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The New Testament Is “The New Testament”!

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2 The New Testament Is “The New Testament”!
The Bible is divided into “The Old Testament” and “The New Testament.” A “testament” represents a “covenant” made by God with His people. As a covenant, “The New Testament, then, is the record of the character and establishment of a new dealing of God with men through Christ. The New Testament is God’s “new” and “final” covenant with mankind. A “new” covenant demands that there is an “old” (Heb. 8:13). The old covenant was nailed to the cross (Col. 2:14). The blood of Jesus brought forth a new covenant (Matt. 26:28; Heb. 9:15- 17).

3 The New Testament Has Very Specific Purposes.
The New Testament is an inspired document, made up of a collection of inspired writings. The N.T. was written by men under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The N.T. contains the will and commands of God, not man. The N.T. is free from all possible human error and omission. The N.T. retains full divine authority for Christians and the Lord’s church throughout time. The New Testament is a fulfillment. The N.T. is the fulfillment of precise O.T. prophecies of the coming Messiah. The N.T. is the fulfillment of precise O.T. prophecies of the coming kingdom/church. The N.T. is the fulfillment of God’s eternal plan to save mankind

4 The New Testament Has Very Specific Purposes.
The New Testament is a record of: Historical events of the first century A.D. The historical life of Christ. The “good news” of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. The establishment of the New Testament church. The rise and spread of New Testament Christianity. Jesus Christ’s expectations for His followers. The promise and anticipation of Christ’s return, the end of time and the eternal abode.

5 The New Testament Has Very Specific Purposes.
The New Testament has at its center – The Savior of the Saved! The New Testament reveals the Savior (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John). The New Testament reveals the Savior’s plan of salvation (Acts). The New Testament reveals the new relationship of the saved with their Savior (Epistles). The New Testament reveals the Savior’s prepared eternal reward for the saved (Revelation).

6 It Is Beneficial to Understand the Composition and Arrangement of the New Testament.
The New Testament is composed of 27 separate documents combined into one collection. These 27 writings were penned by 8-9 different men: These 27 writings were penned over a period of approximately 50 years. These 27 books are classified variously into 3 or 4 major groupings. The 27 books of the New Testament are not arranged chronologically (according to the year they were each penned), which would be impossible to do. They are arranged categorically.

7 It Is of Utmost Importance to Always Keep Every Bible Passage in Its Context.
When a verse or passage is read or studied, put it in its context: The Literary Context The Immediate Context The Remote Context The Specific-Book Context The Parallel-Passage Context The Biblical Context Putting and keeping a verse in its context will: Enrich the understanding and appreciation of the text. Ensure handling aright the word of truth. Prevent the accidental removal of a text from its proper meaning and teaching. Aid in correcting or reproving others who remove a text from its proper meaning & teaching.

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