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Welcome to Freshman Parent Night! August 16, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Freshman Parent Night! August 16, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Freshman Parent Night! August 16, 2018

2 Greetings From Your School Counselors
Craig Alessio (A-G) Davida Patterson (H-O) Stephen Pratt (P-Z)

3 Agenda PHHS Overview Counseling Overview Sample Course Offerings
Tips for Success FAQ’s What To Watch For… Student Panel Q & A Session

4 Our Mission As school counselors, our mission is to support our administrative team, teachers, parents, and community in preparing all Paradise Honors High School students to be future ready citizens by providing them a safe, caring, learning environment in which to develop their cognitive, career and social-emotional development.

5 So Why PHHS? -The Benefits

6 Benefits of Choosing PHHS
Class sizes - average of 25 students AP course opportunities Challenging curriculum for all level of learners High academic and behavioral expectations A safe learning environment Small counselor caseloads

7 PHHS Parent Expectations
Homework & Agenda Checks Organization & Time Management Student Handbook, Dress Code Promote School Involvement- clubs, sports, events Talk about school Attend Counseling presentations, meetings, and activities Don’t let go…too much

8 School Counseling Services in Three Basic Domains
Academic Areas Personal & Social Concerns Career and College Decision-Making

9 What is the Difference Between Course Levels?
Grade-Level – Curriculum provides a general overview of standards, and assesses knowledge of content. Honors – Curriculum covers more in-depth material with a more vigorous learning and studying routine; classes are more fast paced, workload increases, and assessments are more challenging. Advanced Placement – Curriculum equates to a first year college level course; therefore, students may earn college credit for the course if exam score meets selected college criteria.

10 Sample Course Offering
9th Grade Freshman English or (H) credit Algebra I or (H) credit World History or (H) or AP Human Geog credit Biology or (H) credit Physical Education credit Art I credit credits (H)=Honors

11 Sample Course Offering
10th Grade Sophomore English or (H) or (Pre-AP) credit Geometry or (H) credit Government or (H) or (AP) credit Chemistry or (H) credit Spanish I credit Concert Choir I credit credits (H)=Honors

12 Sample Course Offering
11th Grade Junior English or (H) or (AP) credit Algebra II or (H) credit US History or (H) or (AP) credit Anatomy and Physiology credit Psychology AP credit Spanish II credit credits (H)=Honors (AP) = Advanced Placement

13 Sample Course Offering
12th Grade Senior English or (H) or (AP) credit Calculus A/B AP credit Economics credit Genetics credit Spanish III credit Physics H credit credits (H)=Honors (AP) = Advanced Placement

14 GPA Bonus for Enrolling in Honors/AP Courses
If Student Steve earns straight A’s in the sample schedules above, Student Steve’s Unweighted GPA would be a 4.0 and his Weighted GPA would be a 4.62. If Student Craig earns 3 A’s and 3 B’s (1 A in an honors/AP class and 2 A’s in a grade-level courses) in the sample schedules above, Student Craig’s Unweighted GPA would be a 3.5 and his Weighted GPA would be a 4.0.

15 Interventions and Grade Checks
Tiered classes to meet all level of learners Academic Interventions Academic Tutoring NHS Tutoring Academic Support Academic Probation Academic Detentions Bi-weekly grade checks

16 Grade Promotion To be promoted to grade 10 students must:
Earn 6 credits including passing all core courses. To be promoted to grade 11 students must: Earn 12 credits including passing all core courses. To be promoted to grade 12 students must: Earn 18 credits including passing all core courses. 20 hours of community service must be completed each year.

17 Frequently Asked Questions

18 Do you have any tips on being successful in high school?
Make good use of an organizer/agenda Eat breakfast and lunch Know that school IS important Get enough sleep Get involved in clubs and/or sports Study, study, study! Care about your GPA Understand that adjustment to curriculum takes time Care about post-secondary plans Know when to seek help Don't procrastinate Learn time management skills Communicate with your teacher Have high expectations

19 Just Do It…Get Involved!!
Athletics Basketball Softball Baseball Soccer Cheer Tennis Cross Country Volleyball Football Swimming Track & Field Golf

20 NCAA Division I and Division II Academic Eligibility Requirements

21 Just Do It…Get Involved!!
Clubs & Activities Student Council Art Club Poetry National Honor Society Close Up Debate C.H.A.R.M. Creative Writing Fencing Drama Bible Study Yearbook Key Club Paintball Show Choir

22 West-MEC Opportunities
Aesthetician Air Conditioning Technician Automotive Collision Technology Automotive Technology Aviation Maintenance Technology Avionics/Drone Electronics Coding Cosmetology Culinary Dental Assisting Electrical Trade Specialties Emergency Medical Technician Energy and Industrial Technology Fire Science General Construction Technology Hairstyling IT Security Law, Public Safety and Security Massage Therapy Medical Assisting Medium Heavy Diesel Technology Pharmacy Technician Physical Therapy Technician Precision Machining Veterinary Sciences

23 What To Watch For… Freshman Interviews (September)
NAU Field Trip (September 13th) Coffee with the Counselors (September 17th) Counseling Website Demo Follow us on Facebook to stay current on fantastic opportunities!

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