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Mhairi Scott- Bennett Rosemary Richards School Careers Adviser

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Presentation on theme: "Mhairi Scott- Bennett Rosemary Richards School Careers Adviser"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mhairi Scott- Bennett Rosemary Richards School Careers Adviser Mackie Academy

2 Who we are What we do How we do it

3 SDS support in school Click on title or link to to view fully interactive table

4 Career Management Skills
*Click on image to play CMS video via YouTube if possible Introduce the themes… SELF is about understanding who I am and what I can do knowing what is right for me reviewing my life, work and learning plan. STRENGTHS is about understanding all about my skills, knowledge and experience knowing more about what I can do reviewing which of my skills are transferrable. HORIZONS is about understanding the world of work understanding what options might be available to me knowing which options I should choose knowing what I need to do to make my choice reviewing my links between life, learning and work reviewing where I fit into the world of work. NETWORKS is about understanding who can help me knowing how to make connections with those who can help me reviewing my networks.

5 Top influencers on learning and career choices
parents and carers teachers friends and extended family SDS Careers Advisers media, including social media. Note: the order of influence changes dependent on the age and stage of the young person. In no particular order

6 Subject Choices – points for your young person to consider
what am I good at? what do I enjoy? what subjects are essential for certain jobs? what if I don't know what I want to be in the future? visit the parent and carer section of My World of Work Emphasise that there are many tools and resources on My World of Work which can help... My Career Options section of the website which hosts the strengths, interests and skills tools as well as the subject choice tool – The subject choice tool direct link –

7 Options after school further education further training
higher education Modern Apprenticeship Graduate Level Apprenticeship employment. There are many and varied routes into work for young people; including Modern Apprenticeships, college, university or further training

8 Scottish Apprenticeships are changing
There are now three kinds of Apprenticeship: Foundation Apprenticeship Modern Apprenticeship Graduate Level Apprenticeship.

9 What’s it worth? SQA/SCQF framework
What’s it worth, based on SCQF Framework to show the value of qualifications. Point out value of current National school subjects vs. college vs. university and how apprenticeships at various levels can equate to Highers and above qualifications….. Dependent on IT access, bring up to look at levels of current roles e.g. SVQ 2/3 Business Admin and map on the framework image for discussion Good Time to mention about the variety of new college, MA and FA routes to work which may be available within their school. Enhance information by use of local data from Regional Skills assessment (RSA) slides. Variety of opportunities include Web Design, Architecture, Lab Technician, Equine and Animal Care and many, many more!

10 Parents’ resources
When it comes to making career decisions, you're one of the first people your child will turn to for help. We'll show you how to use My World of Work with your young person, to spark ideas for their career and explore the routes they could take. So, you'll feel confident in supporting them to make important decisions.

11 Parents’ resources SDS Guide to Careers Services in Schools for Parents – a handy go-to graphic inside outlining the offer to young people our parents’ offer by year.

12 Parents’ resources - continued
Dual produced with National Parent Forum Scotland, SDS has these ‘Nutshell’ Guides. Link to NPFS site with all Nutshells: Currently there is one on Career Education Standard; ‘A World of Possibilities’, and another one, ‘Career Conversations’ – which focuses on how to best help your young person as they consider course and career choices. Includes handy ‘prompts’ diagram – info from young people as how they would like these conversations to go.

13 SDS support continues after school – for you and your young person if you need it
We are here for everyone, our service is completely free and easy to access – we have a network of high street careers centres all over Scotland. find an SDS careers centre online: Also Pam Larson- SDS Work Coach for South Aberdeenshire working with those young people who are ready and supporting them into a positive destination

14 Connect with us on social
Facebook: /myworldofwork Twitter: /mywowscotland YouTube: /myworldofwork AND /skillsdevscotland Add local FB page detail if possible; i.e. Facebook/SDSGlasgow PERSONALISE PREFERRED CONTACT DETAILS Search ‘My World of Work’ Or get in touch at:

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