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Message to the ReOrientation Presenter(s)

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1 Message to the ReOrientation Presenter(s)
This presentation covers a number of topics about the Society including structure, the Founders, the history and insignia of the organization, and the projects, programs and activities encouraged by the Society. The presentation is designed to be used in one of two ways: each slide or group of slides can be used as a short segment for an on-going reorientation (see next slide for names of groups that can be used), or in its entirety as a longer, complete program for a chapter meeting. The first slide of the presentation is slide 4. This slide and slides 2-3 are for you, the presenter, so please become familiar with the notes that accompany each slide, and understand the method of presentation as explained to you on the next slide. Message

2 Sections to use for Short-Segment Reorientation at Multiple Meetings
Slides 4-8: Honor of Membership/ Mission/Vision/Purposes Slides 9-10: Why we were founded Slides 11-18: Membership Review Slides 19-24: Programs/Projects/Communication/ Events Slides 25-28: Insignia/Traditions and Change/ Educational Foundation/DKG Supporting Corporation

3 Note to the Reorientation Presenter
It is very important that you, the presenter, read and print out all information included in the notes section (if they are not visible now, go to VIEW, then select Notes Page) of the PowerPoint presentation before conducting your reorientation session. Then, when you use the information in your presentation (slide show view), you will bring clarity, emphasis and essential detail to each slide without overburdening the members. Suggestions to the presenter are italicized in notes. Notes can be printed by pressing VIEW, then selecting Notes Page. Print by going to File and then Print (making certain that the correct setting is highlighted). When show is presented from the Slide Show selection, the notes will not appear. Begin show at slide number 3.

4 …a ReOrientation for all DKG members
Sustaining Pride in the Big Picture …a ReOrientation for all DKG members The purpose of this PowerPoint is to provide a common outline for reorienting members to the Society. It is designed to be used in one of two ways: 1. in its entirety as a chapter program, or 2. one slide (subject) at a time in a five-minute continuing reorientation presentation throughout the year. The title of the program is important. A continuing theme for reorientation is the honor of belonging to an organization that stands for excellence in many ways.

5 The Honor of Membership
Someone noticed your work. Someone noted your standards. Someone believed in your potential. Someone sought your association. Someone sponsored your invitation. Someone honored you. Remember that person’s confidence in you. Take pride in your continuing membership. Take every opportunity to honor your fellow members. (In an atmosphere of constant pressure on education and educators, members need to be reminded of why they were asked to join Delta Kappa Gamma.) We say there is an honor in membership. Is that honor apparent to all? When characteristics such as professional diligence, prudent decision-making, integrity, dependability, and trustworthiness are consistently observed in DKG members, a public reputation is solidified. An opportunity to join and be nurtured by such a group—that is the honor. Underlying “genuine spiritual fellowship” is the unconditional commitment of how DKG members respect and support one another. Our effort is to create an ideal environment where every member is treasured for who she is and encouraged to become all that she can be. We must reignite the excitement, the pride, and the honor of membership in each member. (Members may want to discuss ways they can honor members at each chapter meeting.)

6 Mission (Ask members if they can state the Mission of the Society.)
The organization is grounded in its mission, its vision for the future as well as the present, and the purposes that dictate its programs, projects and activities. It is important that each member know not only the wording of each but the philosophy that is the foundation for each. Our mission statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. (Ask members what the mission means. What does it indicate for individual members? What does it mean for the activities of the chapter?) DKG does not encourage stagnation – it encourages life-long learning, risk-taking and self-examination – a journey of becoming the best that each of us can be. It mandates that each chapter support excellence in all realms of educational practice.

7 Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide
Vision (Ask members if they can state our Vision Statement.) Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide Our vision statement describes where we are now and where we want to be in the future. (Many of our members do not see themselves as leaders; discuss the ways every educator is a leader. Discuss the connections that cause us to impact education in the community, in the state organization, in our country and around the world.)

8 Purposes Read Purposes (Italicized information has suggestions for discussion during the presentation.) To unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship – is one that many members feel is unique to our organization. (There are many examples of “genuine spiritual fellowship” and presenters may want to provide their own.) To honor women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education. (Ask how and when members might recognize “potential” in a novice educator.) To advance the professional interest and position of women in education. (Ask what DKG provides as member opportunities that furthers this Purpose.) To initiate, endorse and support desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors in the interests of education and women educators. ( What the chapter and/or state organization is doing in this area might be noted.) 5. To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to non-member women educators. (Note that there are 30 $6000 and $10,000 international scholarships available for study beyond the bachelor’s degree. Also, the presenter might tell of state organization and chapter scholarships that are available for members.) 6. To stimulate the personal and professional growth of women educators and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action. (What opportunities can members identify in this area?) 7. To inform the members of current economic, social political and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society. (Ask if members can name ways in which we fulfill this Purpose at the chapter, state organization, and international levels.) (Discuss each. You may want to chart responses.)

9 Women of courage and vision who designed our future
Our Founders Our organization was founded to support women educators and education. The Founders wanted us to be a driving force in the field, changing as the needs and the world change. Dr. Annie Webb Blanton and eleven other educators wanted to make a difference for women educators – both for their contemporaries and for the future of education. Our mission statement--The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education—focuses our efforts, at all levels of the Society, on worthwhile and relevant programs and projects. Each member in each chapter in each state organization adheres to the same mission. As an organization we strive to support one another personally and professionally as well as supporting non-member educators. We build excellence in education through programs and projects. (Presenters should give examples of chapter and state organization projects and describe recent chapter programs. You might chart the examples.) If our Founders were in attendance at our meeting today, would they be proud of what we are achieving for women educators and for education? (Discuss.) Women of courage and vision who designed our future

10 The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Founded to Bring together qualified women educators serving in a broad spectrum of educational fields Strengthen qualified women educators serving in a broad spectrum of educational fields Pursue worthwhile projects DKG gives approximately $3,000,000 US to members and non-members through chapter, state organization, and international scholarships and grants each year. Chapters and state organizations do a wide variety of projects supporting new teachers, future teachers, local shelters, literacy, and libraries. At all levels, the Society works through UNICEF to support the Schools for Africa Project. Professional and Society-related seminars and workshops are held in every region and at international conventions. State organizations hold conventions and also have retreats and special seminars. (Presenters should describe international, state organization and chapter scholarships and/or grants, and mention state meetings and opportunities for leadership development.)

11 As a member of DKG you belong to
A chapter A state organization The International Society Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide DKG is structured into five regions: Europe l Northeast l Northwest l Southeast l Southwest The Northeast and Northwest regions include the Canadian provinces. Puerto Rico is also in the Northeast Region. The Southwest region includes Central America and Mexico. There are 80 state organizations and more than 2500 chapters in the Society in 18 countries. The international offices for DKG are located in Austin, Texas, because the organization was founded there in 1929. Our vision is to impact education locally and worldwide. We do this through projects, programs, grants, and scholarships. As members understand how the projects and programs that chapters do to further educational excellence at the local level, taken collectively, impact education globally, we truly embrace our vision and understand why each member’s contributions of time and energy are so important.

12 Benefits of Membership
Eunah Temple Holden Leadership workshops ♦ Seminars in Purposeful Living, sponsored by The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation ♦ Assistance from the Emergency Fund in times of disaster ♦ Speakers from other countries, funded by the International Speakers from other countries, Speakers Fund ♦ Guidebooks for presidents, treasurers and committee chairmen ♦ Opportunities to assist women educators in non-Society countries to study in Canada and the U.S. through contributions to the World Fellowship Fund ♦ Project grants funded by The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation ♦ Awards for professional development funded by the Lucile Cornetet Bequest. Are your members aware of these benefits? Benefits of Membership Networking Scholarships and Grants Publications Conferences/ Conventions / Seminars (Ask members to name benefits – try to make certain that all of the benefits listed below are mentioned. You may want to chart responses.) Networking with approximately 90,000 Key Women Educators in 18 countries 30 International scholarships of U.S.$6,000 and $10,000 each for graduate study beyond the bachelor’s degree State organization scholarships Four issues of The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, a juried, peer-reviewed professional journal Six issues of DKG News (Winter and Summer Bulletins and July/August News delivered online). Leadership training for state organization and chapter leaders Leadership/Management Seminars at international and state organization levels Cornetet and Golden Gift Professional Development Stipends Educational/leadership seminars at international conventions Financial assistance for National Board Certification Recognition for earned doctorates A variety of insurance programs with significant member discounts Seminars in Purposeful Living prior to each international convention, for personal growth and travel Assistance from the Emergency Fund in times of natural disaster Speakers from other member countries Opportunities to speak in other member countries Opportunities to assist women educators in non- Society countries to study in Canada and the U.S. through contributions to World Fellowship Fund Educational Project grants for classroom/school/ community educational projects Service opportunities for community/state/ international progress (Are your members aware of these benefits? How many of them could benefit from one or more of these, or have in the past?)

13 Members contribute to the Society by…
Participating Sharing Seeking out opportunities Paying dues and fees Becoming involved Accepting leadership roles Participating in meetings, projects, and activities of your chapter, area, state organization and international Sharing interests, talents and professional expertise – we want to learn from you Seeking out opportunities to grow personally and professionally and supporting others in their growth – we encourage one another Paying dues and fees in a timely manner Becoming involved in chapter life by attending meetings, by participating in activities, by using voice and vote in chapter business, by taking risks, and taking advantage of opportunities Accepting leadership roles in the safe, supportive environment of the Society (Presenters should describe the dues structure for the chapter, state organization, and international levels. Total amount of dues in comparison to other professional organizations [much lower] might be noted.)

14 Membership Review Active
(Before giving the information below, ask members what they know about active membership eligibility. You may want to chart responses.) An active member shall be a woman who is employed as a professional educator at the time of her election or has been retired from an educational position. The word employed is defined as “currently hired by an employer and/or paid a salary or fee for specific educational services.” The word retired is defined as someone who has significant-enough years in education to draw a pension/annuity. No years of experience are required for membership. An active member participates, as she is able, in chapter programs and projects, contributes to committee work, votes, shares in financing chapter activities and may hold office. The chapter decides whether or not the prospective members come under the classification of professional educators. In the selection of a member, the definition of professional educator is interpreted to include one-to-one instruction as well as group instruction. Certification is not required.

15 Membership Review Reserve Membership
(Before giving the information below, ask members what determines eligibility for reserve membership. You may want to chart responses.) Active members who, by reason of geographic location or physical disability, are no longer able to regularly attend chapter meetings are eligible for reserve membership upon request. Reserve status is granted by majority vote of the chapter. Retirement or inability to attend meetings are not valid reasons to grant reserve status. A reserve member, so requesting, shall be restored to active membership. Reserve members have all the privileges of membership except that of holding office and have no obligations except payment of dues and the scholarship fee.

16 Membership Review Honorary Membership
(Before giving the information below, ask members what determines eligibility for honorary membership. You may want to chart responses.) An honorary member shall be a woman not eligible for active membership who has rendered notable service to education or to women, and is elected to honorary membership in recognition of such service. Active members and retired educators are not eligible for honorary membership. Honorary membership can be granted at the chapter, state organization, or international level. When initiated as a chapter honorary, a person becomes a member only at the chapter level, not the state organization or international level. Her attendance as a chapter honorary member at state organization or international events is as a guest. Active members are not eligible to become honorary, but honorary members, if they become employed professional educators and pay the initiation fee and dues (as the one-time honorary membership fee is only for lifetime receipt of Society publications) may become active members. No initiation is required, as they were initiated when they became honorary members. Honorary members may participate in all activities except that of holding office. She may serve as parliamentarian. Photo courtesy of the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General

17 Membership Review Transfer
(Encourage members to discuss what they know of the specifics of the transfer process before sharing the information below. You may to chart responses. Show the members a transfer card. ) A member in good standing may transfer from one chapter to another upon application to International Headquarters: The member fills out and sends a Request for Transfer Form to International Headquarters. If there is only one chapter in an area, the member will be assigned by Headquarters to that chapter. If there are two or more chapters in the area, the member will receive a list of chapters so that she may make a selection. The receiving chapter does not vote on the transfer. International Headquarters sends an Official Notice of Transfer to the transferring member, to the presidents and treasurers of the sending and the receiving chapters, and to the state organization treasurer. Transfer is not complete until the Official Notice of Transfer is received from International Headquarters.  The transferring member remains on the roll of the chapter from which she is being transferred until the chapter receives the official notice of her completed transfer. Dues should not be accepted from a transferring member before the chapter has received official notice of her transfer. A member never makes a payment to a chapter to which she does not belong. A transferred member is not initiated again, nor does she pay an international transfer fee.

18 Membership Review Reinstatement
(Before giving the information below, ask members what they know about the process of reinstatement.) A former member shall be reinstated to membership by the chapter receiving the request. There are no chapter or geographical restrictions on reinstatement. The chapter does not vote on the reinstatement and there is no reinstatement fee. The former chapter and/or International Headquarters can provide information when requested. Chapter members are not required to know the member requesting reinstatement. Because she has been a member, her membership qualifications are not a question.

19 Programs Focused programs on educational excellence
Chapters have great flexibility to plan and present programs, so long as the program is compatible with one of the Society’s seven Purposes. The Society’s 4th, 6th, and 7th Purposes are to help members become more knowledgeable about and active in educational, legislative and global issues The international Web site ( is a source for detailed information about outstanding programs available to chapters and members. These resources can be used for chapter meetings, classroom instruction, and/or school/community programs. The topics below, found on the Society Web site with example programs for each, all expand one or more of the Purposes, but there are many other appropriate topics. Program topics include Educational Excellence, DKG at the United Nations, Pride in Profession and Self, Global Awareness, Educational Law and Policy (Presenters should encourage discussion about chapter and/or state organization programs and projects of note. You may want to chart responses.) Focused programs on educational excellence help fulfill the Society’s mission

20 Projects…Projects…Projects! Impacting Education Worldwide
Support of early-career educators The international Web site provides extensive resources: Schools for Africa International Project ideas for raising money to support the building and renovating of schools and donations to furnish school supplies and teacher salaries Support for Early-Career-Educators or S.E.E., the second International Project, encourages chapters to support teachers with up to five years experience with phone calls, encouragement, supplies and mentoring. The World Fellowship Program funds, through member and chapter contributions, grants to assist women from other countries to study at universities in the US and Canada. In addition, many state organizations and chapters have long-standing projects that further educational excellence, support educators, and contribute to the wellbeing of women and children. (Take this opportunity to discuss with members chapter and/or state organization past and present involvement in projects that benefit others. Presenters may also want to solicit from chapter members ideas for ways the chapter can support Schools for Africa, early-career educators, and the World Fellowship program. You may want to chart responses.) Impacting Education Worldwide

21 Society Communication
International Website ( Social Network ( DKG NEWS The Bulletin State organization and chapter Web sites State organization and chapter newsletters Members’ dues include access to outstanding communication tools for personal and professional growth and knowledge about the Society and its activities: The International Web site is updated almost daily with new resources and information that assists members, chapters, and state organizations in their Society work as well as their professional careers. The social network is like Facebook, except for members only. It allows a safe environment for members to exchange ideas, develop documents together online, and discuss important topics. Groups and forums exist in curricular as well as Societal areas. It may be accessed directly ( or through the link on the Society Web site. The DKG NEWS, mailed directly to all members bi-monthly as well as being available online, keeps members informed of the activities and opportunities of the international Society. The Bulletin is the juried, peer-reviewed journal of the Society. It is published in print and online editions four times a year and gives an outlet for members who wish to publish and share information with other educators. Most state organizations have Web sites and/or newsletters (both print and online) where members can access information about state events and opportunities. Many chapters have Web sites and/or newsletters that keep members informed about chapter meetings, projects, socials, member joys and concerns, etc. All these communication venues are a benefit of membership.

22 State Organization Conventions
Meetings and Events Chapter Meetings State Organization Conventions State Organization Area Meetings and Leadership Training Members should be invited to discuss those events they have attended. (If there are any questions that cannot be answered about state organization activities or projects, the state organization president or other state personnel in order to share answers with members.)

23 New York City, site of the 2012 International Convention
Meetings and Events Regional Conferences International Conventions International Leadership Management Seminar Members should be invited to discuss those events they have attended. If there are any questions that cannot be answered about international activities or projects, and international will communicate the answer to members.) Regional Conferences are held biennially in odd-numbered years in order to disseminate information regarding Society activities and to provide workshops and leadership training. Society business is not conducted at Regional Conferences. International Conventions are held biennially in even-numbered years in order to conduct the Society’s business. Members voting at convention are the highest authority of the Society. In addition to business sessions, conventions include workshops and other presentations on a wide-range of topics of interest to members. International Leadership Management Seminars are held when funds are available to provide an intense educational opportunity to learn how to become a leader from world-renowned experts in the field of management. New York City, site of the 2012 International Convention

24 Washington D.C., site of the 2012 Seminar in Purposeful Living
Meetings and Events The Educational Foundation’s Seminar in Purposeful Living Latin American Leadership Conference Forum Meetings and Activities Washington D.C., site of the 2012 Seminar in Purposeful Living Members should be invited to discuss those events they have attended. The International Web site is a good source of information about these events. If there are any questions that cannot be answered about Foundation activities or projects, The Latin American Leadership Conference or any of the Forum events, and international will communicate the answer to members.)

25 Insignia Key Pin Seal Crest Logo
Key pin—Each member has a key pin that she may wear wherever and whenever she chooses. Wearing the pin at meetings (local, district, state organization, and international levels) is encouraged. The cup is for scholarship and the laurel leaves signify achievement. Seal – The official seal of the Society is embossed on membership certificates in order to create a quality document reflecting the honor of membership. Crest—The crest of the Society contains elements for which we are known, including the lamp of knowledge, the laurel leaves for achievement, the open book for scholarship, and the roses of the Society. Modern Logo— The red rose, the flower of the Society, is designed for the 21st century, to indicate to all who see it that we meet the needs of modern women educators. “DKG” are the letters of our official name and stress that we are a professional organization, not a social one. The words “International Society for Key Women Educators” helps place us as a global organization, not limited to one country. Logo

26 Traditions and Change The Delta Kappa Gamma Song Initiation ceremonies Celebration of Life Birthday celebrations Social events Traditions provide a richness and comfort to many members even as we move forward in the 21st century. While none of the traditions are obligatory, many members find in them a part of what makes for chapter success: The anthem of our Society, while not required singing, is often the most visible “tie that binds” us together in “genuine spiritual fellowship.” Initiation and officer installation ceremonies provide visual and moving symbols of change and new beginnings. Chapters and state organizations may adapt the ceremonies or write their own. An initiation of some sort is required before someone can become a member. Celebrations of Life and tributes to newly deceased members honor them for their long service to education and to the Society. It is a very special, but not mandatory, way to remember treasured friends and colleagues. Birthday celebrations (chapter, state organization, and international founding) like personal birthdays, celebrate milestones and the success of the life of the Society. Social events offer additional opportunities to network and foster the genuine spiritual fellowship for which we are known. While they should not outweigh the professional purposes of the organization, they do bind us together in friendship.

27 The Educational Foundation
The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation supports and encourages intercultural understanding and educational excellence. The Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation is a tax-exempt, philanthropic organization that awards educational project grants, individual professional development awards, and seminar awards. The Foundation also sponsors the Seminar in Purposeful Living in even-numbered years prior to the international convention. The Foundation awards in excess of $200,000 each year. The Foundation Board accepts tax-free donations from individuals and other foundations. Members who donate to the Foundation are called Miracle Makers. Six of the ten Foundation trustees are Society members who are elected to six-year terms by the Society’s International Executive Board. The remaining four voting members of the board are the international president, first vice-president, immediate past president, and Executive Director.

28 The DKG Supporting Corporation
with 501(c)(3) IRS status, allows you to make tax-free donations to any of the Society funds under its umbrella. The DKG Supporting Corporation is a 501(c)(3) organization that includes the following 8 Society funds: Educators Award, Emergency Fund, Eunah Temple Holden Leadership Fund, Golden Gift Fund, Loretta Halek Memorial Fund, International Speakers Fund, Scholarship Fund, and World Fellowship Fund. The DKG Supporting Corporation allows for tax-free donations in the United States from individuals and other foundations, as well as several other countries.

29 Our vision and mission encompass the world.
The work of impacting educational excellence and promoting the professional and personal growth of women educators has no geographical borders. Rejoice and celebrate that you are a member of an organization that makes such a difference in the lives of so many.

30 Sustaining Pride in the Big Picture
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Prepared by the International Membership Committee End of Presentation Except where otherwise noted, publication content is protected under a Creative Commons License and may be duplicated for non-commercial purposes without prior permission.

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