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Chapter 21 – Models for Writers Reading: “In Praise of the f word”

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1 Chapter 21 – Models for Writers Reading: “In Praise of the f word”
ARGUMENT Chapter 21 – Models for Writers Reading: “In Praise of the f word”

2 What is argument? Also known as argumentation, written arguments share common goals with spoken ones: they attempt to convince a reader to agree with a particular point of view to make a particular decision or to pursue a particular course of action.

3 Written vs. Verbal Argument
Written arguments, however, involve the presentation of well-chosen evidence and the artful control of language. Writers of arguments must imagine their probable audience and predict the sorts of objections that may be raised. Writers must choose in advance a specific, sufficiently detailed thesis or proposition.

4 In written argument There is a greater need to be: organized
to choose the most effective types of evidence from all that is available to determine the strategies of rhetoric, language, and style that will best suit the argument’s subject, purpose, and thesis and ensure its effect on the intended audience.

5 What you need to write an effective argument essay
1. Determine the Thesis or Proposition 2. Take Account of Your Audience 3. Gather the Necessary Supporting Evidence 4. Settle on an Organizational Pattern 5. Consider Refutations to Your Argument 6. Avoid Faulty Reasoning 7. Conclude Forcefully

6 To write an effective argument - Take a Stand
Your willingness to research, to dig up evidence, to find the most effective organizational pattern for your material, to construct strong paragraphs and sentences, and to find just the right diction to convey your argument is a direct reflection of just how strongly you take a stand and how much you believe in that stand. With a strong stand, you can argue vigorously and convincingly.

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