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Research Bootcamp 09-30-16.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Bootcamp 09-30-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Bootcamp

2 Find your table and subject to focus on with any research time during the Research Bootcamp in the Library

3 Questions you need to answer:
1. The main event (what WAS the environmental disaster?) 2. Where it happened 3. When it happened (year(s)) 4. Who it affected 5. Why did it happen? 6. Three “things” that made it an environmental disaster 7. Has the environment recovered 100% from the disaster 8. What are two sources that were used to find this information 9. What search engine was the most helpful in finding this information 10. What was the most current source used in this research?

4 1st Period 1. DDT and birds (Silent Spring) 2. Love Canal
3. Artic Refuge Drilling Controversy 4. Chernobyl 5. Exxon Valdez 6. Three Mile Island

5 5th Period 1. Rabbits in Australia 2. CFC's and ozone depletion
3. Three Gorges Damn 4. Zebra Mussles in the Great Lakes 5. Hanford Nuclear waste 6. Seveso Disaster 7. DDT and birds (Silent Spring)

6 6th Period 1. Love Canal 2. Chernobyl 3. Exxon Valdez
5. Three Mile Island 6. Three Gorges Dam 7. Zebra Mussels in the Great Lakes

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