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‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ Analysis.
This was written from Owen’s period at the war hospital in Craiglockhart, Edinburgh. The poem is well known due to it’s angry and bitter violence. Owen was anxious to describe the way in a truthful way, as it really was, as he saw no point in lying to the civilians at home. In a letter to his mother dated 16th January 1917, he stated, ‘I can see no excuse for deceiving you about these last three days. I have suffered seventh hell.’
Stanza One Meaning: Stanza 1 begins with a description of the shocking condition of a group of soldiers retreating from the battle field. Owen is the observer of another incident of misery and the horror of trench warfare. The detail used to describe the men’s wretched state is in marked contrast to the glorified image of war suggested by the title. There is nothing military about the soldiers in this description. The men are so exhausted they fail to notice a gas shell falling close by. Note how the description of the men builds to suggest how they have been totally degraded and demoralised by war. Style: Stanza 1 is heavily punctuated, slowing the pace of the opening of the poem to suggest the slow, staggering movements of the tired soldiers.
Stanza 1 Analysis Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Dramatic opening through use of power visual image. Pain and moving awkwardly. Not fit, healthy and glorious like propaganda posters showed. Stanza 1 Analysis Simile undermines stereotypes image of soldiers as young and fit. Suggests they are filthy and weak. Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs, And towards our distant rest began to trudge. Simile conveys how men have become unrecognisable, their masculinity and youth destroyed. Alliteration for emphasis, a hard, staccato sound to echo the harsh mood of theses lines and soldier’s misery. It stresses echo the brutality of the soldiers’ destruction, their transformation from healthy young men into ‘beggars’ and ‘hags’. . Soldiers have lost weight due to malnutrition – uniform hanging off them. Compares men to sick women showing how they are unrecognisable; they have lost their masculinity, youth, health and are now outcasts to society. Onomatopoeia implies how heavy and difficult the ground is to cross Personification suggests death is haunting the men. They live in peril. It is a constant presence wherever they go; they have no rest. Word choice emphasises how exhausted and depressed the men feel.
Stanza One Analysis Continued:
‘Sacks, Backs, Hags’ - Owen unifies the first three lines of the poem through his use of assonance. The short, staccato ‘a’s suggest the hacking sound of the solder’s coughing. ‘Cursed’ - Look at the use of the word 'cursed.' Owen does not say 'struggled', or 'marched' or any other word suggesting movement: he uses a word that describes a way of speaking, usually violent and unsophisticated, often used in moments of anger, or passion, or grief, or distress. We not only see the movement, but we sense the state of mind behind it, and almost hear the men's march like a soundtrack to the next lines of the poem. Opening lines of the poem describes the wretched physical state of the soldiers-conveys how the have been transformed by war. Opening- immediate impact on reader-subverts stereotype of soldier as romantic hero.
Stanza One Analysis Continued:
Metaphor conveys the men’s exhaustion, they are so tired they are barely aware of what they’re doing or their surroundings. Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots, But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame, all blind; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots Of gas-shells dropping softly behind. The poor physical state of the men is clear, their feet are caked in mud and blood. The phrase has echoes of ‘bloodshed’. Tone is bitter and sarcastic. Repetition of ‘all’ emphasises every man suffered. Metaphor suggests how the men are so weary they are staggering and uncoordinated, possibly stumbling or slurring their words. Connotations of pain and suffering. Onomatopoeia suggests a warning sound but also that the shells are mocking the men. Owen develops his description of the soldiers’ poor physical condition by conveying how they are so exhausted they are unaware they are under attack.
Stanza One Analysis Continued:
“Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots, But limped on, blood shod. All went lame, all blind;” In this, and the next two lines, Owen deploys the caesura to pile detail upon detail, each of the six short phrases a sharper and sharper declination into deprivation. The first three describe the men's physical appearance, the last three a total destruction of physical propulsion and perception: lame, blind, drunk and deaf. It is as if the speaker is deliberately smashing the lyrical music of the full line to catalogue the death of the body, sense by sense. Yet the regularity of the placing of the caesura, in the middle of each line, also drives home the formality of the men's marching, the plodding regularity of left after right, left after right.
Stanza Two Analysis Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! — An ecstasy of fumbling
Series of short exclamations conveys panic - a sudden contrast to verse 1. Words implies madness. This is what is in Owen’s mind at this point. Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! — An ecstasy of fumbling Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, But someone still was yelling out and stumbling And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime. — Dim through the misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. Transferred epithet conveys how the men struggle to put on their gas masks in time. Simile emphasises the pain the man is in- as if he was being burned alive. The image also has connotations of hell. Word choice tells us how the man is thrashing about in agony and distress as it burns his skin and enters his lungs. An extended metaphor describes the man choking to death- unable to breathe, he falls about. Owen describes having flashbacks to the death of his comrade highlighting how the impact of war lasts over many years and across generations. Reader sees event from Owen’s perspective - makes poem more immediate and emotive ‘Green sea’ is green gas swirling about. Gas literally caused them to drown in their own blood so the word is appropriate.
Stanza Two Analysis. “Gas! Gas!”
This line begins with two disruptions; the disruption of the rhythm, with the succession of the four, short, sharp, stressed syllables and the disruption of the telling voice, with the cry of alarm reported in direct speech. So many short, stressed syllables one after the other act like a fast, dramatic cut in a movie: they alert us to a change of pace, a change of situation, a heightening of tension, the imminence of a traumatic event.
Stanza Three Analysis Stanza three is structured as two lines only. This indicates a shift in time as the narrator relates how many years after the war he still recalls this traumatic event. This emphasizes how the impact of war is felt for many years, and many generations. In all my dreams before my helpless sight He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. Conveys a sense of guilt that he can do nothing to help his friend. Death is described in clinical detail. Onomatopoeia imitates the soldier’s attempts to draw breath. These words continue the metaphor introduced in Stanza two and helps us picture the man falling about, desperately trying to draw breathe. ‘Guttering’ refers to a candle spitting before it goes out, suggesting coughing and spluttering and symbolising the young man’s life being extinguished.
Stanza Four. Meaning and tone: In Stanza four the poet changes his narrative perspective as he addresses the reader directly. We are asked to consider our personal response to the atrocities of war and confront the deceit and hypocrisy of pro war propaganda. The tone in the final lines is bitter and angry. Owen uses the patriotic slogan in darkly ironic way to expose the dishonesty of romanticised portrayals of war in light of the horrific account of soldiers experiences he has described.
Stanza Four Analysis Directly addresses reader.‘Pace behind’ suggests funeral procession. Poet feels suffocated and disturbed by memories. Alliteration emphasises the hideous sight of the man suffering. Eyes rolling as he’s in pain. If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin, If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs Bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, — Emotive word choice implies soldiers are treated with no respect as if disposable. Owen directly addresses the reader, forcing them, to imagine the horror of watching the young soldier dying in agony. Simile conveys how even Satan would be disgusted by this sight. Word choice suggests sudden movement- implies pain the man suffers. Cud is brown substance cows regurgitate. The gas tastes bitter and causes the man to bring up a brown substance as he coughs up his own lungs. Contrast in this simile highlights how youth and innocence are destroyed by war.
Stanza 4 Analysis My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
This means great enthusiasm My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori. Owen ends the poem with a direct address to the reader, asking them to reconsider the truth of patriotic tales of war. Owen here directly refers to propaganda that portrays war as a heroic adventure Owen ends the poem with a damning criticism of war and those who support it. He makes it clear that anyone who knew the truth of war could not view it as war as an act of heroic patriotism. He employs an ironic tone here to create an anti-war feeling. Means - Is it right and fitting to die for your country? It is a quote from the Latin poet, Horace.Repetition of title makes us reconsider our attitude to war in light of what the poem has revealed.
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