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Parent Induction Meeting

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1 Parent Induction Meeting
Welcome to Year One Parent Induction Meeting If you have any questions, please ask at the end. You are more than welcome to look at it the induction in more detail on the website and if we are short on time speak to me another time. (Do not read each slide – highlight key points etc) Handout tick list of CRB, helper etc at this point

2 What is needed everyday?
Communication book A named coat and jumper A named waterproof jacket A named water bottle Named fruit (small pots where possible please!) Named PE kit – indoor and outside Please encourage children to come in independently with their belongings in their bags. Please write messages on our class whiteboard. Please ask your child to hand their communication book to their teacher if there is an urgent message or one that requires a response.

3 A typical day Children are encouraged to enter school independently
They register themselves & change their reading book Do their Ready Steady Go! activity Start their learning Attend reflections Lunchtime Continue with their learning Reading English PE Problem solving Technology Teacher focused/ Child initiated Outside Classroom Enquiry and investigation Creativity Maths Integrated day Highlight – independent e.g. please try and say goodbye at door. Let’s look closer at the meaning of integrated day.

4 Our curriculum In Year 1 our Teaching Assistants are with us for the morning. PE happens on Thursday afternoons and: Badgers- Mondays , Hedgehogs – Wednesday, Squirrels – Friday The children will spend some of their morning using the outside facilities to enhance their learning. During the year we work towards the children achieving end of year expectations and extend their learning by providing opportunities for them to apply key skills e.g. problem solving. Please help us to look after our facilities and encourage children not to play in vulnerable areas such as the Pond Area before or after school.

5 Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher Spell words containing each of the 40+ phonemes already taught. Spell common exception words. Spell days of the week. Name the letters of the alphabet using letter names to distinguish between alternative spellings of the same sound. Add the suffixes –s or –es for plurals Transcription Handwriting Composition Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Form capital letters Form digits 0-9 Write sentences by saying out loud what I am going to write about. Leave spaces between words Join words and clauses using and Understand which letters belong to which handwriting families and practise these. Write sentences by composing a sentence orally before writing it. Write sentences by sequencing them to form short narratives. Read aloud my writing clearly enough to be heard by my peers and teacher. Begin to punctuate using a capital letter, full stop, ? and ! Add the prefix un and suffixes –ing, -ed, -er, -est Discuss what I have written with my teacher or others. Write sentences by rereading what I have written to check it makes sense. Use a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week and I Writing

6 Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division
count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, from any given number. count, read and write numbers to 100. count in multiples of twos, fives and tens. Identify one more and one less of a given number. read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in digits and words. Number Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions Measurement Geometry read, write and interpret statements involving +, – = add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20. represent and use number bonds 20. solve one-step problems that involve addition solve one-step problems that involve subtraction. Solve one – step problem involving multiplication Recognise, find and name ½ of a shape, quantity and object. Recognise, find and name ¼ of a shape, quantity and object. Compare and solve problems involving measures. Measure and begin to record lengths and heights. Measure and begin to record mass/weight. Measure and begin to record time. Tell the time to the hour and half past. Recognise and name common 2D shapes. Recognise and name common 3D shapes. Describe the position, direction and movement of objects. Show and use subtraction facts to 20. Solve one – step problem involving division Show multiplication using arrays Count in twos, fives and tens. Solve simple ½ and ¼ problems. Recognise and know the value of different coins and notes. Recognise and use language relating to dates. Maths

7 Word Reading Comprehension Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by: Comprehension Understand what they read, in books they can read independently, by: Read words with contractions [for example, I’m, I’ll, we’ll], and understand that the apostrophe represents the omitted letter(s). Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode word. Respond speedily with the correct sound to graphemes for all 40+ phonemes, including alternative sounds for graphemes. Read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words . Read common exception words. Read words containing taught GPCs and –s, –es, –ing, –ed, –er and –est endings. Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction. Becoming very familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales, retelling them and considering their particular characteristics. Drawing on what they already know or on background information and vocabulary provided by the teacher. Being encouraged to link what they read or hear read experiences to their own. Predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far. Checking that the text makes sense to them as they read and correcting inaccurate reading. Participate in discussion about what is read to them, listening to what others say. Read words of more than one syllable. Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done. Discussing the significance of the title and events. Read aloud accurately books that are consistent with their developing phonic knowledge. Learning to appreciate rhymes and poems, and to recite some by heart. Recognising and joining in with predictable phrases. Discussing word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known. Explain clearly their understanding of what is read to them . Reading

8 Feedback Symbols Hard work Target Met Improvement Good Presentation
We use a range of symbols when giving feedback. Hard work Target Met We use symbols to help the children understand their feedback. Dialogue - What went well, even better if. Target met, if used top ticks Improvement Good Presentation Next Steps

9 This term’s learning Class Animals and Animals around the world. We will let you know about the next topics nearer the time. We do talk to the children about what they want to learn. Trip to Marwell Zoo – Friday 5th October

10 Reading Reading at school Reading skills are taught daily.
As well as having reading opportunities every day your child will be given time to extend and develop their reading strategies with the teacher who will communicate with you via the communication diary once a week. There will be a Key Stage 1 Reading meeting for parents on Friday 12th October, at 9 am. Reading daily e.g. opportunities such as reading of whiteboard, reading instructions, reading their work etc as well as phonics

11 Reading Reading at home Your child’s homework is to read everyday with you for about 10 to 15 minutes. Please sign their communication book when you have read with your child. They can read the same book more than once. Please support us in encouraging your child to change their books daily. Books from home or the library can be read alongside school books. Please encourage children to treat Library books responsibly and try and keep them separate from other books at home so they can be identified quickly and easily! Children will only be allowed to take a new book once the old one has been returned. If you are short for time, you can just date and sign the communication diary to let us know that you have heard them read. We understand that minutes everyday can be difficult – it is our recommendation

12 Phonics Phonics has started in school already and is practised daily.
There is a key word list on the website of all the key words we will be covering in Year One. These can be used for word finding when reading and for spelling practise at home. Weekly phonics and key words for reading and spelling will be shared via the website. Leading to the Phonic Check with their teacher in June. Phonics and key words are two ways in which we teach spelling (research shows tests have not proven beneficial to aiding acquisition of spelling)

13 How can I help my child? Play lots of sound and listening games with your child. Read as much as possible to and with your child. Encourage and praise – get them to have a ‘good guess’. If your child is struggling to decode a word, help them by encouraging them to say each sound in the word from left to right. Blend the sounds by pointing to each one, e.g. /c/ in cat, /p/ in pat, /ng/ in sing, /ee/ in been. Next move your finger under the whole word as you say it. Discuss the meaning of words if your child does not know what they have read.

14 Open classroom You are welcome to come into the classroom for a short visit to look at what your child has been learning that week after school on a Thursday for up to 20 minutes. Please respect the privacy of others and only look at your child’s work. Younger siblings are more than welcome in the classrooms, but please ensure the children are not touching any of the classroom resources particularly the interactive whiteboards.

15 Parent Helpers We love to have help!
We ask that parents have a DBS check before you help us in school. Forms can be obtained from the office. We particularly need help with school trips and the library on a regular basis – could be a job share!! Help is sometimes shared between other classes. Please could you note on the attendance sheet if you would like to help. Finally, please remember any information we wish to share with you will come via the website and/or an from school, we only use the whiteboards to duplicate some messages. Thank you for coming! Helpers – mounting, maths activities, handwriting, reading, etc whether it’s one day or on a regular basis. If you would like to help us on trips/visits you will need a CRB check. Walks e.g. to theatre/ Welly walk

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