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Statistical cooperation tools Mihaela Bogatu Unit A3, ACP-ALA Team

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1 Statistical cooperation tools Mihaela Bogatu Unit A3, ACP-ALA Team
XVI meeting of the Management Group on Statistical Cooperation Luxembourg, March 2014

2 Statistical cooperation tools
Eurostat has developed a number of different tools to improve the process of building statistical capacity in developing countries. There are two main target groups for the tools: · EU staff in Brussels or in an EU delegation (Europeaid, EEAS) · Third countries statistical organisations and regional statistical organisations The tools fall into two categories: 1. IT tools 2. Statistical Capacity Building tools

3 IT Tools TOOL What it is EUROTRACE
IT software which supports countries and regions to manage trade data ERETES IT software used for the compilation of National Accounts data.

4 Statistical Capacity Building tools
What it is ESSENTIAL SNA Handbook on basic elements of the System of National Accounts to support developing countries in the SNA implementation, in full compliance with 2008 SNA GUIDE TO STATISTICS IN EC DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION Publication with guidelines to assist EU Delegations and Commission services in understanding the importance of statistics in the context of cooperation and designing statistical cooperation Programmes SNAPSHOT TOOL Tool to assess strengths and weaknesses of the NSS in developing countries

Eurostat's Unit A3 Carries out seminars and workshops to share European experience and good practice on selected statistical topics; Supports the development and production of statistical publications. Ex: - Statistical portrait of the European Union and African Union (a joint publication with data from African countries and EU member- states); - leaflet style publications

6 EUROTRACE EUROTRACE – supports compilation of external trade data
Developed by Eurostat who maintains the software Users should bear in mind the cost of training Assists with the collection, compilation and dissemination of external trade data 100 users worldwide – an active user group exists

7 ERETES ERETES: compilation of national accounts data
Joint initiative between Eurostat and the French government Stores basic economic data and can be used to calculate GDP Currently used by approx. 30 countries world wide Software free but users should bear in mind the costs of training Recently upgraded to SNA2008 There is an active ERETES user group So far Eurostat/INSEE have supported software

8 Essential SNA The handbook is particularly relevant for countries looking to produce the most essential tables for a "minimal" implementation of SNA The handbook includes best practices for analysis of basic data to ease the start-up phase of NSOs facing the challenge of producing NA data in accordance with a SNA for the first time 2014 edition available on:

9 The Guide to statistics
Developed with EU delegation staff in mind Aim to give an overview of all aspects of statistics use by governments Comprehensive compendium 2013 version available online at

10 PROMOTION AND DISSEMINATION of statistical capacity tools
January 2014 – launching of the project Promotion and dissemination of statistical capacity tools in African, Caribbean and Pacific and Latin American countries (duration: 3 years) Purpose of this project: 1. encourage greater uptake of the tools by increasing their accessibility (including a remodelled web-page); 2. review and improve training packages in relation to some of the tools (based on existing materials) 3. support the use of the tools through the provision of training.

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