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Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

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1 Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
USGS/EROS Archive Preservation Status Update Stuart Doescher, USGS (Cheryl Greenhagen) WGISS – 24 October 15-19, 2007 Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

2 TM and MSS Archive Conversion System (TMACS)
Operations: to 2002. Number of High Density Tapes (HDT) transcribed: 55,503 Landsat MSS, TM Number of DCRSi Cassette Tapes (DCT)s output: 3,827 Mostly in Telemetry stream format (Frame sync required to read)

3 WBVT summary Operated: April 1999 - May 2002
Number of HDTs converted: 21,300 Number of Digital Linear Tape (DLT 7000) generated: and an additional 143 as backup Format: BSQ ( MSS-X) "orphan" data (no DIAT / SLAT) save on 172 DLTs Bad input tapes: (even with cleaning & baking).

4 SPOT summary Operated: late April 2000 - February 2002
Number of HDTs converted: 6,100 Number of DLT 7000 tapes generated: 901 Format: MDA's FRED

5 Landsat Archive Conversion System (LACS)
Planned Operations: June 2004 – December 2006 Input: About 5600 HDTs, 4000 DCTs, plus current Landsat 5 data Output: ~ 1200 tapes of "formatted" data and ~ 1350 tapes of "raw" data on 9940B. (~180G/tape) Format: BSQ

6 LACS Description Ingest current Landsat 5 data from disk files
Ingest data from DCRSi Cassette Tapes (DCTs) Multispectral Scanner Archive format (MSS-A) data Multispectral Scanner Product format (MSS-P) data Thematic Mapper Archive format (TM-A) data Thematic Mapper raw (TM-R) data Ingest TM-R data from High Density Tapes (HDTs) Archive the data to a high-density computer-compatible digital tape: 9940B Generate and archive browse imagery Generate inventory information for the new archive.

7 Data to be converted by LACS
Data Set Number of Scenes Number of Tapes Data Volume MSS-P 65,000 118 DCTs 3.2 terabytes MSS-A 262,000 277 DCTs 9.5 terabytes TM-A 17,000 108 DCTs 3.6 terabytes TM-R (1982 – 2005) 550,000 3,320 DCTs 140 terabytes TM-R (1995 – 2002) 110,000 5,600 HDTs 28.0 terabytes TM-R (new) 128,000 ~ 32 terabytes  1,132,000  Total ~216 terabytes The number on the slides for "new" L5 TMR data, received at EDC, GLC, or Australia, also includes some of the reprocessing done at EROS. We keep track of EDC, GLC, and Australia separately, but we use the same system for reprocessing data from disk files. The numbers I gave you include some of the reprocessing we have done on that system.

8 LACS Status Started Operations: June 2004
Progress to Date: (August 31, 2007) Routine transcription completed December 2006 Data anomalies and problem tapes still being worked, on a part-time basis MSS-P, MSS-A not started, MSS-A to start in July and then MSS-P. TM-A done and about 70 problem DCT’s (media or meta data) to handle (about ½ need ot go back to HDTs) Original time line was 5 years, but system efficiencies targeted 2 years. Problems left (80-20)

9 LACS Configuration

10 LACS Status LTS (LACS Transcription Subsystem)
LTS work is performed by two strings LTS 1 Transcribes Landsat data from DCT, and Current Landsat 5 data (acquired at EDC or GLC, or received on DLT from Australia) LTS3 Transcribes Landsat data from HDT or DCT LTS2 and LTS4 have been retired

11 LACS Status LIS (LACS Integration Subsystem)
Performs Automated Cloud Cover Assessment, Browse Generation, Quality Assignment Provides Interactive Assessment Capability Gives priority to current Landsat 5 data LIS work is distributed across 2 strings LIS3 has been retired

12 LACS Status Issues / Problems: Plans:
Data anomalies, tape degradation, cross-play issues DCRSi and HDTR tape drives require frequent cleaning and maintenance Plans: Complete work on anomalous data and problem tapes

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