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Advising Sessions Results and Further Observations

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1 Advising Sessions Results and Further Observations

2 Observed by Alex Advisor Tomasek day 4/6/2007 time not observed How many questions does the student ask? less than 10 How many questions does the advisor ask? more than 10 Does the advisor propose a plan? yes Does the student come with a plan? no How many times does the student or advisor refer to the course catalog or other paper documents? less than 5 Does the student ask about classes beyond the current semester? How long does this meeting take? between 10' and half an hour Was the advisor prepared to answer all the student’s questions? If not, what kind of questions was he/she not able to answer? Did the advisor give the student a timeframe for answering their question? Does the advisor have information on classes/programs outside the student’s major? Does the advisor propose new majors/programs/classes? Does the student ask about new majors/programs/classes? Student Asks about Time 2 Student Asks about Content Student Asks about Professor 4 On what content concerning the course (time, professor, course content) does the student ask the most questions? Professor: 4 Time: 2

3 Results

4 Results The majority of advisors and students asked less than 10 questions to each other during the meeting, which means that the conversation can be ported to an electronic system.

5 Observations All the advisors proposed a plan. System should
propose a plan.

6 Observations When the student proposed a plan, the meeting took less time (and vice versa) System may be useful as preparation Tool.

7 Observations Students who came up with a plan asked less questions (and vice versa) Confirms previous observation.

8 Remarks Students can take more charge of what classes they need to take. The on-line system could help come up with a plan.

9 Further Observations Asked 12 students question:
What was the main reason for them to meet with their advisor ? I had to I felt it was useful

10 Further Observations

11 Further Observations How can erroneous information be eliminated in the catalogue? The on-line catalogue can be updated quickly. Students and administration likewise will be able to annotate with modifications (Time changes, Professor changes, Class changes)

12 Conclusion The on-line electronic application will help both:
The Advisor – as students will be better prepared for their meeting with their advisors. The Registrar- as it will reduce the load on the Registrar, so people can register for courses.

13 Pre-registration Results & Further Observations

14 Pre-registration Results
Date April 10th Observed by Fares How many questions does the student ask? 0- 5 How many questions does the registrar ask? How long student usually wait? 5 mns How long appointments last? 10 sec Did the registrar know the answer to all questions? yes Are there any exceptions to policy? no How often are classes full? not often How does the registrar/student react? registrar just piled up the forms, to make it faster students were not immediately registered to their classes What paper documents do students use? course catalog

15 Pre-registration Results
All students asked 0-5 questions (vice versa for registrar) The Registrar always knew the answers to the questions. No exception to policy. Students always use course catalog.

16 Results

17 How often classes are full Vs. How does the Registrar/Student React
Pre-Registration Day 1 2 3 4 How often are classes full? not often upper level classes full How does the registrar/student react? registrar just piled up the forms, to make it faster students already have alternatives defined registrar recommended alternatives and electives

18 Further Observations First two days: As forms were piled up, students were not immediately registered to their classes. The system can directly inform the student if he is registered to class or not.

19 Further Observations Last two days: Most classes were full.
The system gives priority to students, depending on major and class standing.

20 Conclusion The online pre-registration will help
Students: waste less time queuing organize their schedules using the on-line course catalog Registrar: reduce the load of work facilitate the pre-registration process


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