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Beauty Therapy Level 1 Manicure Game

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1 Beauty Therapy Level 1 Manicure Game
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2 Hello. Are you ready to play?
1 2 3 Hello. Are you ready to play? 4 5 6 7 8 9 Click me

3 1 2 3 Click one person. 4 5 6 7 8 9

4 Why use a cuticle remover?
1 Soften cuticle Soften skin Gets rid of cuticle Why use a cuticle remover? Don’t know Remove dead skin

5 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper.
1 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. Remove dead skin Yes! Well done! Cuticle remover helps to lift the dead skin cells away from the nail plate Home

6 2 Don’t know A cuticle knife… Cuts of skin Pushes back excess cuticle
Lifts the Cuticle from the nail A cuticle knife… Cuts of skin Needs to be kept dry

7 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper.
2 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. Lifts cuticle from the nail Yes! Well done! Work the knife in small circles around the cuticle area to lift of the dead skin. Always use with cuticle remover Home

8 3 Encourage growth Fills in time Makes nails look better Why buff?
So you don’t have to varnish Fills in time Why buff? Part of the manicure Encourage growth

9 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper.
3 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. Encourage growth Yes! Well done! Buffing helps to give the nail shine, stimulate circulation and even out ridges Home

10 4 Any way In 1 direction Up & Down Using dark side of a file
Backward & Forward Any way Up & Down How do you file? In 1 direction Using dark side of a file

11 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper.
4 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. In 1 direction Yes! Well done! Filing is always done with the light side, at a 45 degree angle and in 1 direction to avoid causing the nail to split Home

12 What happens in the matrix ?
5 Nothing Cells die Nail is moisturised What happens in the matrix ? Cells grow Ridges appear

13 The matrix grows and replaces cells that form the nail
5 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. Cells grow Yes! Well done! The matrix grows and replaces cells that form the nail Home

14 Fingernails take how long to grow from root to tip?
6 3-6 weeks 3-6 months 1 month Fingernails take how long to grow from root to tip? 10-12 months 4 weeks

15 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper.
6 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. 3-6 months Yes! Well done! Nails grow 0.3cm per month on average, faster in summer & on the hand they write with. Home

16 7 Cut the nail What’s my function? Next question Cut off the cuticle
Loosen skin cells What’s my function? Cut off excess skin Next question

17 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper.
7 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. Cut off excess skin Yes! Well done! Only take off the extra skin grown down the nail from dry, uncared for cuticles Home

18 Why should you use a base coat?
8 Prevent staining Dries varnish quicker Hardens nails Why should you use a base coat? Give the nail shine Varnish looks better

19 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper.
8 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. Prevent staining Yes! Well done! Using a base coat helps prevent nail staining, gives a smooth base & helps varnish last longer Home

20 How long will a basic manicure take
9 15 min 45 min 1 hour How long will a basic manicure take 1 ½ hours 30 min

21 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper.
9 Write the answer and the meaning on your paper. 30 min Yes! Well done! A level 1 manicure consists of: filing, buffing, cuticle work (no knife or nippers), apply hand cream and varnish Home

22 Home

23 Home

24 1 No! Go back. Home

25 2 No! Go back. Home

26 3 No! Go back. Home

27 4 No! Go back. Home

28 5 No! Go back. Home

29 6 No! Go back. Home

30 7 No! Go back. Home

31 8 No! Go back. Home

32 9 No! Go back. Home

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