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English IV Roots List 4.

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1 English IV Roots List 4

2 Tact: Touch

3 Contact Definition: (noun) physically touching something Example: His hand slipped under hers, his palm making warm contact with hers, and then his fingers found their way to lace with hers.

4 Intact Definition: (adj) not damaged or impaired in any way Example: In this case Helen Keller held almost intact in her mind, unmixed with other ideas, the words of a story which at the time it was read to her she did not fully understand.

5 Tactile Definition: (adj) connected with the sense of touch Example: Small tufts of tactile hairs or papillae are sometimes observed in small number on the head

6 Tactful Definition: (adj) sensitivity in dealing with others Example: He had a quick eye for character, was genuinely amiable, uncontentious, tactful, masterful; and it may be assumed from his success that he was wary or shrewd to a degree.

7 Alter: Other

8 Alternate Definition: (verb) taking the place of Example: In Lingula the shell is composed of alternate layers of chitin and of phosphate of lime.

9 Altercations Definition: (noun) a noisy argument Example: When heated by altercation, he made unsparing use of sarcasm.

10 Falter Definition: (verb) start to lose strength Example: My opinion faltered when I learned he was a liar.

11 Inalterable Definition: (adj) unable to change Example: This finding raised alarms that every genetically modified food product might cause inalterable harm to the natural environment.

12 Cruc: Cross

13 Crucial Definition: (adj) critical Example: Nevertheless the crucial point of the war had passed.

14 Crucifix Definition: (noun) a representation of a cross with Jesus on it Example: His crucifix is treasured among the monastic archives

15 Crucify Definition: (verb) put to death by nailing to a cross Example: They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but another man was made to resemble him for them.

16 Excruciate Definition: (verb) torment mentally or physically Example: The surgery went well, but he will be in excruciating pain.

17 Morph: Form

18 Metamorphosis Definition: (noun) the process of transforming from one figure to another Example: Insect metamorphosis may be briefly described as phenomena of development.

19 Polymorphous Definition: (adj) occurring in various forms Example: The plant has polymorphous growth.

20 Anthropomorphic Definition: (adj) having human characteristics Example: Of anthropomorphic representations of the gods we have no clear evidence

21 Morphology Definition: (noun) the study of the forms of things Example: Details of the morphology of plants will be found in the articles relating to the chief groups of plants

22 Son: Sound

23 Unison Definition: (noun) saying the same thing at the same time as another person Example: Twins think alike so it is not uncommon for them to respond to questions in unison.

24 Sonorous Definition: (adj) deep or ringing sound Example: In person he was tall and had a long beard; his voice was sonorous, and his eyes flashed fire.

25 Resonate Definition: (verb) produce or be filled with a deep ringing sound Example: When the author writes his stories, he tries to include a moral lesson that will resonate with his readers.

26 Sonic Definition: (adj) the nature of sound or sound waves
Example: The sonic boom echoed loudly for miles and miles.

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