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School Management education systems in Europe, school management,

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Presentation on theme: "School Management education systems in Europe, school management,"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Management education systems in Europe, school management,
fields of action including organisation instruction and education > good instruction control and quality management cooperation.

2 School Management

3 lead students > key problems (KLAFKI,1996)
Self-determination Co – determination Autonomy

4 Definition School Management
is a qualified, methodical goal directed management evaluation and development of the management itself measures that contribute the configuration and optimisation of school and schooling processes.

5 Central aspects planning Organisation Coordination
governance and controlling of educational and training processes School and school management >special function >context sensitive

6 fields of action (HUBER,2003)
Organisation Personnel instruction and education Quality management Cooperation

7 School management organisation
learning to know learning to do learning to live together and learning to be

8 What is good instruction? (MEYER,2004)
(1) is part of a democratic teaching culture (2) is based upon well-defined educational goals (3) makes strong efforts to produce a teaching-learning contract between the teacher and the students (4) “Education” - a lifelong orientation about norms and values (5) and promotes sustainable competency development among all students

9 criteria of a good instruction (MEYER,2004)
Clear teaching structure High Amount of Time-On-Task Climate Conducive to Learning Content Clarity Meaningful Communication

10 criteria of a good instruction (MEYER,2004)
Variety of Instructional Methods Individual Support Intelligent Exercises Clear Description of Goals to Be Achieved Well-Prepared Learning Environment

11 “structural characteristics”
formulating goals structuring content structuring time structuring actions defining social structure define and preparing rooms to learn

12 Teaching and learning > core activities

13 Control- and quality management
Where are we now ? How well are we doing? > School self-evaluation (SSE)

14 Conclusion Task of school management >
to structure and to organize all the different fields of action and to develop and evaluate these components

15 Thank you for YOUR attention

16 Sources: Huber, S. G. (2003): Qualifizierung von Schulleiterinnen und Schulleitern im internationalen Vergleich: Eine Untersuchung in 15 Ländern zur Professionalisierung von pädagogischen Führungskräften für Schulen.Wolters Kluwer, Kronach Klafki, W. (1996): critical-constructive didactics, Marburg Meyer,H. (2006): Criteria of good instruction, of good instruction,

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