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What is Dyslexia? This video is a concise, informative, and enlightening explanation of dyslexia and its academic implications.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Dyslexia? This video is a concise, informative, and enlightening explanation of dyslexia and its academic implications."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Dyslexia? This video is a concise, informative, and enlightening explanation of dyslexia and its academic implications.

2 Dyslexia Therapy Daily Lesson Plan
Allen ISD uses Texas Scottish rite’s Take Flight program as its intervention tool

3 Alphabet

4 Decks

5 Discovery and Linkages

6 Code and Read You will frequently see the code and read pages, both words and sentences, come home for additional practice. An will be sent with additional information just before Home Practice begins.

7 RAP These are the pages you will see most often come home for practice
RAP These are the pages you will see most often come home for practice. We will complete the illustrated portion in class. Your student will then be responsible for reading the entire page to an adult. If your student struggles with the words, you can model the first row of each section. This quick exercise is essential to your student’s progress in the program, as well as improving reading rate and accuracy.

8 Instant Words

9 Spelling Decks

10 Spelling: Phoneme Awareness

11 Spelling

12 We hope you found these videos helpful in illustrating what we do in D
We hope you found these videos helpful in illustrating what we do in D.T. each day. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding the presented information, as well as any other questions related to dyslexia and the dyslexia intervention process. We look forward to watching your student growing and going great places while in the program!

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