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Rail Program Management Services

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Presentation on theme: "Rail Program Management Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rail Program Management Services
Presentation to Rail Committee on City of Palo Alto Rail Program Management Services March 1, 2017

2 Overview Introduction
Scope of Services, Schedule & Summary of Work to Date Rail Corridor Circulation Study Community Engagement Plan Rail Committee Direction

3 1 Introduction

4 Collaboration & Integration
Team Community Organizations CARRD Friends of Caltrain PABAC

5 Project Team Organization
Management of team

6 2 Scope of Services

7 Scope of Services Tasks Status Task 1 Support Council Rail Committee
Underway Task 2 Convene Rail Technical Group Rail Committee Direction Task 3 Support CPA during CHSRA Envt Review Phase Task 4 Conduct Rail Corridor Circulation Study Partially Underway Task 5 Conduct Context Sensitive Alternatives Analysis TBD Task 6 Prepare Draft & Final PSR and 15% Design Plans Task 7 Complete Envt Analysis for Preferred Alternatives Task 8 Financing Plans Task 9 Additional Tasks

8 Schedule Millbrae Station ASP

9 Summary of Work to Date Attended and participated in several stakeholder meetings: City/ County Staff Coordinating Group (CSCG) w Caltrain & HSR HSR Community Working Group (CWG) Caltrain City of Menlo Park CARRD (Nadia Naik) Responded to rail program items: Caltrain-UPRR agreement CBOSS/ PTC HSR Scoping Report Drafted Community Engagement Plan and Proceeding with Rail Corridor Circulation Study (see following slides) Millbrae Station ASP

10 3 Circulation Study

11 Study Area

12 Progress to date Circulation Study Sub-tasks Status Data review
Complete Data gap analysis New traffic counts Existing documentation review Ongoing Collision data review Ped & Bike data compilation

13 Progress to date Travel Demand Models/ Scenarios Status
Mount and operate Complete Base year validation Develop future year models Ongoing

14 City of Palo Alto’s Travel Demand Model Forecast 2030 PM Peak Congestion Mapping

15 City of Palo Alto’s Travel Demand Model Forecast 2030 PM Peak Congestion Mapping
Same map, zoomed in

16 Task 4 Scope/ Deliverables
Date 1 Existing Documentation Report (“Gap Analysis”) Feb 3 2 Existing Conditions Report Mar 3 3 Travel Demand Model Validation Report 4 Future Year, No Build Conditions Report Mar 10 5 Alternative Test Conditions Report TBD 6 Preferred Alternative Report 7 Draft Circulation Study Report 8 Final Circulation Study Report

17 Community Engagement Plan

18 Goals & Objectives Implement context sensitive solutions process using a detailed community engagement plan Provide clear, accurate, and easily accessible information Create platforms to evaluate grade separation alternatives Performance measures to assess and adjust engagement efforts

19 Stakeholders & Concerns
Key Stakeholders Concerns to Be Addressed Palo Alto Residents Lack of safety around grade crossings Regular transit riders Traffic congestion around grade crossings Senior citizens Noise pollution Citizens with special needs Inconvenience of construction activities Disadvantaged residents Inequality of costs & benefits Palo Alto elected officials & staff Local organizations (business, non-profits, community based)

20 Engagement Tools Inquiry database – record of public commentary
Online survey - distributed via , website & social media Collateral – fact sheets, s, website content, text messages Project mailings – flyers, notifications Community meetings – next slide

21 Community Meetings Cooperatively develop project goals and objectives, evaluate define and alternatives, and involve the community and City Council in a clearly define decision-making process Establish CSS process milestones and decision points Propose to hold six (6) community meetings First meeting proposed in April 2017

22 Rail Technical Group Ideas
Californians Advocating for Responsible Rail Design Friends of Caltrain Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee Palo Alto residents, elected officials, and staff Technical experts Local organizations (business, education, environment, community-based, non-profit)

23 Rail Committee Direction
5 Rail Committee Direction

24 Request Direction on: Community Engagement Plan Rail Technical Group
Build on framework included in staff report; staff to return with final draft. How detailed should it be? How do we measure success and adjust? Are we ready to hold first public meeting April 2017? Rail Technical Group What is their function (technical group or CSS stakeholders)? Who should be members and how should they be appointed? Rail Corridor Circulation Study What are the circulation study goals? How far can we advance study before first public meeting? How do we vet alternatives for analysis given existing city policies?

25 Thank You Contact: Richard Davies, Project Manager Mott MacDonald
181 Metro Drive, Suite 510 San Jose, CA 95110 T (925)

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