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Patient Group meeting agenda 8 November 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Patient Group meeting agenda 8 November 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Patient Group meeting agenda 8 November 2017
Welcome/Ground rules Summary of GP survey results What are we doing to address areas for improvement We need your views

2 The GP patient survey - Practice overview
What this practice does best 95% of respondents say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at giving them enough time Local (CCG) average: 86%National average: 86% 98% of respondents say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at listening to them Local (CCG) average: 89%National average: 89% 91% of respondents say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at involving them in decisions about their care Local (CCG) average: 83% National average: 82% What this practice could improve 31% of respondents find it easy to get through to this surgery by phone Local (CCG) average: 66%National average: 71% 25% of respondents usually get to see or speak to their preferred GP Local (CCG) average: 51%National average: 56% 51% of respondents describe their experience of making an appointment as good Local (CCG) average: 70%National average: 73%

3 Reasons for incoming phone calls

4 Reduce the number of phone calls by:
Encouraging patients to use online access to book appointments, order medication and access medical records Holding drop in sessions to help get patients set up on line and providing ad hoc support Keeping GP paperwork up to date Increase use of repeat dispensing Giving people direct dial number when appropriate to not all calls have to go through reception

5 Improve timeliness answering the phones by:
Looking at additional resources to answer phones in the morning Looking at how we can cover the busy lunchtime better Looking into phone line that works flexibly across both sites

6 Improve experience of booking an appointment by:
Encouraging patients to book online Enabling patients to book appointments on self service screens in surgery Review of appointments system to look at pre booked versus on the day balance of appointments

7 Access to preferred GP Challenging as we have a part time workforce
Trying to recruit another GP Employed a clinical pharmacist to free up GP appointments Training an advanced nurse practitioner Reviewing approach to telephone appointments

8 We need your views Pre booked versus on the day
Telephone consultation versus face to face appointment Length of appointments Who you need to see Active signposting

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