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Native Americans from Texas

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1 Native Americans from Texas
By Laurie Hill Hello everyone and welcome to my presentation! My presentation is over Native Americans from Texas. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

2 Outline Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

3 Objectives By the end of this power point, I would like my students to be able to… Understand where the Indians came from first Understand the different areas of Texas Native Americans lived Be able to identify the type of food, clothing, and housing the Indians used Identify unique attributes of certain tribes …in order to make their own PPT! My audience will be my elementary school students. My objectives are to ensure that my students are able to understand where the Native Americans originally came from, to understand the different areas of Texas in which they lived, to be able to identify key things such as food and housing, and to be able to identify interesting and identifying characteristics of the many cultures so that they in turn will be able to make their own ppt with a group. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

4 The First Americans It is thought that most Native Americans are descendents from people that crossed over from Asia to America on a land bridge– the Bering Land bridge. As the world's glaciers and ice sheets melted over the following millennia, rising sea level flooded the land bridge. This picture demonstrates the diminishing of the bridge over thousands of years First of all, the first people in America actually came from some place other than America. One widely accepted theory is that the first people traveled from Asia by walking over a land bridge, called the Bering Land Bridge that once existed btwn Alaska and Asia. This land bridge eventually disappeared due to flooding cause by melting glaciers. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

5 Migration Paths As the people began to migrate to America, they all branched off and to different locations. As you can see, most of the people traveled to areas with a lot of water. The people that we will be focusing on eventually, thousands of years later, migrated to the Texas area. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

6 Here is a map of the most well-known Native Texans
Here is a map of the most well-known Native Texans. The Indians that we will be discussing are the Comanche, Caddo, Wichita, Tonkawa, Karankawa, Coahuiltecan, Apache, and Jumano Indians. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

7 The Comanche Migrated from Wyoming Hunters and gatherers
Used the horse for their main source of transportation and food-getting “Well dressed” The Comanche leaders often wore fine European clothes, with many silver conchos and fine leather boots. The Comanche are probably one of the most well known Indians that we learn about in Texas. They are very nomadic and traveled to Texas all the way from Wyoming. They conquered the land in which they invaded, and did not attempt to make many friends. They got their food by hunting and gathering. Their main target was the buffalo which they used in many ways in their daily lives. Before the Spanish settlers brought horses, the Comanche tribes walked. It was very hard to hunt that way, so once the horse was introduced to them, they began to trade for them or to steal them and the horse became their main source of transportation and means of hunting. The Comanches have been described as “well-dressed” because they traded with European settlers. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

8 The Comanche Lived in tee-pees
Good warriors and traders (although, thieves) Often spoke more than one language Click here for more important facts The Comanche families lived in teepees. The teepee was easy to construct and easy to take apart. They were very convenient for a nomadic life-style. As I said before, they are traders and warriors, and it is thought that they were very good at what they did. They were also very learned. Many times at least one person in a tribe could speak more than one language. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

9 The Wichita Semisedentary lifestyle
farms and villages, but also moved around Fall would migrate west to go on a buffalo hunt In spring lived in grass huts in villages grew maize, pumpkins, squash, beans and plums The Wichita lived in Northern Texas. They were semisedentary, which means that they stayed in one place for half of the year, and then traveled around the other half. In the fall they would migrate west to hunt for buffalo. When spring came, they would go back to farming and living in villages. They lived in grass huts like in the picture. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

10 Click the picture for more info
The Wichita Tattoos— “raccoon-eyed people” Wore clothes made of tanned hides Men: shirts, loin cloths and leggings Women: dresses that reached from their chin to their ankles Moccasins Elk teeth were very valuable trade items with neighboring tribes The Wichita Indians are noted for their tattooing around their eyes, which made them resemble raccoons. They called themselves raccoon-eyed people because of this. Their clothing and moccasins were made out of tanned hides. The men wore shirts, loin cloths, and leggings. The women must have been hot, because they wore dresses that reached from their chin all the way to the ground! They sometimes adorned themselves or their clothing with elk teeth, which were very valuable. They may have used them as trading items. Click the picture for more info Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

11 The Caddo Lived in piney areas of East Texas Farmers
Grass huts like the Wichitas Farmers corn, beans, squash and other crops Set fires in the woods to burn away clearings to farm Women would gather wild plant food like acorns, black berries Men would travel in hunting parties for buffalo Buffalo robes The Caddo clans were farmers that lived in the forests of East Texas. They built grass huts in which to live. In order to clear land for farming, the men would set part of the woods on fire. The men also traveled in hunting parties in order to hunt. Later they would make long robes out of the buffalo hides. The women gathered wild food to eat also. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

12 The Caddo Texas is a Caddoan word
It means "those who are friends" The Tejas Caddo tribes were all "friends” Made bows and arrows out of bois de arc wood Made axes to cut down trees Beautiful pottery Click the ax for more information The word Texas comes from the Caddoan word “Tejas” which means those who are friends. The Caddoan tribes were skilled at making beautiful pottery and weapons. They made bows and arrows our of bois de arc wood, native to eastern Texas. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

13 Lets Review! Where is it thought that the first humans that came to America came from? Where did the Comanche Indians live? The Wichita? The Caddo? What kind of house did the Comanches live in? The Wichita? The Caddo? Which Native Texans were hunter/ gatherers? Which were farmers? What does “Tejas” mean? Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

14 The Tonkawa “The people of the wolf” Totemic belief system
Believed descended from mythical wolf Totemic belief system each clan had a mythical animal or spirit to guard them The Tonkawas called themselves the people of the wolf. They believe that they are descended from a mythical wolf. The Tonkawa clans practiced a totemic belief system and each clan was guarded by an animal spirit. Click the picture or the wolf on the next slide for more information. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

15 The Tonkawa Tattooed bodies Hill country of central Texas
Shared land with the Karankawa and Coahuiltecan Friendly, but enemies with Comanche and Apache tribes Hunted and gathered food Fish, deer, blackberries Lived in huts, wickiups and tee-pees They also tattooed their bodies. They lived in the Texas Hill Country and were very friendly. They shared land with all that needed it. However, they were not friends with the Comanches or Apaches, who were enemies to everyone. They lived in a variety of homes: huts, wickiups, and teepees and were hunter-gatherers. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

16 The Apaches Built wickiups and teepees Semi-sedentary
Migrated to Texas from Canada “Apache” is probably Zuni which means “enemy” The Apache and Navajo called themselves the Dine Dine in Apache or Navajo means "the people” Built wickiups and teepees Semi-sedentary Farmed and hunted The Apaches are late-comers. They migrated to Texas all the way from present day Canada! The word Apache was given to them. They did not actually call themselves Apaches. It is probably Zuni which means enemy. The Apahces and Navajos actually called themselves Dine, which simply means “the people”. They lived in wickiups and teepees because they were semi-sedentary. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

17 The Apaches Wore leather boots and wide cloth headbands
After the horse, stopped farming to hunt Pushed further south by Comanche Two groups: Lipan and Mescaleros Sought refuge in Spanish missions but treated like slaves Geronimo- famous leader of the Mescalero Apaches 1870s- led a famous raid in southern New Mexico and far west Texas The horse was very important to the Apaches as well as the Comanches. They stopped farming to hunt because it was easier. Although the Apaches were not very friendly, the Comanches were worse and continued to push them further and further south. Eventually the Apaches broke up into two groups calld the Lipan and Mescaleros. The Lipan Apaches lived in southern TX and the Mescalero Apaches moved to the El Paso area. The Apaches were treated badly by the Spanish when they sought refuge from the Comanches. A famous Mescalero Apache is Geronimo. In the 1870s he raided southern NM and far W TX. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

18 The Karankawa Galveston and Corpus Christi area Food= fish fish fish!
Clothing Men: breach cloths or nothing at all Women: grass skirts Lived in wickiups during the winter Got around in canoes Could hold a family and all their possessions The Karankawa Natives lived along the Gulf Coast. There diet consisted of sea food and hardly anything else! They did not wear much clothing because of the warm climate. The men wore breach cloths or went naked, and the women wore grass skirts. They lived in Wikiups in the winter. Whenever they traveled, the moved along the swamps and marshes in large canoes which were big enough to hold a whole family and all of its possessions. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

19 The Karankawa Larger than most Native Americans at 6’
Often unfairly labeled as cannibals Click on the fish for more information on the Karankawa culture The Karankawas were often unfairly labeled as cannibals bc they ate the body of their war victims. However, most of the Native Americans did this! It was not for food, but for enabling the warriors to receive the brave spirit of the man they had killed. The Karankawas were probably pretty scary because they were taller than most Native Americans at over 6’. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

20 The Coahuiltecan Many similar groups of Indians in the same area
called the Coahuiltican Indians out of convenience South Texas, Eastern Mexico Hunters and gatherers until people started to come to America “Dirty and smelly” Diseases Became extremely poor The Coahuiltecan now reffers to a bunch of similar Indian tribes and clans that lived in South Tx and E Mexico. They were hunters and gathers. Once people started to come to America, though, their lives were pretty much destroyed. They became incredibly poor and often starved or ate rotten food with maggots on it. They also contracted diseases. Because of this they were often refered to as dirty and smelly. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

21 The Coahuiltecan Wickiups, sometimes Little clothing, if any
Made sandles out of lechuguilla plants Click the cactus for more info. If they could, they would live in Wickiups, but most often they slept out in the open. They rarely wore any clothing, but they did make sandles out of a spiky plant called lechuguilla. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

22 Jumano West Texas Farmers Adobe houses grew corn, beans and squash
grew cotton for clothes and blankets Adobe houses The Jumano Indians were farmers that lived in West Texas. They built adobe houses in which to live. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

23 Jumano Clean and neat Men shaved their heads except for at the top
Traders Supposedly naked except for when it was cold- wore blankets They are often described as neat and clean because the men would shave their entire head except for one spot where the hair grew long. They did not wear clothing. When it got cold they would wear blanket that they made out of the cotton that they grew. They were also involved in trading. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

24 Lets Review! What did the Tonkawa Indians call themselves?
Which Native Texans lived in adobe houses? How did the Karankawa clans get around? Why were the Coahuiltecan clans “dirty and “smelly”? What Indian heritage was Geronimo? What type of homes did the Tonkawa, Apache, Karankawa, Coahuiltecan, and Jumano Indians live in? Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

25 Before you go to the next slide, see if you can remember where these Native Texans lived! When you get to the next slide, try to guess the names in order before you click. Before you go to the next slide, see if you can remember where these Native Texans lived! When you get to the next slide, try to guess the names in order before you click. Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

26 Comanche Caddo 1 6 7 8 5 2 3 4 Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

27 Bibliography (Incomplete)
Indians Who Lived In Texas, Hendrick-Long Publishing, 1981 Moore, Edward R & Texarch Assoc., Texas Indians,

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