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Happy Monday! Please do the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday! Please do the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday! Please do the following:
Apply the comma rules we have been studying to the following: “Do you think” Mark asked “that the Lions will win?” Mary screamed “That hurts!” Of all the stories we have read I like this one the best.

2 Book Talks Tuesday: All hours (full day) Wednesday: ACT Testing (1/2 day) Thursday: 1st & 3rd Hours Present (1/2 day) Friday: 4th hour Presents (1/2 day) Monday, Nov. 12th: 1,3,4 Hours present (full day)

3 Writing about your Data: Explanatory Essay
Purpose: to write about your data findings in a formal report while incorporating your graphics.

4 Explanatory Essay Outline
Introduction A. “Hook”/Lead B. Bridge sentence C. Thesis Statement Survey Q #1 A. Basic Results (yes/no) B. Gender & age results C. Research conclusion Survey Q #2 A. Basic Results B. Gender & Age results C. Research Conclusion Survey Q #3 Conclusion A. Restated thesis B. “So why does it matter…”/Call to action…

5 Explanatory Essay: Introduction
EXAMPLE: Do happiness and money go hand in hand? Can one exist without the other? Versions of these age old questions were asked to various members of the Port Huron High School community and the results were analyzed. Research across both gender and age showed that indeed money is an indicator of happiness. Introduction A. “Hook”/Lead B. Bridge sentence C. Thesis Statement YOUR research result…what did you find out?

6 Explanatory Essay: Body Paragraphs
EXAMPLE: Survey Q #1 (topic sentence) A. Basic Results (yes/no) B. Gender & age results C. Research conclusion Survey Q #2 A. Basic Results B. Gender & Age results C. Research Conclusion Survey Q #3 PHHS community members were first asked, “Can money buy happiness?” The results of this questions are that ____% agree that money can buy happiness, while ____% disagreed with the statement. For this question, ______ tended to agree more while ______ saw this as untrue. Also, based on the responses, younger people responded________ while those who are older claimed ________. Therefore, research suggests that money ______ buy happiness.

7 Explanatory Essay: Concluding Paragraph
EXAMPLE: Conclusion A. Restated thesis B. “So why does it matter…”/ Call to action… Thus, research across both gender and age showed that indeed money is an indicator of happiness. These results indicate a need for a shift in what brings happiness to people; material things are not an indicator of internal happiness and happiness cannot be bought.

8 Happy Tuesday! Please do the following:
Apply the comma rules we have been studying to the following: The first question “Can Money Buy Happiness?” was asked to several people. Question one two and three all indicate that males believe money can buy happiness. Older people may believe that money cannot buy happiness but the younger generation seems to believe that helping others leads to happiness.

9 Happy Thursday/Friday! Please do the following:
Apply the comma rules we have been studying to the following: Because only ten people were surveyed the data is not conclusive. Though the data indicates this it cannot be conclusively decided. By surveying the PHHS community one can come to some general conclusions.

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