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Land of the Rising Sun Week #18.

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Presentation on theme: "Land of the Rising Sun Week #18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land of the Rising Sun Week #18

2 Last Name, First Name 12/ / ? 18 “Japan - Land of the Rising Sun” I will learn about and understand the geography, social system, and government of early Japan.

3 Monday century 12/15/14 7.5, RH 2, WHST 4. 2
I will understand and explain the effects of Japan’s geography on its culture and economy by reading the RSG and answering related questions with my learning partner. 12/15/ , RH 2, WHST Monday What is one thing you already know about Japan? 2001 – Leaning Tower of Pisa reopens century

4 One thing I already know about Japan is ______________________ ____________________________.
Bell Work

5 noun One hundred years century

6 “Gentle Reminders” from the beginning of the year

7 Yokoso! Japan
(0:00 – 3:00) Yokoso! Japan

8 Remove Page 67

9 Section 1 – “I Do”

10 Questions #1 and A Japan’s location affected it’s culture
because it is close to China which impacted its religion, government, arts, and agriculture. Shinto’s main beliefs are based on respect for nature and ancestors.

11 Section 2 – “We Do” A B A B

12 Questions #2 and B The people who held real power in
early Japanese society were… The Japanese believed that members of the Yamato clan….

13 Section 3 – “You Do”

14 Questions #3 and C

15 Graphic Organizer – “You Do”
Japan is an island off the coast of Asia. It is very close to China. As such, many parts of its culture have been influenced by China. Summarize each of the three sections here in paragraph (3-5 sentences)


17 Tuesday What is Shinto? apathy
I will understand and be able to correctly use this week’s vocabulary terms about early Japan as will be demonstrated by completing modified circle maps for each term. 12/16/ , RH 4, WHST Tuesday What is Shinto? 1773 – The Boston Tea Party apathy

18 Shinto is _____________________ ____________________________.
Bell Work

19 noun Lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving; not caring apathy

20 “Gentle Reminders” from the beginning of the year.

21 http://app. discoveryeducation
Introduction to Japan

22 3 “mini” circle maps on the front
LET’S PREPARE OUR PAPERS FOR OUR VOCABULARY TERMS 3 “mini” circle maps on the front

23 Vocabulary terms for this week are:
Shinto regent embassy

24 Use to complete your circle maps
regent embassy The origin(s) of the word Definition Term Part of Speech Sentence Make one or copy one from Create a Visual

25 Matsumoto Castle

26 I will identify important contributions of Prince Shotoku by examining primary and secondary sources and creating a presentation on Google Slides. 12/17/ , RH 2, WHST Wednesday What is regent? Provide an example of something similar in our world today. 1903 – First airplane flies rue

27 A regent is ___________________ ____________________________
A regent is ___________________ ____________________________. An example of something similar is ____________________________. Bell Work

28 verb To feel sorrow over; repent of; regret bitterly; wish that something had never been done. rue

29 “Gentle Reminders” from the beginning of the year.

30 Shinto: A Brief Overview
What is a “kami”? How long has Shinto been in Japan? What is used to “purify” people? Shinto: A Brief Overview

31 Prince Shotoku Presentation
Your presentation will have 5 slides: Title page Who was Prince Shotoku? Important Dates in his life Important Accomplishments At Least 2 interesting facts Prince Shotoku Presentation

32 Prince Shotoku Presentation
Prince Shotoku Presentation Requirements: You must tell where you got the information at the bottom of each page (we call this “citing your sources”) Each page must have an illustration or graphic to go along with the information from that page Check with the teacher before submitting your presentation Notes: You can change the colors or theme of this presentation if you want Some helpful websites might include: Prince Shotoku Presentation

33 Prince Shotoku Presentation
Have the teacher check your presentation before clicking submit! Prince Shotoku Presentation


35 Thursday What is an embassy? forfeit
I will identify important physical and political features and explain how they influence Japan by completing a map and answering questions with my partner. 12/18/ , RH 7, WHST Thursday What is an embassy? 1620 – Mayflower docks at Plymouth Harbor forfeit

36 An embassy is ________________ ____________________________.
Bell Work

37 noun Something to which the right is lost; a fine; penalty forfeit

38 “Gentle Reminders” from the beginning of the year.

39 (0:00 – 3:23) Mount Fuji


41 You can also use pages A19 and A21

42 Answer these questions on the back of your map
What bodies of water separate Japan from mainland Asia? What do all of the cities except Kyoto and Sapporo have in common? About how many miles is the closest part of mainland Asia from Japan? Which country is this? Based upon your knowledge of Japan’s geography, how do you think it could have effected its development? How would its people relate to each other and to neighboring countries? Answer these questions on the back of your map

43 What should be in your packet?
History Log 2.0 C8 L3 RSG (3 questions) Addendum (3 questions + graphic organizer) C8 L3 Vocabulary (3 terms) “Prince Shotoku Presentation (already turned-in via Google Classroom) Japan Map, 4 Questions on the back Weekly Reflection 2.0

44 Mount Fuji

45 Friday How did Prince Shotoku change Japan? tycoon
I will assess my understanding of the information covered this week by taking an assessment and completing a weekly reflection as will demonstrated by submission of my Week 18 Packet. 12/19/ , RH 2, WHST Friday How did Prince Shotoku change Japan? 1777 – Continental Army enters Valley Forge tycoon

46 Bell Work Prince Shotoku changed Japan by
sending scholars and artists to China to learn from them and supporting Buddhism. Bell Work

47 noun A business person of great wealth and power. tycoon

48 “Gentle Reminders” from the beginning of the year.

49 Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Quiz Go to
Click on “Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Quiz” When you are finished with the quiz, click “submit” Log-off the computer and return it to the cart. Pick-up a Weekly Reflection

50 What should be in your packet?
History Log 2.0 C8 L3 RSG (3 questions) Addendum (3 questions + graphic organizer) C8 L3 Vocabulary (3 terms) “Prince Shotoku Presentation (already turned-in via Google Classroom) Japan Map, 4 Questions on the back Weekly Reflection 2.0

51 Weekly Reflection, Step 1
Use your RSG!

52 Weekly Reflection, Step 2
this week we were introduced to Japan. Our study of Japan was divided into three categories: geography, society, and government. You usually use a Tree Map to categorize like this. Use your RSG!

53 Weekly Reflection, Step 3
Japan Geography Society Government - Island 120 miles away from China Use your RSG and other assignments from this week to complete these two sections - Only 15% of the land is flat - Earthquakes, tidal waves, and hurricanes - No natural resources - Mild climate, lots of rain - Protected from invasion

54 Weekly Reflection, Step 4

55 The Perfect Paragraph! General Information and Topic Sentences

56 The Perfect Paragraph! Supporting Ideas and Clinchers

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