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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanoes

2 What is a volcano? A vent where molten rock and gas escape from inside the earth. Volcanoes transfer energy from the center of the earth to the surface. Vulcan-God of Fire

3 Types of Volcanoes Shield Built from layers of lava
Non-explosive eruptions Not steep, but big

4 Types of Volcanoes Cinder Cone Moderately explosive, short explosions
Steep slopes, small size Built from pyroclastic material

5 Types of Volcanoes Composite or Stratovolcano Most common type
Explosive eruptions and lava flow Built from pyroclastic and lava flow

6 Stages of a Volcano Active Dormant Extinct

7 Types of Eruptions Non-explosive Lava Flow
Pahoehoe lava-fast moving, low viscosity Aa lava-high viscosity, rough surface, jagged chunks

8 Types of Eruptions Explosive Pyroclastic Flow Dust-ash
Pebble sized rocks

9 Volcano Stats 1500 potentially active volcanoes in the world.
Less people die from volcanoes than earthquakes, hurricanes, and famines.

10 Volcano Deaths 92,000 Tambora, Indonesia-1815
36,000 Krakatau, Indonesia-1883 29,000 Mount Pelee, Martinique-1902 15,000 Mount Unzen, Japan-1792

11 Pompeii 79 A.D. Mount Vesuvius literally blew its top. Ash and pyroclastic flow covered the city. Sulfuric gas was blown into the air.

12 Mount Pelee, Martinique-1902
An eruption produced pyroclastic flow that destroyed the city of St. Pierre.

13 Mount St. Helens-1980 May 18th, 1980 57 Deaths
Flattened 230 square miles of forest land

14 Mount St. Helens Before After

15 Volcanoes in Utah

16 How do Volcanologists predict eruptions
Measuring small quakes Measuring slope Measuring volcanic gases Measuring temperature from orbit

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