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Go through and highlight important information.

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Presentation on theme: "Go through and highlight important information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go through and highlight important information.
Volcanic locations are often major tourist attractions for some areas and they generate money and jobs for the people living near them such as those living near Mount Vesuvius in Italy. Geothermal heat is used to generate electricity in some countries, its a very cheap and environmentally friendly way to create energy. Iceland makes 25% of it electricity this way. Geothermal spas are located near to volcanoes. The water is cooled down and pumped into lagoons where people bathe in the warm nutrient rich waters. Tourists from all over the world come to visit these sorts of resorts. Watch this video from the ‘Blue Lagoon’ resort in Iceland: Diamonds and precious metals are sometimes brought to the surface of the Earth in a rare type of magma. In New Zealand the magma is making the water hot and so Gold and Silver is gathering there. Taupo Volcanic zone is where it is happening. Homework Go through and highlight important information. Produce a revision card on the outline. Answer the Exam question Volcanic soil is extremely nutrient rich and is perfect soil for growing crops such as in Hawaii. Steps are built on the steep slopes so that the land can be farmed, they are known as terraces. Volcanologists and scientists monitor volcanoes for activity and put warning systems in place. Prediction is the most important aspect of this, as this gives people time to evacuate the area and make preparations for the event. Hawaii has a volcano observatory

2 Illustrate why people would want to live in dangerous tectonic zones
9 marks ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Marks 1-3 Basic L1 Basic sentences about why people live in tectonic areas Marks 4-6 Clear L2 Able to use evidence to show why people live in tectonic areas. Start to use SEE Marks 7-9 Detailed L3 Able to lots of evidence to show why people live in tectonic areas using SEE to back up thoughts

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