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Slavery in America A Legal History.

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1 Slavery in America A Legal History

2 1619 Jamestown, approximately 20 captive Africans are sold into slavery Legally like indentured servants

3 1676 In Virginia, black slaves and black and white indentured servants band together to participate in Bacon's Rebellion

4 1787 The Northwest Ordinance forbids slavery in the Northwest Territory. Residents required to return fugitive slaves

5 1788 The U.S. Constitution ratified. It includes a fugitive slave clause and the "three-fifths" clause by which each slave is considered three-fifths of a person for the purposes of congressional representation and tax apportionment

6 1793 The First Fugitive Slave Law is passed, allowing slave owners to cross state lines in the pursuit of fugitives and making it a penal offense to abet runaway slaves.

7 1819 The Tallmadge Amendment proposed to a bill requesting the Territory of Missouri to be admitted to the Union as a free state.

8 1820 The Missouri Compromise forbids slavery in the Louisiana territory north of Missouri's Southern border. Maine is admitted to the Union as a free state and Missouri as a slave state

9 1836 U.S. House of Representatives adopts a "gag rule". Abolitionist materials are automatically tabled.

10 1842 Prigg v. Pennsylvania, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the 1793 Fugitive Slave law is constitutional, while state personal liberty laws are unconstitutional demands on slave owners.

11 1846 The Wilmot Proviso proposed to ban slavery in territory acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War. NOT adopted

12 1850 The Compromise of 1850 admits California to the Union as a free state, allows the slave states of New Mexico and Utah to be decided by popular sovereignty, and bans slave trade in D.C.

13 1854 The Kansas-Nebraska Act creates the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and allows popular sovereignty to decide the slave status of each. It also repeals the anti-slavery clause of the Missouri Compromise

14 1856 The Republican Party is formed out of the Free Soil Party

15 1857 The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sanford denies citizenship to all slaves, ex-slaves, and descendants of slaves and denies Congress the right to prohibit slavery in the territories

16 1863 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all slaves in areas of rebellion

17 1865 The thirteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolishes slavery throughout the country

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