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ADVANCE: Oceanography Graduate Education

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Presentation on theme: "ADVANCE: Oceanography Graduate Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 ADVANCE: Oceanography Graduate Education

2 Graduate Education by the Numbers
Total Ocean grad students: 72 (The Largest!?) Number of students supported on RAs: 55.5 Number students supported by TAs: 4.5 Number of Ocean Instructional Faculty: 30

3 Graduate Program Strengthens
Access to the Sea Access to world-class research programs Breadth of faculty interests makes for high quality and diverse courses (within / external to UH curriculum)

4 Graduate Program Opportunities
Recruiting SOEST-wide prospective student visitation week SOEST graduate fellowships Coordinated R/V Kilo Moana student cruise participation by core course faculty across divisional / departmental boundaries Broaden the scope of Ocean Department education products across SOEST and UH ex. marine biology, climate, op. ocean degrees professional practices (proposal writing, etc.) Student Laboratory for teaching purposes multiuse / across departments

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