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Number of targets 41 68% Targets Exceeded 7 17% Targets Achieved 21 51% Target Partially Achieved 6 15% Targets not Achieved
PROG1: Administration -Summary of Performance
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Target Exceeded 2 14% Targets Achieved 7 50% Target Partially Achieved 1 7% Targets not Achieved 4 29% Total 14 64%
PROG 1: Targets Exceeded.….
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Achieve 90% submissions of performance agreements, reviews and assessments by due dates 90% of agreements concluded and submitted to HR by 31 March 2016 253 employees out of the expected 265 submitted the performance agreements before 30 April 2016 (253/265*100= 95%) WSP approved by DG by 30 April 2016 Achieve 80% of targets in the WSP by the end of the financial year Produce WSP and submit to DG for approval 10% of WSP targets achieved WSP approved by DG and submitted to PSETA before 30 April 2016. 46% of WSP targets achieved (115/250*100=46%)
PROG 1: Targets Achieved…..
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Produce AR and submit AGSA for audit and to NT and Parliament by due dates Annual Report submitted to Auditor-General by 31 May 2016 The Annual Report was submitted to Auditor-General by the 31 May 2016 100% of valid invoices paid within 30 days or disciplinary action taken in 100% of cases where invoices are not paid within 30 days 100% of valid invoices were paid within 30 days 100% compliance in submission of financial interests by all designated employees within the specified timeframes 100% All SMS members disclosed their financial interests via the e-disclosure system
PROG 1: Targets Achieved (2)
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Produce quarterly reports indicating 85% achievement of ICT systems standards 1 87 % achievement on the ICT systems standards (13/15*100=87%) Conduct annual risk assessment/ review and produce risk implementation plan Produce annual risk plan and quarterly progress reports 4th quarter risk progress report submitted to Risk and Audit Committee by 31 June 2016 Risk implementation plan for financial year 2016/17 The 4th quarter risk management progress report, risk assessment & registers and risk implementation plan were submitted to Risk & Audit Committee meeting for adoption and approval during the month of June 2016
PROG 1: Targets Achieved(3)
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Produce a 3 year rolling strategic internal audit plan and submit to the Audit Committee for approval by 30 June 2016 Develop 3 year strategic and annual plan and submit to Audit Committee for approval by 30 June 2016 3 year Strategic and annual plan were developed and approved by the Audit Committee on the 14 June 2016 Quarterly audit implementation reports submitted to Audit committee 4th quarter Internal Audit progress report submitted to Audit Committee by 30 June 2016 4th Quarter IA progress report was presented to AC on the 14th June 2016
PROG 1: Targets Partially Achieved ….
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Quarterly reports submitted to the Executing Authority, National Treasury and DPME within 30 days from the end of the quarter 4th quarter performance report for 2016- 17 produced and approved by the Minister and submitted to NT Performance report was produced and approved by the Minister and submitted to National Treasury by due date Performance Report was produced and approved by the Minister by the 17 May 2016 The Planning Unit has no control over the Minister's availability
PROG 1: Targets Not Achieved ….
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce a communication plan annually and report on its implementation within 30 days of end of each quarter of the financial year. Produce annual communication plan Implement 25% of activities and produce quarterly Report. 15 activities were undertaken in quarter 01 Communication plan was not developed Annual Communication plan will be developed and produced in the next quarter
PROG 1: Targets Not Achieved (2)
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Maintain a vacancy rate of less than 10% annually 10% or less on average over the quarter 49 of 341 Vacancy rate (49/341*100=14.4%)The average vacancy rate for the quarter is 14.4% The Department experienced a high number of staff exits as 9 employees left the Department which has a negative effect on the vacancy rate Apart from the 18 appointments indicated above 2 more posts were filled by means of internal promotions.
PROG 1: Targets Not Achieved (3)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Business applications produced and approved by the CIO Business application plan produced and approved by CIO Produce a report indicating 20% achievement of targets in the business applications plan Business application plan was produced and approved by CIO 1 of 20 projects have been achieved, 5 % achievement. 1/20*100 = 5% 15% deviation from the planned targets 3 Projects were accumulated in quarter project approved and 02 projects are still on schedule, to be finalised in the next quarter.
PROG 1: Targets Not Achieved (4)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce a executive support plan and produce quarterly reports on performance against the plan Produce the plan Produce report against the plan for 4th quarter 15 Activities were undertaken in conjunction with communication unit Executive support plan was not developed due to a tight schedule of minister
PROG 2: OME -Summary of Performance
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Target Exceeded 3 38% Targets Achieved 4 50% Target Partially Achieved 0% Targets not Achieved 1 12% Total 8 88%
PROG 2: Targets Exceeded.….
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Provide quality advice to political principals by preparing briefing notes on 75% of Cabinet memoranda and 100% of requests from political principals Produce 75% of briefing notes on Cabinet memoranda and 100% of briefing notes or reports on specific requests received 62 of 71 briefing notes for Cabinet memoranda (62/71*100=87%) completed. Produce an average of 80% of briefing notes on executive visits throughout the quarters of the financial year Produce an average of 80% of briefing notes on executive visits 10 of 12 Briefing notes on executive visits were produced (10/12*100=83%)
PROG 2: Targets Exceeded (2)
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Produce annual report showing support for 80% requested impact assessments Report on percentage of request/ submissions received and support provided/ responses sent to departments within 30 days 57 of 67 Socio Economic Impact Assessment Study (SEIAS) submissions received and responded to the department with 30 days (57/67*100=85%)
PROG 2: Targets Achieved…..
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Produce 3 consolidated reports for each of the 14 outcomes 1 1 consolidated report for each of the 14 outcomes was produced 3 reports for each outcome on the POA system (excluding outcomes for which the reports are classified) by 31 March 2017 One report for each outcome excluding outcomes for which the reports are classified 14 Outcomes reports displayed to the public on POA system
PROG 2: Targets Achieved (2)
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Develop a concept document Produce 1st draft concept document and project plan in consultation with StatsSA Draft concept document including project plan was produced in consultation with Stats SA National Evaluation Plan approved by Cabinet by March 2017 Call for 2017/18 to 2019/20 plan launched A Call for 2017/18 to 2019/20 National Evaluation plan was launched and signed out by DG
PROG 2: Targets Not Achieved ….
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce 3 briefing notes on the status of mining towns and labour sending areas 1 A briefing note on the status of mining sending areas was not produced The briefing notes was not produced and submitted to minister. Instead of producing a briefing note, a presentation was made to the Minister.
PROG3: IPME -Summary of Performance
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Target Exceeded 2 17% Targets Achieved 7 58% Target Partially Achieved Targets not Achieved 1 8% Total 12 75%
PROG 3: Targets Exceeded.….
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative 63 new facilities monitored and passed quality assurance with site monitoring reports captured on the M-Drive by 31 March 2017 10 27 new facilities monitored and passed quality assurance with site monitoring reports captured on the M-Drive 20 unscheduled monitoring interventions as a result of reported service delivery challenges 5 7 facilities have been monitored.
PROG 3: Targets Achieved…..
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative 95% MPAT assessment conducted to national and provincial departments Publish approved standards The Standards was approved on 15 June 2016 and was published on the DPME website on 29 June 2016 Revised FSDM Operational Guide Framework placed on DPME website First draft produced and saved on M-Drive The Draft FSDM Operational Guidelines has been developed and placed on the m-drive 27 New frontline service delivery monitoring visits to be directly focused on indicators in the M&E framework for the National Youth Policy Framework developed The FSDM M&E framework on the National Youth Policy has been developed
PROG 3: Targets Achieved (2)
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Produce customer satisfaction survey reports by end of each quarter Produce 1 customer satisfaction report by 30 June 2016 Signed off Q1 customer satisfaction survey report filed on M-Drive. Citizen-based monitoring implemented in 10 new facilities to support capacity building in service delivery departments Planning with partner departments The planning with partnering with departments was done 2 integrated intervention plans submitted to relevant clusters Planning with stakeholders on first intervention plan The planning with stakeholders on first intervention plan was done
PROG 3: Targets Achieved(3)
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Achieved 80% of targets in the Capacity Development Implemented Plan Produce 1 progress report showing 20% achievement of targets in the implementation plan 1 progress report showing 20% achievement of targets in the implementation plan was produced
PROG 3: Targets Partially Achieved ….
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention 80% feedback given to Directors General within 30 days of receipt of the performance agreements Capacity development provided to 80% of DG’s in line with the revised policy During quarter 01 capacity building was provided only to 8 of 9 Provinces attended Only Provincial capacity development provided Capacity building was conducted based on the current PSC PMDS Guidelines as the MPSA draft policy has not been tabled to Cabinet in April 2016 as initially envisaged. 90% Capacity development of newly appointed DG’s within 3 months after appointments Capacity development provided to DG’s appointed in the previous 3 months The Capacity development was provided to only provincial DG’s Capacity building initiatives rolled out only to Provinces
PROG 3: Targets Not Achieved ….
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention 100 Frontline improvement monitoring visits 25 Only 2 Improvement Monitoring visits completed 23 Improvement Monitoring visits were not completed The period between the improvement meeting and the improvement verification monitoring needs to allow enough time for facilities to implement the agreed recommendations therefore it falls outside the quarter and will be completed in quarter 2 and 3.
PROG4: NPC -Summary of Performance
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Target Exceeded 0% Targets Achieved 2 40% Target Partially Achieved Targets not Achieved 1 20% Total 05
PROG 4: Targets Achieved
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Guidelines issued by 15 May 2016 1 Guidelines were issued to 45 national departments Guidelines were issued to 9 Offices of the Premier
PROG 4: Targets Partially Achieved ….
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention 3 research projects commissioned/commenced by end of financial year Income Dynamic Studies (NIDS) wave 4 results produced by end of financial year Terms of reference for 1 research study compiled Terms of reference for 2 research study compiled (Cultural Entitlement and Development state) The Terms of reference does not have a sign-off date and the name of the person compiled it and signature
PROG 4: Targets Partially Achieved (2)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce Annual Report on stakeholder engagements and the work of the NPC on the NDP and submit to the NPC by end of March 2017 Produce quarterly activity report on support provided to the NPC NPC Quarterly Public engagement activity report was provided NPC activity report does not have a date and person who compiled it
PROG 4: Targets Not Achieved ….
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Consultation with government departments on a discussion document on approached to institutionalisation of long term planning incorporating framework for spatial planning Consultation of stakeholders Legal advice on approach to re-assignment of the NSDF Consultation of stakeholders and Legal advice on the approach to re-assignment of the NSDF was not done The target since
PROG5: NYDA -Summary of Performance
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Target Exceeded 0% Targets Achieved 1 50% Target Partially Achieved Targets not Achieved Total 02
PROG 5: Targets Achieved
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Submit reports on the status of implementing the youth policy 1Implementation report Status report on implementation of National Youth Policy
PROG 5: Targets Not Achieved
Planned Annual Target 2016/17 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce Tranche approval and NYDA quarterly reports Produce annual memorandum of agreement Tranche approval Quarter 4 NYDA report 1st quarter tranche was approved, memorandum of agreement and 4th quarter report for NYDA were submitted The memorandum of agreement is for 2015/16 financial year
Q1 Expenditure 31 August 2016
Trends Exp
2016/17 Budget
2016/17 Q1 Expenditure
2016/17 Q1 Expenditure
2016/17 Q1 Expenditure Per Econ. Classification Budget Q1 Exp Q1 %Exp
Compensation 48 669 46 723 96% Goods&Services 65 242 60 883 93% Capital 544 1 173 216% Transfers 100% TOTAL 98% Per Programme Budget Q1 Exp Q1 %Exp Admin 27 085 26 857 99% OME 23 120 20 042 87% IPM&E 14 788 11 820 80% Planning 48 388 48 807 101% Youth 100% TOTAL 98%
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