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13th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography and Education

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Presentation on theme: "13th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography and Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 13th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography and Education
“First Years of Teaching Primary Education. Reconstruction of Practices and Experiences in Disadvantaged Contexts” Alicia L. Carvajal J. UPN-Ajusco (México) 13th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography and Education

2 Research Beginning Teachers / Novice / Inexperienced
Maximum 5 years of service Chiapas State: Three teachers school offering two grades each one One teacher school offering six grades

3 Mexico/Chiapas

4 Analysis axes Relationships with children, parents and the community,
Conditions that lead them to change to a schoool in a less disadvantage context. Some questions raised by the new policies for admission and permanence al teaching positions.


6 Getting the job: working in the place and under the conditions the job requires
Admission test. Unknown and remote places. Without basic services.


8 Teachers and community: learning how to establish relacionships since the beginning

9 Teachers being received by the community
Place of residence

10 Difficulties Communication and use of the native language
Dealing with loneliness by establishing realtionships with the community} School hours Teaching overload Without company Being woman in a male dominance situation

11 Changing schools: What the teachers win and wath they lose
Working conditions Personal aspects: material and family advantages Differences of children and parents


13 …aNd the new institutional policies?
Admission and permanence Schools diversity Learning How to evalue teaching and learning?

14 Lost objective: Teaching

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