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Membership Recruitment

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1 Membership Recruitment

2 Expand your recruitment plan
Why Recruit? Planning for Success Recruiting Strategies Best Practices

3 A growing and vibrant council in every parish
Why Recruit? A growing and vibrant council in every parish

What is the Knights of Columbus vision for our Church and our communities? Better Parishes Better Men, Husbands & Fathers Stronger Families

What motivates a member to invite a man to join the Knights of Columbus? Engaged in activity Shared interests and values Enthusiasm for our mission

6 Planning for Success

7 Newer Ethnic Communities
MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT Consider the various groups that you need to address this year and consider them your audiences when planning your calendar. Young Adults Fathers Parishioners Hispanic Catholics Gen Xers Baby Boomers College Students Newer Ethnic Communities Sons Leaders Former Members

8 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS Build a year round, multi- channel plan for recruitment by diverse events and activities Recruitment Drives – major push in Fall and Spring Meetings & Events – building blocks of Membership Engagement Statewide & Regional Events – KofC run or sponsored Online Membership – Marketing, Engagement and Follow Up Men’s & Family Catholic Conferences

9 STRATEGIES Parish Recruitment Events & Programs Marketing
1:1 Recruiting Church Drives Team Recruitment Invitational Drives Parish Recruitment Events & Programs Marketing Councils Programs State Events Regional Conferences Community Engagement Online Membership Membership Engagement

10 One-on-One Recruiting

Every member should have a planned “talk track” on why someone should join the Knights Listen to a man’s interests and experience Share why you joined and what you value about your membership Promote council programs and activities for parish, family and communities

12 Father McGivney’s Vision
Joining a Knights of Columbus council can: Change a man’s life Deepen and enrich his faith Strengthen his family Build better lives for those who so desperately need help Joining a Knights of Columbus council can change a man’s life, deepen and enrich his faith, strengthen his family, and build better lives for those in his community and beyond; who so desperately need help. In 1882, Father Michael McGivney gathered together a small group of his parishioners. His purpose was to establish a group of men to become united in their faith, and to provide for Catholic families in their time of need. He shared in the desperate situations experienced by his flock; and knew that these challenges were not unique to his parish. He, also realized that he alone, could only do so much. With this in mind, he personally recruited Catholic men, from his parish, to share his bold vision. Those that said yes, joined in his mission to help those that were hungry, needed clothing, shelter, and provide financial security for widows and orphans. In turn, members would reach out to recruit others to spread the good works. Today, the Knights of Columbus has grown and grown and we have accomplished so much - but so much more needs to be done. Council growth has always been a fundamental building block; since 1882, for today, and tomorrow. How does a man join today? Generally, he is asked by someone he knows; a relative, friend or colleague. A connection is made, and a personal relationship is established. Why a man decides to join is a far reaching extension of the fundamental vision of Father Michael McGivney; and a real, present and enduring need, for the mission he created. This is why councils continue to spring up around the world. From the Personal Recruitment Skills Training Course on the Fraternal Training Portal

13 Conducting Effective Church Recruitment Drives
Who do you know? Potential Members are everywhere! Have you considered: Family members Relatives Friends Neighbors Colleagues at work Service Providers Advisors Fellow Parishioners Members of other parishes A little preparation goes a long way towards meeting your own and your council’s recruitment goals. And, it all starts with making and building relationships. So, be prepared… because you never know where or when you’ll find yourself facing an ideal opportunity to recruit a friend, relative, neighbor, colleague, or fellow parishioner. You may have heard about recruiting opportunities at a Church Drive or Open House. The reality is that these types of council programs function as a vehicle for bringing people together, gathering information, and then keeping in touch. But, whether the recruitment opportunity is a discussion with a friend, family member or co-worker; someone you meet at a Church Drive or an Open House; successful recruiting depends you building a relationship with that potential member. Recruitment is not an assembly line process. So, all recruitment, is an extension of a personal relationship. Once you identify a potential member, it is from your personal contact that a potential member makes a decision to join. Only by building relationships will recruitment be ultimately successful. Copyright © 2017 Knights of Columbus All Rights Reserved

14 “SMART” Recruiting Techniques
Conducting Effective Church Recruitment Drives “SMART” Recruiting Techniques S mile and maintain eye contact. Be friendly. M y Story – Why did you join? How has it helped you? A sk questions about his and his family’s life. S is for Smile and Sincerity. Recruitment is a person-to-person, two-way conversation based on mutual respect and trust. So, your body language is very important. Relax and smile, and keep eye contact during your conversations. Being friendly and most importantly, being sincere, will get you off to a great way start. M is for My Story. What is you short Knights of Columbus story? You need not tell your entire life story, do talk about yourself honestly. Share a short - - “why you decided to join the Knights of Columbus.” What are the reasons? How did your choice affect aspects of your life; and how does your membership help you, today. A is for Ask Questions. Asking questions helps to build a personal relationship. Your potential members may ask questions of you. Remember, though, this conversation is going to be about him, so find out who he is, and what he wants for himself and his family. Remember R is for Restate reasons to join on the benefits of membership. No matter the skills, or time available, there is always a place for that new member to help out, which also helps him to fit in! T is for Talk Less – Listen More. Most importantly, listen to questions asked, whether from your potential member, his wife or family. If you do all the talking, you won’t learn much about him and won’t be able to talk in a personal way. You won’t be building a relationship, you will be giving orders. So build a good relationship, in this way you recruit a new member, he will become involved in programs and activities that interest him, and he will remain a member for life. R estate reasons to join. Talk about the real benefits. T alk less. Listen more to what he has to say. Copyright © 2017 Knights of Columbus All Rights Reserved

15 Church Drives

16 Coordination & Cooperation
MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT What do you need to run a successful church drive? Planning Start today by training your councils and teams and scheduling dates Coordination & Cooperation Pastors, Officers, Field Agents and District Deputies form the core of your teams Follow-Up Deliver on the promise of membership with personal and timely outreach and activity Resolve up front to close the gap between knowing and doing. You may know many of the principles and programs in the new Faith in Action model, but still end up missing the mark because you do not do them consistently. People have the option to comply rather than commit. Buy-in must be earned; it can not be assumed or commanded. Life rewards action, not knowledge. You won’t progress until you get off your knowledge and do something. Look around, each of your class mates are State Deputies. You’re not all that special or unique; you’re one of many this year and one of many that have come before you. To stand out, you must step up! Get clear about what you want. A narrow focus sharpens discipline and drive; a scattered one diminishes potential. Executing on your job description is not heroic; its baseline. Going beyond what’s required earns acclaim. This Faith in Action is a significant change. Getting the organization out of its engrained habits represents major change which will require exceptionally strong leadership. You need to be courageous, not merely ‘strong’. Strong Courageous leaders set the purpose and the direction, and then find and encourage leaders throughout the organization, at every level, to lead change forward. It requires dialogue, some non-negotiables. Remember that we’re all human.

17 Conducting Effective Church Recruitment Drives
Best Practices in Conducting Effective Church Recruitment Drives From the KofC Webinar Series at Conducting Effective Church Drives Copyright © 2017 Knights of Columbus All Rights Reserved

18 What To Do Before Your Church Drive
Recruitment in the Spirit of Father Michael McGivney What To Do Before Your Church Drive Start Planning now for October! Order your Supplies today! Seek Permission & Schedule the Drive ASAP Prepare Bulletin & Pulpit Announcements What’s the first problem identified when planning a Church Drive? When a council starts planning the drive TOO LATE. You should begin planning and preparing for your church drive six to eight weeks in advance. Otherwise, you run the risk of running into issues with scheduling and receiving supplies. Early preparation can be the difference between a successful church drive and a sub-par one. Now is the time to order your supplies for the Church Drive. Twice a year, shipping for the Church Recruitment Drive Kit is available for all councils free of cost by using the “Church Recruitment Drive Materials Order Form.” For participants of this webinar, you will be exclusively eligible to receive TWO (2) Church Recruitment Drive Kits free of shipping by using the Order Form located in the “Resources” tab. Remember, this special offer is only for listeners of this webinar and can only be accessed by using the special form in the “Resources” tab. This offer will be available from now through December 31, 2017, so be sure to order yours TODAY! We also suggest ordering KofC promotional items for your recruitment team to give away to those with whom you speak during the Church Drive as a “thank you” for their time and consideration. It will be a great way to remind the recruit about the Knights, and who doesn’t love SWAG? Depending on your situation, you might even consider getting items to give to wives and children of the men with whom you speak. has a wide range of items to choose from, in addition to our other authorized suppliers. See the KofC Supply Catalog, available in the “Resources” tab, for more information. Now, you’re ready to seek permission from the pastor and any other parish officials necessary. This ought to be done via a soft approach. Don’t make the mistake of assuming your pastor will automatically grant permission without any explanation. Take the time to explain to him what you’re planning to do and how it will benefit him & the parish. Be respectful of his time and authority. Don’t be hard-set on a date. If he says you can’t do it on the 7th, and you have to do it on the 14th, then you’re doing it on the 14th! One you have permission, make sure it goes on everyone’s calendar: Father’s Calendar, Church Calendar, Council Calendar, Officers Calendar, Membership Director’s Calendar, etc. You will want to take time to prepare publicity notices such as posters, flyers, and the wording for your church bulletin/website. Many of these materials are already included in the Church Recruitment Drive kit. On pages of the Membership Recruitment and Retention Manual, there are sample announcements for the bulletin, pulpit, and even suggested wording for the celebrant at Mass. Four sample pulpit announcements are available in the “Resources” tab, as well. You can use these & tailor them to your parish. Conducting Effective Church Drives Copyright © 2017 Knights of Columbus All Rights Reserved

19 On the Day of Your Church Drive
Recruitment in the Spirit of Father Michael McGivney Move Into Position Engage Potential Members Don’t Dismiss Anyone Reception after Mass After Action Review You should instruct your recruiters to discreetly excuse themselves from the congregation five minutes before the end of Mass in order to move into position. They should be equipped with recruitment brochures, extra prospect cards, and any giveaway items. Remember, recruiters should stand near the exits yet refrain from blocking any entranceways, doorways, or exit paths. It may be a good idea to have two 2-man teams stationed at each door, one close to the exit and one a bit further away in order to maximize the amount of individuals you can engage. As people approach, recruiters should engage potential members as rehearsed, collect any completed Prospect Cards, and hand out informational brochures. Recruiters should be reminded to recall their training and the talking points outlined in the 10 Keys to Recruiting Success. Each conversation should take no more than one or two minutes. The goal is to speak with as many interested individuals as possible as opposed to engaging in a long conversation with any one or two people. Stick to the script... When talking about our activities, stress the charitable aspect as opposed to stacking chairs, cooking food, etc. Individuals that have additional questions or would like more information should be respectfully directed to speak to the members who are staffing the display table located near the main entrance of the church. Recruiters should end each conversation by thanking potential members for their time, offer any giveaway items as a “thank you,” and let them know that you will be following up with them (more on this in a minute). If recruiters find themselves speaking to someone who does not meet our membership criteria, that’s okay! Recruiters should feel free to discuss the benefits that families of our members can experience and ask them if they know anyone who is eligible to join. Feel free to give them informational brochures, prospect cards, and giveaways as well. Of course, the focus should be speaking to eligible Catholic men. But the recruiter’s job at this point is to get the word out to as many people as possible and portray an approachable, positive image of the Order. Membership criteria can be sorted out later. And don’t forget, some of the best supporters of the Knights of Columbus can be wives and children of potential members! Many councils decide to hold some sort of event or social following the Church Recruitment Drive. This is a great way to answer questions from potential members, demonstrate hospitality to a potential member's family, and gain greater buy-in. Some councils use this as an opportunity for an Open House or a First Degree. This may work for some councils, but the key here is to get the potential member acquainted and familiar with who we are and what we do. A simple “Coffee And…” with recruiters on hand with additional brochures may be a softer approach to those men who don’t know much about the Knights of Columbus. The membership director of your council should be tracking the number of potential members that were engaged during the church drive and should also make sure that there is a person assigned to follow-up with each prospect. This is key to making sure your Church Recruitment Drive is successful. Please visit for more information! Conducting Effective Church Drives Copyright © 2017 Knights of Columbus All Rights Reserved

20 Follow Up After Your Church Drive
Recruitment in the Spirit of Father Michael McGivney Follow Up After Your Church Drive Schedule & Plan Info Session(s) Follow Up with Prospects Schedule First Degree(s) Hold the Information Session Welcome families Emphasize council programming Show a video: Please visit for more information! Conducting Effective Church Drives Copyright © 2017 Knights of Columbus All Rights Reserved

21 Recruiting to Programs


Marian Icon Prayer Program Building the Domestic Church Kiosk Rosary Program Spiritual Reflection Program New Holy Hour New Sacramental Gifts New COMMUNITY Coats for Kids Global Wheelchair Mission Habitat for Humanity Disaster Preparedness Free Throw Championship Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Soccer Challenge Helping Hands New FAMILY Food for Families Family of the Month/Year Keep Christ in Christmas Family Fully Alive Family Week Consecration to the Holy Family Family Prayer Night New Good Friday Family Promotion New LIFE Marches for Life Special Olympics Ultrasound Program Christian Refugee Relief Silver Rose Mass for People with Special Needs New Pregnancy Center Support New Novena for Life New

24 Best Practices

25 BEST PRACTICES Maximize your council’s VISIBILITY Dress in branded KofC clothing Ensure a constant presence in parish bulletin announcements EVERY event is an opportunity for recruitment and engagement Someone responsible for planning the recruitment aspect of every event Take the steps to ensure people know about Knights of Columbus presence and activity in every parish Focus on growing your councils FAITH and FAMILY programming – within your parish

26 BEST PRACTICES Recruit PASTORS to support council recruitment efforts – especially at events! Membership growth is everyone’s responsibility Recruiting is an all the time duty not a once in awhile activity Focus on building a culture of recruiting, where everyone is excited and engaged in council growth Recruit to Degrees Plan a regular schedule and communicate it effectively to your members

27 Lead by example with monthly status and planning reviews.
FAITH IN ACTION Call to Action Plan Put into place a variety of growth opportunities and strategies, starting with an engaged membership team Prepare Train you leadership and your teams. Vigorously promote new KofC initiatives and activities Execute Lead by example with monthly status and planning reviews. Resolve up front to close the gap between knowing and doing. You may know many of the principles and programs in the new Faith in Action model, but still end up missing the mark because you do not do them consistently. People have the option to comply rather than commit. Buy-in must be earned; it can not be assumed or commanded. Life rewards action, not knowledge. You won’t progress until you get off your knowledge and do something. Look around, each of your class mates are State Deputies. You’re not all that special or unique; you’re one of many this year and one of many that have come before you. To stand out, you must step up! Get clear about what you want. A narrow focus sharpens discipline and drive; a scattered one diminishes potential. Executing on your job description is not heroic; its baseline. Going beyond what’s required earns acclaim. This Faith in Action is a significant change. Getting the organization out of its engrained habits represents major change which will require exceptionally strong leadership. You need to be courageous, not merely ‘strong’. Strong Courageous leaders set the purpose and the direction, and then find and encourage leaders throughout the organization, at every level, to lead change forward. It requires dialogue, some non-negotiables. Remember that we’re all human.

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