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In this PowerPoint Writing Taba Walk-about

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1 In this PowerPoint Writing Taba Walk-about
Library to find choice novels Review of Personal Identity Matrix Matrix time

2 Advanced English 6 October 23-24
6.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings. a) Listen actively and speak using appropriate discussion rules with awareness of verbal and nonverbal cues. b) Participate as a facilitator and a contributor in a group. c) Participate in collaborative discussions with partners building on others’ ideas. d) Ask questions to clarify the speaker’s purpose and perspective. e) Summarize the main points a speaker makes. f) Summarize and evaluate group activities. g) Analyze the effectiveness of participant interactions. h) Evaluate own contributions to discussions. i) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. j) Work respectfully with others and show value for individual contributions. 6.4 The student will read and determine the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases within authentic texts. a) Identify word origins and derivations. b) Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to expand vocabulary. c) Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meanings of words. d) Identify and analyze the construction and impact of figurative language. e) Use word-reference materials. f) Extend general and cross-curricular vocabulary through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 6.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, literary nonfiction, and poetry. a) Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. b) Describe cause-and-effect relationships and their impact on plot. c) Explain how an author uses character development to drive conflict and resolution. d) Differentiate between first and third person point of view. e) Describe how word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text. f) Draw conclusions and make inferences using the text for support. g) Identify the characteristics of a variety of genres. h) Identify and analyze the author’s use of figurative language. i) Compare/contrast details in literary and informational nonfiction texts. j) Identify transitional words and phrases that signal an author’s organizational pattern. k) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process. October 23-24

3 You need Go to the library to get challenge novels.
To Do Today: Review writing Taba. Go to the library to get challenge novels. Review the new Personal Identity Matrix. Have matrix time. You need a pencil, your planner, your journal, your group’s Taba, your purple portfolio, and your Chromebook.

4 Finish anything that needs to be finished on your Taba.
Writing Taba Finish anything that needs to be finished on your Taba. What have we learned about why we write? What trends and patterns do we see? What generalizations can we make about why we write?

5 Personal Challenge Wild Card
Find a novel that contains a character who faces and overcomes a challenge. Remember, your novel must be: One you have not read before Fiction or nonfiction One that challenges you as a reader

6 Think about the books you might want to check out.
Library Think about the books you might want to check out. When we go to the library, search for a book. You need to have a book picked and brought with you by next class.

7 Personal Identity Matrix
Habits of Mind Vocabulary and Grammar Digital Portfolio Personal Challenge Wild Card Journaling Personal Narrative

8 Habits of Mind – Short Stories
Make one journal entry for your story. Label it “Short Story 1 Habits of Mind”. Write the title and author of the short story. List the main characters and the setting (time and place) of the story. Write a three-sentence summary of the story. List the Habits of Mind used by the main character. Explain how the main character used the Habits of Mind to overcome a challenge or to solve a problem. Choose 1 short story to read. Use: Blue Literature Book Who Am I? Family Matters

9 Vocabulary and Grammar
Get a “Context” Clue Grammar Patterns and Rules – Parts of Speech Chart Paint Chip Activity

10 Digital Portfolio See the blue directions sheet for what you need.
You may not check these off until they are completed IN your digital portfolio. You may add items as they receive feedback from Mrs. Fritzinger.

11 Personal Challenge Wild Card
Find a novel that contains a character who faces and overcomes a challenge. Remember, your novel must be: One you have not read before Fiction or nonfiction One that challenges you as a reader Your novel and all journal entries (on next slide) must be completed by Monday, November 19 (B Day) and Tuesday, November 20 (A Day).

12 Journal Entries Choose one or two every week based on the handout.
Journaling Journal Entries Choose one or two every week based on the handout. Answer the entries about your choice novel. Use Seesaw to complete this assignment. We will explain how to do it next class. All entries must be done by Monday, November 19 (B) and Tuesday, November 20 (A).

13 What is a personal narrative?
What is a narrative? What is a personal narrative? Educating for a more thoughtful world

14 Work on your digital portfolio.
Find and read a novel. Work on your Parts of Speech Chart and/or work in grammar groups with Mrs. Fritzinger. Work on your digital portfolio. Work on You must have your novel read by Monday, November 19 (B) or Tuesday, November 20 (A). Make sure your schedule is set and checked by Mrs. Fritzinger by next class. Due by October 31 (A Day) or November 1 (B Day) Go to

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