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EveryTHING is someWHERE on the planet in space and in time

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Presentation on theme: "EveryTHING is someWHERE on the planet in space and in time"— Presentation transcript:

1 EveryTHING is someWHERE on the planet in space and in time
Big Linked Geodata OGC Technical Committee Meetings Delft 22 March 2017 EveryTHING is someWHERE on the planet in space and in time

2 What is Location Powers?
Conversation & Dialogue Idea sharing Problem Solving Strategy Challenges Guide Action

3 What is Location Powers?
It’s about location & place. Knowing where things are and how they relate.

4 Participation Please ask at least one question today Share your ideas
Challenge assumptions Tweet, Facebook, be social! #LPBigLinkedGeoData or #LPBLGeodata Draw/List/Creative write your ideas for Big Linked Geodata

5 Visualise your Thoughts
Many of you will sit there today and write notes in your note books – today please share those notes with everyone in whatever creative way you would like to 

6 2017 Conversation Themes Big Linked Geodata (22 March, Delft)
Underground Infrastructure (15 June, London) Agriculture (6 December, New Zeland)

7 Location Powers: Big Linked Geodata

8 Session 1 Opening and Keynotes
Denise McKenzie Session Chair; Phil Archer, Rapporteur

9 Session 2. Geospatial Linked Data
Phil Archer, Session Chair; Linda van den Brink, Rapporteur

10 Session 3. Big Linked Geodata
Gabriel Kepeklian,  Session Chair; Josh Lieberman, Rapporteur

11 Session 4. Discussion George Percivall, Session Chair

12 Be social #LPBigLinkedGeodata #LPBLGeodata Denise George Images used.

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