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Gastrointestinal Tract Digestive/ ____________ Tract

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1 Gastrointestinal Tract Digestive/ ____________ Tract
Chapter 11 Gastrointestinal Tract Digestive/ ____________ Tract

2 ROOT Bucco- cheek (buccal surface)
Labio,_______, Chilo- lips (labioplasty) Denti, Dento, __________- teeth (odontogenesis) Gingivo- gums (gingivalgia) ________, Linguo- tongue (linguitis) Papillo- nipple-shaped projection (gingival papilla) Stom, Stomato- mouth (stomatitis) Duodeno- duodenum (duodenorrhaphy)

3 ROOT Entero- intestines (enterotomy) Gastro- stomach (gastropexy)
Hepato, Hepatico- liver (hepatopathy) Ileo- ileum (ileostomy) Jejuno- jejunum (jejunectomy) Pharyngo- pharynx (pharyngorrhea) Procto,__________ - rectum/anus (proctocele) Ptyalo, ________- saliva (ptyalism) Chole, __________- bile(cholemesis)

4 FUNCTION Prehension Transport, and breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients Carries waste to be eliminated from the body __________> ______________> ___________> __________> intestines > anus

5 Food is chewed in the______, swallowed by way of the _______and_________, passes through the neck and thorax into the stomach. Here the food is partially digested before being passed to the small intestine for further digestion and absorption . Here the remaining ingesta moves to the____________, where it is retained until it is excreted through the____________.

6 NEW WORDS RUMINATION: regurgitation,__________, insalivation, and reswallowing of partially digested food. the altered process allows ________ of the food by bacteria and protozoa. These digest __________ and produce energy for the body Occurs in RUMINANTS (ex: cattle, goats, sheep, llamas, camels, deer).

7 __________________: involuntary, wavelike movement of the intestinal tract propelling contents through the GI tract. Circular and longitudinal muscle fibers

8 DIETS _________________: eat meat and plants (pigs, bears, chickens, humans, cockroaches) ___________________: eat plants (cows, horses, rabbits) ___________________: eat meat (cats, dogs)

9 GI - STRUCTURES Accessory organs: salivary glands, liver, pancreas
Mouth Teeth Tongue Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Intestines. Accessory organs: salivary glands, liver, pancreas

10 MOUTH LABIA/CHILO/CHEILO: lips (entrance to the mouth)
Some animals have specially-adapted lips: rats have lips that meet ______________ the incisors so that they can chew through material without having to ingest it

11 CONICAL PAPILLAE – cone-shaped finger-like projections found on the inside of the lips of ruminants. Prevents food from escaping from the mouth. sheep, goats, horses have ____________________ that help to pick up food

12 Lips of cattle and pigs are ____________ and do little more than close the mouth

13 Members of the camel family have deeply _________________ that allow them to graze close to the ground without disturbing the _________of plants.

14 ORAL CAVITY ORAL CAVITY Food holder Food is broken down Gums Teeth
Tongue Food holder Food is broken down

15 PALATE PALATE forms the __________ of the mouth: HARD PALATE –
rigid ________ structure covered with mucous membranes that contains ______________of thickened membrane

16 PALATE SOFT PALATE partition between ___________ and _____________________ composed of muscle and covered with mucous membranes

17 CHEEKS Formed by _____________ muscles (keep food between the teeth while chewing) and the fatty buccal pad Elastic tissue

18 TONGUE ______________________ muscle Function
keeps food between the teeth during chewin puts pressure on the hard palate to aid in swallowing used for food prehension licking, grooming, lapping up fluids

19 LINGUAL FRENULUM – anchors underside of tongue to floor of the mouth PAPILLAE – elevations on the sides and upper surface of the tongue (filiform)

20 Close-up view of a tongue with visible fungiform papillae (large bumps) scattered among filiform papillae (small bumps). Filiform: threadlike Fungiform: mushroomlike Vallate: rim shaped The fungiform and vallate contain taste buds.

21 GINGIVAE / GUMS Collar around each tooth
Mucous membranes with fibrous tissue that cover the ___________ and ___________________

22 TEETH Number varies between species and diet
Function to cut and grind food and to provide defense DECIDUOUS TEETH – _________________ Rabbits and rodents have only one set of teeth that grow ______________________

23 TEETH CROWN (encased in___________ ): __________: projects above gumline, NECK is located_______________, ROOT (encased in __________: bonelike) fixes the tooth in the socket (BONY ALVEOLUS)

24 TEETH DENTIN lies under the enamel and cementum and makes up the ___________ of the tooth PULP CAVITY is inside the dentin and contains the tooth’s __________________________ PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT (fibrous tissue) – connects _______________to bone of the alveolus PERIODONTIUM – periodontal ligament + the connections in the cementum + surrounding alveolar bone

25 HYPSODONT Herbivores have HYPSODONT teeth (______________ elevated crown) don’t have a well-defined neck enamel extends below the gumline and is mixed in with __________ and cementum grooves on surface help to predict an animal’s_______

26 BRACHYDONT Carnivores have BRACHYDONT teeth (________crown)
Similar to humans

27 TEETH INCISORS (I) – front teeth that are used for ___________ and cutting grass. Can also be used for defense. upper incisors are __________ in ruminants, which only have a_______________ CANINES (C) – “fangs, eyeteeth, tusks”, used to __________ which makes them prominent in carnivores. Used for defense PREMOLARS (P), MOLARS (M) – “cheek teeth”, ________________ to a size that can be swallowed

28 DENTAL FORMULA  DENTAL FORMULAS: Indicate the number of each kind of tooth on one side of the mouth (I,C,P,M) Numerator: teeth in the______________ Denominator: teeth in the ______________ Multiply the formula by 2 to represent the total number of teeth


30 DENTAL FORMULA Species Dental Formula Total # teeth Canine - puppy 313
28 (NO MOLARS) Canine - adult 3142 3143 42 (EXTRA MOLAR ON MANDIBLE) Feline - kitten 312 26 Feline - adult 3131 3121 30 (EXTRA PRE-MOLAR ON MAXILLA) Equine - adult 3133 314/33 40 0r 42 Porcine - adult 44 Bovine adult 0033 32 (NO UPPER INCSORS – DENTAL PAD)

31 TEETH LINGUAL: surface of teeth next to the_______
BUCCAL: surface of teeth next to the_______ LABIAL: surface of teeth next to the_______ OCCLUSAL: surface of teeth for ____________

32 Salivary Glands In animals these are composed of 3 pairs of glands and a variety of saliva secreting glands. The primary salivary glands are the: __________, ____________and ____________. The dog also has a salivary gland by the eye called the zygomatic gland

33 SALIVARY GLANDS SALIVA – ____________ fluid secreted by the salivary glands that functions to dissolve or lubricate food, facilitate swallowing, and initiate digestion


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