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Curriculum Night 2017 Mr. Chesher Third Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night 2017 Mr. Chesher Third Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night 2017 Mr. Chesher Third Grade

2 Curriculum Night Introduction Curriculum Overview Classroom Procedures
Q & A

3 Meet Mr. Chesher Experience –14 years 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th, and 5th
Philosophy – Promote accountability & foster independence Masters in Educational Technology Beginning PhD this year Married for 3 years

4 Daily Schedule Daily Specials Monday – PE (Melnyk) Tuesday – C/M/G
7:15 – 7:45 Morning Work 7:45 – 8:45 Block 1 8:45 – 9:30 Specials 9:30 – 10:30 Block 1 Cont. 10:30 – 11:30 Block 2 11:33 – 12:03 Lunch 12:03 – 12:30 Recess 12:30– 12:40 Restroom & Water Break 12:40 – 1:40 Block 2 Cont. 1:55 – 2:15 Team Time 2:15 – 2:30 Dismissal Daily Specials Monday – PE (Melnyk) Tuesday – C/M/G Wednesday – Art (Reed) Thursday – Music (Crane) Friday – PE (Melnyk)


6 Absences or Tardies -Please be on time (change of transportation needs to be on a handwritten note and given to teacher by 8:00) If no note, please call school office. -School starts promptly at 7:40 (agenda and morning procedures should be completed by the end of the announcements) -Need written note or for excused absence -Tardy students must be checked in at front office -Excessive tardies or absences are calculated by the Counselor or School Social Worker -Make-up work will be determined (not given for vacation/trips)

7 Math Curriculum

8 Essential Questions Give a focus on the concept being taught for the day. Changes throughout the unit Refer to website for updated essential questions. These are updated on a daily basis and coincide with the standards being taught.

9 Math Curriculum, Cont. Place value from ones to hundred thousands
Base ten number system Addition math Word problems Geometry Classify triangles Angles Diameter/center/radius of circles Perimeter and area

10 Math Curriculum, Cont. Measurement
Multiplication (facts through 10 x 10) Division (2 or 3 digit number divided by 1 digit divisor) with and without reminder Patterns Data collection and interpretation Geometry Fractions – partitioning objects

11 Technology Integration
Khan Academy – Math site used to practice math and science skills. Power Point – Students are taught how to create and utilize presentations to display math reasoning and depth of understanding. Red Bird – Used to practice various mathematical concepts at home and at centers. Math Board – Math app for computation

12 Science Curriculum

13 Science Curriculum 2 – 4 week units (Adaptations 14 days)
Rotate between science and social studies Units Magnets Heat Pollution Rocks, Minerals & Soils Fossils Animals Habitats & Adaptations Weather

14 Social Studies Curriculum

15 Social Studies Curriculum
Early American Indian Cultures European Exploration in North America Colonial America Roots of Our Democracy Our Economy Geography & Map Skills

16 Health Safety Family living Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
Growth and development Personal health

17 Think First, Stay Safe TFSS is a research-based program that will help ensure the personal safety of children through increased awareness, education, advocacy and action. Lessons are being taught by Mrs. Emerson during your child’s guidance time beginning in the Fall. All students will participate unless as a parent you choose to opt out of the lesson.

18 Classroom Procedures

19 Discipline Policy - Class Dojo will be used as our discipline policy in all third grade classes this year. - Homework not returned = -5 Dojo points - PAWS - Messaging me on Class Dojo won’t get you a quicker response than . * Be sure to check your child’s agenda each day and review their Class Dojo progress. This helps with promoting positive behavior in the classroom!

20 Agendas AgeAgendas are a critical means of daily communication. Please take the time to check your child’s agenda and sign it on a daily basis. ndas are a critical means of daily communication. Please take the time to check your child’s agenda and sign it on a daily basis.

21 Inside The Agenda Students will record their homework assignments each day in these columns Students are responsible for writing in their agenda every morning.

22 Friday Papers Communication between home and school is vital to your child’s success in the classroom. To keep you informed, we will be sending home classroom work samples in the folders every other Friday. Please take time to review the packet with your child and return it with a signature.

23 Homework Math homework is assigned nightly.
Language arts homework assigned nightly. 30 – 45 minutes nightly Notification of tests/projects are given in adequate time for study and preparation. Math provides review guide for practice. Reading should be nightly and is not included as a homework assignment.

24 Grading Academic Areas A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 F 0 – 69
Non-Academic Areas S Satisfactory N Needs to Improve U Unsatisfactory NG Not Graded

25 HOMEWORK GUIDELINES Homework counts as 5% of the overall grade.
Students are responsible for turning in homework and projects on time. Parents are not allowed to deliver homework, projects, coats, water bottles, etc. to school. Students may not call home for any items. Parents are allowed to drop off glasses, medication and lunch.

26 Grading Policy for 3rd Grade
Report Cards every 9 weeks Progress Skills Checklists twice a year Recovery is given if needed only for an assessment. No recovery is given for quizzes and classwork assignments. If recovery is given, a 70% is the highest grade the student may achieve.

27 Grade Weights 40% Tests, performance assessments, in- school projects, end of unit writing 30% Quizzes, at-home projects, oral presentations 25% Class work 5% Homework

28 Change of Afternoon Transportation
I must have a pink transportation change form for any change in transportation. Please be reminded that you must have approval from the Fulton County Schools Transportation Department to ride a different school bus.

29 Responsibility Please do not bring forgotten lunch money, snack, or homework to school. We are trying to emphasize responsibility. (The only exception should be medication.) Every student will also have a job in our classroom. The jobs are to introduce the students to leadership roles while continuing to emphasize responsibility.

30 Class Website
Calendar, Links, Class Pictures, Information about Mr. Chesher, Parent Information, Homework and much, much more!

31 Snacks We will be having snack time in class every day. Please encourage your child to bring something nutritious. Sometimes students forget their snacks and are very hungry before lunch. One way to solve this problem is to teach your child to pack his/her snack.


33 Needed!

34 SUPPORTING PTA AT CVES Create or update your website profile today!  Don't miss out on important school information!  ( Participate in our only two Fundraisers:  Fall Fundraiser & Spring Basket Raffle Donate – your PTA donation goes directly back to our school.  Over $32,000 is budgeted to support grade level projects and curriculum that benefits all students Volunteer – support CVES activities (Science Lab, Room Parent, Copy Team, Media Center, etc.) Purchase new Spirit Wear shirts, socks and hoodies for Spirit Days and Field Trips Attend Community events: Screen on the Green (Oct. 20th) - Cheetah Challenge (Dec. 2nd) Books and Bingo (Feb.9th) - Basket Raffle (March 23rd) 

35 Classroom Wish list Handheld sharpeners for colored pencils
Math /Science/SS Games Erasers for Dry-Erase Boards Chapter Books Clipboards iTunes Gift Cards for Apps

36 Conferences Conferences will begin on September 25th and Please check your and sign up for a conference using the attached link sent out in our distribution list. The sign-up list will be through Sign-Up Genius.

37 Important Info Parent Visitors are NOT allowed to eat breakfast.
Parent visitors will be allowed to eat lunch on 8/28. Parents are only allowed to drop off lunches, medications, and glasses. (No Homework) If students forget homework, they’re NOT allowed call home. Birthday treats must be store bought. Consider being part of the “birthday club” in the cafeteria. Any parent who works with students must be volunteer trained.

38 Important Info Please report to the front office to obtain your login information for Parent Access. If you need to contact me, please be sure to use my

39 Thank You for Joining Me for Curriculum Night 2016

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