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Writing to be Understood

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1 Writing to be Understood
Cadet Joshua Pravel Officer Training School  Fall 2011

2 Overview Types of written communication The process of writing
The purpose of paper Organization Editing a paper

3 Types of Written Communication
The Resume The Memorandum Informational Talking paper After Action Report The evaluation Form 50 Informal  Facebook message Text Message

4 The Writing Process Preparing your paper Subject
Can be prepared later if preferred Type of paper Audience Amount of information Thesis Statement Organization Writing your paper

5 Preparation Brainstorm Free write Outline Brainstorm Outline
Formal Outline Do not stress over intro

6 A Proper Thesis Not always explicitly stated like in an essay
Should state your argument Must state objective of paper Should be restated throughout paper Does not necessarily need to be stated at end of paragraph

7 What would make this thesis better?
"Writing is a really good skill to have."

8 It's far too vague What does "good" mean BETTER
"Writing is necessary for being understood in today's society."

9 What would make this thesis better?
"Writing is beneficial for one main reason."

10 It's far too broad The specific "reason" is not stated BETTER
"Writing  is beneficial because it can be used as a means of communication without meeting people in person."

11 Organization Introduction, Body, and Conclusion Use an outline
Developing Paper Vocalize what you write Speak with clarity Use prescriptive rather than descriptive writing Always refer back to outline  Outline, rough draft, break, edit

12 Deciphering High English
"The word-smith's craft is the quintessential medium for the spoken word."

13 Deciphered The goal of communication is to be understood BETTER
"Writing is the most precise way of communicating"

14 What is wrong with this sentence?
"Writing an effective means of communication when perfectly mastered."

15 It's redundant BETTER "Writing is an effective means of communication when mastered."

16 Organization Cont: The Paragraph
Have one clear thought Develop argument and reinforce thesis  Include support and evidence Should have a conclusion and a logical point of transition

17 Editing Should be clean in appearance Should accomplish stated purpose
Read it aloud Get others honest opinions Make sure you are still getting your message across

18 Questions?

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