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2.1.2 Cell structure.

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1 2.1.2 Cell structure

2 Today’s objectives Identify the whereabouts and functions of the following: Cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, vacuole and chloroplast

3 The Cell The CELL is the smallest unit of matter that can carry on all the CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE.

4 Anton von Leeuwenhoek Anton von Leeuwenhoek with his hand-held microscope, was the first person to observe and describe Living Cells in the early 17th century

5 Robert Hooke Robert Hooke looked a thin slices of cork under a microscope. He thought the spaces he saw reminded him of Monks Cells – Hence the name cells

6 Plant Cell as seen under a light microscope

7 Learning Check What are Cells?

8 What is in a cell? animal cell Plant cell plant cell nucleus cytoplasm
Animal and plant cells come in different shapes and sizes, but they all have three basic features. animal cell Plant cell plant cell nucleus cytoplasm cell membrane Plant cells also have some extra features that make them different to animal cells.

9 A typical animal cell

10 A typical plant cell

11 Typical animal and plant cells

12 Comparing cell structure

13 What did you learn today?
Can you draw out an animal cell and label it? Can you draw out a plant cell and label it? What are the functions of the parts of a cell that we have seen today?

14 In today’s class You will learn about:
The ultra structure of animal and plant cells

15 Ultra Structure of an animal cell

16 Cell Membrane Cell Membranes are made up of phospholipids and proteins
The phospholipids and proteins are in constant motion. Membranes are said to be fluid

17 The Nucleus The nucleus is made up of a double membrane with nuclear pores. These control the movement of substances into and out of the nucleus Chromatin which contains DNA

18 Fill in the blanks The control center of the cell is called the ______. It is enclosed by a double membrane called the ___________ __________________. Openings in the nuclear envelope called __________ allow for movement of substances in and out of the nucleus

19 Mitochondrion Mitochondria supply energy to the cell by respiration

20 Learning Check Label the diagram What is this organelle?
Why are they known as powerhouses? What type of cells would have these organelles in large numbers?

21 Their function is to make proteins
Ribosomes Their function is to make proteins Ribosomes can be seen as red dots in this cell

22 Ultra structure of a plant cell

23 Plant Cells Plant cells also contain other organelles Cell walls
Chloroplasts Large Vacuoles

24 Chloroplasts The function of chloroplasts is Photosynthesis

25 Learning check What organelle carries out photosynthesis?
What type of cells have large vacuoles and cell walls? What is the function of vacuoles? What is the function of cell walls? What makes cells walls rigid?

26 Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
Organisms whose cell contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles are called eukaryotes. Organisms whose cells don’t have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles are called prokaryotes.


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