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NvACD 2018 Making Our Voice Heard.

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Presentation on theme: "NvACD 2018 Making Our Voice Heard."— Presentation transcript:

1 NvACD 2018 Making Our Voice Heard

2 Preparation (“So! Planning on roaming the neighborhood with some of your buddies today?”)

3 What is a Conservation District?
Founded in 1937 during the Dust Bowl With a philosophy that conservation decisions should be made at the local level Focusing on voluntary, incentive-based actions.

4 What is a Conservation District?
Governmental entities, much like school boards, directed by locally elected Supervisors Authority comes from NRS 548 A vital link to connect private and public land interests in Nevada; they encompass all of Nevada

5 Nevada?

6 NRS It is hereby declared, as a matter of legislative determination, that persons in local communities are best able to provide basic leadership and direction for the planning and accomplishment of the conservation and development of renewable natural resources through organization and operation of conservation districts.

7 CD Organizations State Conservation Commission (SCC)
Appointed by the Governor to guide and regulate Nevada’s 28 CDs Nominated by Nevada Association of Conservation Districts Conservation District Program in Nevada DCNR Supports the SCC and Nevada’s CDs National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) Represents America’s 3000 CDs in DC; training and education Nevada Association of Conservation Districts (NvACD) Statewide network, voice and advocacy for CDs Provides forums to train and educate Supervisors and recognize outstanding District individuals and programs

8 What has NvACD been up to this year?

9 Resource Needs Assessments
Agreements Seven CDs Survey Guide More later this morning

10 Making Our Voice Heard Nevada Collaborative Conservation Network, National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, Sagebrush Ecosystem Council, Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners, Central Nevada Regional Water Authority, Nevada Association of Counties Workshop on Public Lands Plans, Legislature’s Interim Committee on Public Lands, BLM NV S office d State Office, USFS Humboldt-Toiyabe Supervisor’s Office, USFS Intermountain Regional Partner Roundtable, Farm Bureau, N-4 Grazing Board, Nevada Bighorns Unlimited, National Association of Conservation Districts both Natl and Regional, Society for Range Management and Nevada Se Section Society for Range Management, Cty. Commissionsns

11 “Nature abhorred a vacuum.” “Here comes a border collie!”

12 Letter to NCCN

13 POOL / PACT 11 CDs have become members as a sub-group of NvACD in POOL
NvACD is the member of POOL/PACT 11 CDs have become members as a sub-group of NvACD in POOL 9 CDs have signed up for PACT POOL members have liability and property insurance and more PACT members have Worker’s Comp and Employer’s liability Any CD can sign up at any time Contact Cory Wadsworth, the NvACD POOL/PACT POC at or

14 Communication
Working hard to be in regular, but not too much, communication with Supervisors and Staff via the CD Program List Serve Working to stay involved and share information with partners The NvACD website is looking good –

15 Supporting / Sponsoring / Nagging
NvACD sponsored: $2500 to the Producer’s Forum at Society for Range Management $1000 to the Wild Sheep Foundation for their WH&B documentaries Gold level NACD dues Nevada Cattlemen’s Association registration envelope NvACD supported: NCCN – Coordinating Group, Workshop, Public Lands Committee testimony and Legislative Ask Soil Health Forever stamp to Indiana Dept. of Ag Locally led conservation in the Farm Bill NEPA for wild horse gathers in Nevada Gary McCuin’s nomination to the BLM Northeastern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council NvACD nagged: NACD Washington staff to renew the NACD – BLM Memorandum of Understanding I don’t have many photos for CD projects because I didn’t do enough nagging in that department

16 Ruby Valley CD Rabbitbrush treatments

17 Quinn River CD Ag Field Day

18 Scholarships NvACD awarded three scholarships
$1250 to Anna Estill – take her ag background into the teaching realm $1250 to Micah Whitaker – family dairy in Fallon $500 to Reece Canfield – seeks to work in the mining on environmentally sensitive development practices Thank you for your support of the auction/raffle

19 Conducting the Business of NvACD
Hired new Executive Director – Connie Lee Hiring a Treasurer Transition to new bank Able to accept credit cards 2019 – SCC positions and CD Day at the Legislature The business of NvACD is to assist CDs reach their potential by opening doors to opportunity and providing services such as information, training, insurance, and outreach.

20 Two stories… For every achievement there is a price.
For every goal there is an opponent. For every victory there is a problem. For every triumph there is sacrifice. William Henry Ward

21 We are faced with a series of great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as impossible situations Chuck Swindoll

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