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6/23/16 Drop Versus Withdrawal Georgia Military College Dean Jeffery Wells and Advisor Kayla Brownlow 6/23/16 11:45AM.

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Presentation on theme: "6/23/16 Drop Versus Withdrawal Georgia Military College Dean Jeffery Wells and Advisor Kayla Brownlow 6/23/16 11:45AM."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/23/16 Drop Versus Withdrawal Georgia Military College Dean Jeffery Wells and Advisor Kayla Brownlow 6/23/16 11:45AM

2 Drop versus Withdrawal

3 Delete (X) Before the start of the term (including week zero), acts as though the course never existed in their file. No academic penalty No financial penalty 11/27/2018

4 Drop (D) Only during the drop/add period (week 1)
Last day to drop is Friday of week 1 Can ADD courses, until Tuesday of week 1 No academic penalty No financial penalty 6/23/16 Can add until Tuesday, but not recommended because will likely be behind. Student contacts advisor during this week to drop a course

5 Withdrawal (W) After the end of week 1, student initiated
Last day to withdraw is Sunday of week 7 After this day, can no longer withdraw Can impact SAP, academic standing 6/23/16 After withdrawal deadline, can only receive IU or Fail Student requests withdrawal by contacting professor

6 Non-Attendance Withdrawal (IU)
Student has not completed a graded assignment in 14 days Can impact SAP, academic standing 11/27/2018 Professor sends in request to registrar’s office

7 Academic Penalties Student Initiated Withdrawal
Drop No academic penalty Student Initiated Withdrawal Student receives W W can have negative impact on Satisfactory Academic Progress ratio Does not impact GPA Non-attendance Withdrawal Student receives IU The grade “IU” carries the same academic penalty as an F Can have negative impact on SAP ratio 6/23/16 Student initiated withdrawal- send to professor, sends to registrar for processing IU- when student has not completed a graded assignment in 14 days.

8 Financial Aid Penalties
Drop No impact for Dual Enrollment students Financial aid counselors will not process funds Withdrawal No impact for Dual Enrollment students in relation to financial aid, but can lead to complications with Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 6/23/16 Drop- financial aid counselors don’t process funds, nothing needs to be done in GACollege 411 SAP does not show on transcript, but W will

9 Satisfactory Academic Progress
What is SAP? Good Standing Warning (Pass-Rate and/or GPA) Suspension Appeal Probation Terminated Pass Rate Students must complete 2/3 of all credits attempted GPA Total Credits transferred Cumulative GPA 11/27/2018 Warning- Still receive financial aid Suspension- aid eligibility is lost Probation- if appeal is granted, must successfully complete 100% of attempted hour and Terminated- if probation period is violated, ineligible for aid at GMC Pass Rate- can be regained once they meet the 2/3 completion rate So, if a DE student Withdraws or Fails the first term, they can then take two classes the following term to make up for it and regain the 2/3 completion rate and fill out appeal GPA- Can appeal after taking 10 hours and completing successfully, so show academic progress. 0-18 1.50 19-37 1.70 38-56 1.90 57+ 2.00

10 Questions? 11/27/2018

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