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The Roots of Imperialism

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1 The Roots of Imperialism

2 Imperialism: ● strong nations controlling weaker territories politically, economically and socially.

3 Causes of Imperialism Raw materials/natural resources
Opportunity for more markets Imperialism forces nations to expand their military Alfred Mahan: ●military historian and officer in the Navy; ●encouraged Americans to increase naval power and create foreign bases to refuel and gather fresh supplies


5 Justifying Imperialism
Superiority/Social Darwinism Manifest Destiny


7 Americas steps towards world power
1867: US takes possession of Midway Islands 1875 and 1877: US increases trade with Hawaiian Islands and gives US right to have naval base in Pearl Harbor 1867: Secretary of State William Seward buys Alaska from Russia for $7.2m Those opposed called Alaska “Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox” Alaska doubled size of US and is rich in timber, oil and other natural resources

8 Americas steps towards world power
Increasing influence in Latin America 1889: Secretary of State James Blaine sponsors the First International Pan-American Conference Economic cooperation with 17 Latin American countries Created the Pan-American Highway system linking the US with Central and South America

9 1887 US convinces King Kalakaua to amend Hawaii’s constitution
1893: US overthrows Queen Liluokalani b/c she was imposing high tariffs on farmers and abolished the constitution President Benjamin Harrison annexes Hawaii but can’t sign the treaty b/c term was over. President Cleveland does not sign treaty 1898 William McKinley signs the treaty after the outbreak of the Spanish- American War.

10 American Jingoism(aggressive nationalism)

11 What were the causes and effects of the Spanish-American war?

12 US invests $50m in sugar-cane plantations and other businesses in Cuba

13 The Spanish-American War
1895 Cuban patriot Jose Marti launched a war for independence from Spain Used guerilla tactics Cubans and Spanish destroy American property US has sympathy for Cubans b/c of Revolution US journalists highlight the war with comic strips and headlines on front pages (called ‘yellow press’) McKinley warns Spanish to establish peace or the US will step in

14 The War con’t Spain refuses to give Cuba independence
McKinley orders the battleship Maine to protect American citizens in Cuba Secret letter denouncing McKinley from Spain infuriates American jingoism (aggressive nationalism and relations with Spain) After making the letter public the Maine blows up. Journalists automatically accuse Spain


16 The war con’t 11 April 1898 McKinley asks Congress to declare war
Congress creates 4 resolutions to independence Fourth resolution—the Teller Amendment—said US had no intentions of annexing Cuba Spain declares war on US

17 The war con’t American troops battle Spanish
1898 Commodore George Dewey brings his vessels to Manila Bay in the Philippines. Americans surprise Spanish fleet and destroy them Spanish surrender to US and US captures Guantanamo Bay

18 The war con’t Some US troops called Rough Riders—led by Theodore
Roosevelt They were rugged westerners and upper class easterners Intricate in America’s victory

19 Effects of the War 1898 US and Spain sign Treaty of Paris
Spain gives up most control over Cuba, Puerto Rico and Guam Sold Philippines to US for $20m

20 Target Goal Make a Positive/Negative T-chart about Roosevelt.
Then, look at the reasons why Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln are on Mt. Rushmore and create a criteria. Looking at your +/- chart, do you think T. Roosevelt is worthy enough to have his face on Mt. Rushmore next to Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln? Defend your answer. You should discuss the criteria of having a face on Mt. Rushmore and why he does/does not fit that criteria. How does he compare to the other presidents?

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