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Presentation on theme: "Growth LATER REPUBLIC (P )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth LATER REPUBLIC (P. 338-343)
Expanded to most of Italian Peninsula Used legions (groups of 6000 soldiers) Flexible, well-organized

2 Farming & Trade -Most farmers but then many moved to city after farms were destroyed. Rich owned farms and slaves worked -Trade expanded farmers couldn’t make enough food brought metal & slaves coins made of copper, silver, etc.

3 Punic Wars Wars against Carthage (3) For Sicily – 20 years of
fighting, Romans won 2) Hannibal (Carthage general) attach & destroy much land (many farmers lose land). Rome attached Carthage & Hannibal returned to Africa. Romans won 3) Rome burned Carthage & killed or enslaved many citizens. Romans won


5 Further expansion -Control Sicily, Corsica, Spain, N. Africa, Gaul -Adopted many ideas from conquered Greeks

6 Problems in Republic -Senators Tiberius & Gracchus try to help
poor citizens, but they were killed -Generals became more powerful due to troop loyalty -Spartacus led slave rebellion (lost, but inspired many to rebel)

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