandal

8 Row Question 1920’s Immigration law that set up a quota system to determine the number of immigrants allowed. Discriminatory system against all non-Western Europeans.

9 Row Answer National Origins Act

10 Row Question These were two Italian immigrants who were known socialists / anarchists. They were accused of a murder and were convicted in a less than fair trial. Both were later executed for the crime.

11 Row Answer Sacco and Vanzetti

12 Row Question New foreign policy of the U.S. beginning in the late 1800’s where we are seeking to establish colonies in different parts of the world.

13 Row Answer Imperialism

14 Row Question The long time policy of the United States in foreign affairs before the 1890’s. We tried to stay out of the affairs of other nations.

15 Row Answer Isolationism

16 Row Question Wrote a book called the “Influence of Sea Power Upon History” where he stressed the need for the U.S. to build and upkeep a modern and powerful navy. Led to the Great White fleet of the early 1900’s.

17 Row Answer Alfred Mahan

18 Row Question Battle cry of the nation in the Spanish American war after it was destroyed in the harbor of Havana Cuba.

19 Row Answer Remember the Maine

20 Row Question - U.S. foreign policy goals sent By John Hay to several other nations stating the hope of the U.S., that all nations be given equal access to trade in China.

21 Row Answer Open Door Notes

22 Row Question This was the way in which Franklin Roosevelt communicated with the American public throughout the Depression and WW II. They often times served to ease the fears of the public during these trying times.

23 Row Answer Fireside Chats

24 Row Question The name given to the first part of FDR’s administration where they worked with Congress to pass and create many new programs to try and deal with the Depression.

25 Row Answer 100 Days

26 Row Question This is the name given to the lower mid-west during a period of great drought in the 1930’s. Many farmers had to abandon the area and become migrant workers in other parts of the nation.

27 Row Answer Dust Bowl

28 Row Question New Deal critic who was a Senator from Louisiana and promoted a program in which he said “every man is a king” and people should be guaranteed an annual income, a home, and a college education.

29 Row Answer Huey Long

30 Row Question New Deal critic who proposed a pension system for the elderly. This helped to bring about the Social Security Act of 1935.

31 Row Answer Dr. Francis Townsend

32 Row Question Supreme Court case where the Court ruled that segregation is no longer acceptable. Decision was made in a school desegregation case in 1954.

33 Row Answer Brown v. Board

34 Row Question Montgomery lady who signals the beginning of the civil rights movement when she refuses to give up a seat on a segregated bus.

35 Row Answer Rosa Parks

36 Row Question Leader of the non-violent disobedience civil rights movement that begun in Montgomery Alabama and spread across the nation.

37 Row Answer Martin Luther King Jr.

38 Row Question City where President Eisenhower had to send troops in order to desegregate a local all white high school in 1957.

39 Row Answer Little Rock, Arkansas

40 Row Question Began in Greensboro, NC to protest the segregation policies of many public restaurants. Started by 4 NC A&T college students.

41 Row Answer Sit-In Movement

42 Row Question Crisis under Jimmy Carter that involved the taking of hostages from a U.S. embassy in a foreign nation.

43 Iranian Hostage Crisis
Row Answer Iranian Hostage Crisis

44 Row Question President who led a conservative revolution in the 1980’s. Reduced taxes and increased military spending. Ran high deficits. Iran-Contra Scandal in his second term as President.

45 Row Answer Ronald Reagan

46 Row Question War fought in 1991 against Iraq to force them to withdraw from the nation of Kuwait. George Bush was the President

47 Row Answer Persian Gulf War

48 Row Question Agreement made with American voters by the 1990’s Republican Congress to reduce government spending and to produce a balanced budget.

49 Row Answer Contract with America

50 Row Question Elected President in Signed the NAFTA agreement to create a free trade network. Worked with Congress to balance the budget and create a budget surplus. Second President to be impeached, but was found not guilty.

51 Row Answer Bill Clinton

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